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commonbullet 11-23-2005 20:16

Player Model 2.13c
4 Attachment(s)

This is an extension of scriptyboy's plugin "Model by SteamID".

Sets models to players, humans and bots. You may set custom or default models to a player

- humans - set models by SteamID or by IP
- bots - set models by name


- Default install for the plugin
- Place/create the models.ini inside amxmodx/configs

CS 1.6 Users:
Install custom models into

CZ Users:
Install custom models into

Module Required:


;Models.ini configuration:

; 1) Syntax: "[Steamid|IP|Botname]" "[unique model name]"
; examples:
;"STEAM_0:0:1234567" "chickenmodel"
;"" "chickenmodel"
; chickenmodel.mdl model will be set to a player no matter which team he’s in.
; 2) Syntax: "[Steamid|IP|Botname]" "[T modelname]" "[CT modelname]"
; examples:
;"STEAM_0:0:1234567" "chickenmodel" "t800"
;"" "chickenmodel" "t800"
; if the player is a Terrorist his model will be chickenmodel.mdl; if he’s a CT, he’ll be t800.mdl
; 3) Syntax: "[Steamid|IP|Botname]" "#[model menu option number]"
; examples:
;"STEAM_0:0:1234567" "#2"
;"" "#2"
; - As if a player selected "2" in team menu – particularly useful for setting ;bots models

;  #1 : urban,terror
;  #2 : gsg9,leet
;  #3 : sas,arctic
;  #4 : gign,guerilla
;  #5 : spetsnaz,militia (czero only)
; - Bots don’t have steamid, but you can set their model by using their names ;instead.
;  Names only work for bots.
; examples:
;"Joe" "#3"
;"Vinny" "stalone" "bush"
;"Gabe" "duke"
; 4) You can set a default bot model scheme. An individual bot model setting ;overwrites this one
; Syntax: "*BOTDEFAULT" {"[unique model name]"}|{"[T model]" "[CT model]"}|{"#[menu number]"}
; examples:
;"*BOTDEFAULT" "iglesias" "rickmartin"
;"*BOTDEFAULT "shakira"
; 5) Syntax: "*[force precache model name]"
; You might want to force to precache a model (without a player id linked to it), so
; you can use later in game.
; examples:
; 6) Set a model only if a user is in a specific team
; Syntax: ["[Steamid|IP|Botname]|*BOTDEFAULT|*DEFAULT" "_" "[CT Model]"] |
;        ["[Steamid|IP|Botname]|*BOTDEFAULT|*DEFAULT" "[T Model]" "_"]
; examples:
; "SteamId:whatever" "_" "alien4"
; "SteamId:whatever" "predator" "_"
; 7) Replace a selected model
; Syntax: "*REPLACE" "[model]" "[model to replace]"
; example: 
; "*REPLACE" "gign" "guerilla"
; (replaces gign for guerilla)
; 8) Make a default model for humans
; Syntax: "*DEFAULT" "T Model" "CT Model"
; example:
; "*DEFAULT" "guerilla" "gign"

Console Commands (ADMIN_KICK access):

Display models.ini list

Display default models and all custom models available in models/player folder. Custom models that have been precached in current game session (by playermodel plugin) are marked with a (*).

amx_playermodel_set [steamid|ip|botname] [#modelindex] | [model1] [model2] | [uniquemodel]
1) Set lines the same well as described in model.ini (without quotes)
amx_playermodel_set urban gign
amx_playermodel_set *BOTDEFAULT #2
amx_playetmodel_set STEAM_0:0:1234567 predator2

2) There's another way to use it so you can easily get Steamid or IP from users that are connected to your server. Suppose Chuck is playing in your server and you want him to wear the famous "chicken suit" model because he deserves the best. But you can't figure what is his steamid or ip, or maybe you don't want to type all that stuff. So you just type:

amx_playermodel_set &Chuck chickenmodel

this will fetch Chuck's steamid and place it correctly in models.ini. Alternatively you could set the model by Chuck's IP:

amx_playermodel_set %Chuck chickenmodel

Obviously this can only be made if the player you want to include is connected to the server. Chuck is a nice example, I must recognize that sometimes it's just easier to type the steamid than those odd player names.

amx_playermodel_del [linenumber]
delete a models.ini line. You can retrieve models.ini line numbers by typing amx_playermodel_ini or amx_playermodel_del (no args).


Do not abuse by using too many custom models - it wouldn't be nice for clients to download them, it may slow down your server and even crash it.

This is based on scriptyboy's idea and plugin "Model by SteamID".
Thanks to people who's helped the previous version and consequently this one.
{NM}JRBLOODMIST, Suicid3, v3x, Zenith77.
Thanks to people at Scripting Help session.

Last Version download : 4977

scriptyboy 11-25-2005 01:22

Thanks..I know i really have no good scripting skills and i am glad that there is someone out here who liked my idea/plugin (even though it didnt work)...Thanks for the plugin.

EDIT: just wondering why u name everything MODELL

Kensai 11-25-2005 02:12

So what's the difference between the two?

This one does bots as well?

uTg | bigpapajiggs 11-25-2005 02:33

the other one didn't work

commonbullet 11-25-2005 06:42


Originally Posted by Kensai
So what's the difference between the two?

This one does bots as well?

well, there is a couple of new features.

- you can set different "team models" to a player
- models by IP
- official models with #+number
- set models or default models to bots
- the script is optmized - less processing.

commonbullet 11-25-2005 06:49


Originally Posted by scriptyboy
Thanks..I know i really have no good scripting skills and i am glad that there is someone out here who liked my idea/plugin (even though it didnt work)...Thanks for the plugin.

Thanks. I hope this one is working.


Originally Posted by scriptyboy
EDIT: just wondering why u name everything MODELL


scriptyboy 11-25-2005 11:53

Ok im sorry...i cant tell the difference between a lower case L and a 1


;"STEAM_0:0:1234567" "model1" "model2"
;"" "model1" "model2"

they were Model1...i dont

Kensai 11-25-2005 12:16


Originally Posted by Lord Saddler
the other one didn't work

Lol. Guess that's what counts.


Okay, thanks, just wondering.

scriptyboy 11-25-2005 18:16

well duh mine didnt didnt know very much at all about scripting and this was a fairly advanced plugin for me to take a shot at...i really didnt do any of the code except the complete basics because Suicid3 gave me a lot of it with the ini file and all...I think i will start ot learn again...asap

[ --<-@ ] Black Rose 11-25-2005 22:01

ehm... you didn't even make the basics, you took that from adminmodel.

commonbullet 11-26-2005 08:53

Ok, I'd like to invite you to forget about that one in this thread.

I really wonder if someone has already tested this plugin to suggest, report bugs, just say it's ok, etc.


Mulan 11-26-2005 10:19

hey, 1 question:

I have the models.ini in the amxmodx/configs/-folder
in the models.ini i written


"STEAM_0:0:xxxxxx" "chicken"
then i places the chicken.mdl in the player/custommodel/ - folder

is that right and can i see than this model on our server?

commonbullet 11-26-2005 10:53

it uses the default models directory structure. So it should be placed at


or if you're running czero


if the model couldn't be loaded because the file was not found, you should get this message in console :

[model error] File Not Found: chicken.mdl

Mulan 11-26-2005 11:23

yeah thx :D

SweatyBanana 11-26-2005 13:11

What is the max # of models you would suggest using on a server (forgetting about the d-load time)...

commonbullet 11-26-2005 13:51

Custom models - I'm not sure what's the limit. I know it depends on file size and how many polygons it has got to be rendered and how many stuff you are already precaching (including those maps with too many models, etc)

About the polygons, a custom model should respect the avarage poly count for a player model, so the game won't slow down.
I guess the worst part is precaching. I suppose the engine has a limited size for precaching files, and users has got a limited patient to download them.

I'll try to find more precise numbers. Or maybe someone in here has got more precise information.

commonbullet 11-27-2005 09:59

correcting info...

precache limit is 512.
The avarage poly counts for a player is 1000.

So it's too hard to determine which are the max, because it actually depends on the map, plugins you're running, etc.

So I guess the should test each map with the customs models you want in your server.

Mulan 11-28-2005 09:56

hmmm... its dosnt work on our server :(

here my models.ini

;  Examples:
;"STEAM_0:0:1234567" "model1"
;"" "model1"
;  model1.mdl model will be set to a player no matter which team he’s in.
;"STEAM_0:0:1234567" "model1" "model2"
;"" "model1" "model2"
;  if  the player is a Terrorist his model will be model1.mdl, if he’s a CT he’ll be model2.mdl
;"STEAM_0:0:1234567" "#2"
;"" "#4"
;  As if a player selected "2" in team menu – particularly useful for setting bots models
;  #1 urban,terror
;  #2 gsg9,leet
;  #3 sas,arctic
;  #4 gign,guerilla
;  #5 spetsnaz,militia (czero only)
;"Botname" "#3"
;"Botname" "stalone" "bush"
;"Botname  "duke"
;  Bots don’t have steamid, but you can set their model using the bot name instead.
;  Names only work for bots.
;"*BOTDEFAULT" "iglesias" "rickmartin"
;"*BOTDEFAULT "shakira"
;  You can set a default bot model scheme. A individual bot model setting overwrites this one
"STEAM_0:0:xxxxxx" "aimy"
"STEAM_0:1:xxxxxx" "mulan"
"STEAM_0:0:xxxxxx" "resident"

the models.ini is in the folder

the models in the folder


plugin running

          [ 23] UAIO (Admin Menu)  1.1      xeroblood        uaio_admin.amxx  running 
          [ 24] Player Model      1.0      commonbullet      playermodel.amx  running 
          [ 25] Join_Leave deutsc  1.3      Dynamite          join_leave.amxx  running

i cant see the models ingame. whats wrong?
Im using amxmodx 1.50

commonbullet 11-28-2005 18:01

Everything seems to be correct.
I've never tried that in amxmodx 1.5 but let's just assure:

- you're playing counter-strike 1.6 (and not condition zero)
- "STEAM_0:1:xxxxxx" - this xxxxxx is a valid steam id
- check if you get any [model error] messages in the console

I'll try to test it today in a condition zero server.

Mulan 11-28-2005 18:30

than plugin not works with amxx1.50? :x

* We played cs 1.6 (not cs:cz)
* Steam-Id's are correct
* models are correct
* player downloaded the models from server

In log-files and console comes not the message "[model error] File Not Found: blablabla.mdl"

i compiled the sma with the 1.50-Compiler local.
Not errors

Whats wrong?

commonbullet 11-28-2005 18:38

I didn't tell it won't work in amxmodx 1.5, only meant I tested that in amxmodx 1.6

I'm making more tests, I'll try to compile in 1.55 and see if there's any bug.

Mulan 11-28-2005 18:57

hmmm okay, i written 2 options in the sma

Line 165
format (modelpath,64,"models/player/%s/%s%s",arg3,arg3,".mdl") server_print ("File Found: %s",modelpath)[/

Line 180
format (modelpath,64,"models/player/%s/%s%s",arg2,arg2,".mdl") server_print ("File Found: %s",modelpath)[/

my logfile says:

L 11/29/2005 - 00:51:08: Server cvars end
L 11/29/2005 - 00:51:08: -------- Mapchange --------
File Found: models/player/aimy/aimy.mdl
File Found: models/player/aimy/aimy.mdl
File Found: models/player/mulan/mulan.mdl
File Found: models/player/mulan/mulan.mdl
File Found: models/player/resident/resident.mdl
File Found: models/player/resident/resident.mdl
(plugin "cstrike/addons/amxmodx/plugins/voicetimeleft.amxx")
[AMX] Model ' models/rpgrocket.mdl ' precached
L 11/29/2005 - 00:51:08: Server cvar "amx_nextmap" = "kz_ep_gigablock_b01"

diamond-optic 11-28-2005 18:58

wish i could use this for dod

commonbullet 11-28-2005 19:12

hey Mulan,

You're right, it's not working for amxmodx 1.55.
I guess it's the message type.
Wait a minute I'm trying to fix it now.

commonbullet 11-28-2005 19:12


Originally Posted by diamond-optic
wish i could use this for dod

I'll don't have dod. I'll see what I can do.

Mulan 11-28-2005 19:35

yeah im wait ... :D :D :D

commonbullet 11-28-2005 19:44

Ok I've updated. I guess it's working now (at least it worked locally with 1.55 and 1.6)

Strange I didn't know amxmodx 1.55 couldn't catch "TeamInfo" messages. I changed back to "ResetHUD".

Tell me if you still have problems.


Mulan 11-28-2005 19:55

YEAH works very fine. for this work u become 7 Karmas in 7 Days :D :D :D


commonbullet 11-28-2005 19:59

Yes! 8)

Thank you for reporting the bug.

Lord_Destros 11-28-2005 21:31

ummm, it seems to work. only thing i'd like is the ability for us to state the location of the model.

EDIT: nvm, it don't think it works, it precaches fine but i don't seem to have the model in game.

commonbullet 11-29-2005 05:31


Originally Posted by Lord_Destros
EDIT: nvm, it don't think it works, it precaches fine but i don't seem to have the model in game.

please post your models.ini, model paths, amxmodx version and which cs you're running (cs 1.6 or cz) dedicated server or not.

edit: Did you get the latest version I've uploaded yesterday?

commonbullet 11-29-2005 07:04


Originally Posted by Lord_Destros
only thing i'd like is the ability for us to state the location of the model.

I could create a way if it finds a "/" or a "\" character it would look for a path instead of the default directory. But I guess it would be to complicated - You' d have to help me to write .ini examples :)

I may also create an alternative path (but still fixed) like amxmodx/custommodels. Anyway let's discuss it after we find out why it's not working for you.

Lord_Destros 11-29-2005 19:44


]; Examples:
;"STEAM_0:0:1234567" "model1"
;"" "model1"
; model1.mdl model will be set to a player no matter which team he’s in.
;"STEAM_0:0:1234567" "model1" "model2"
;"" "model1" "model2"
; if the player is a Terrorist his model will be model1.mdl, if he’s a CT he’ll be model2.mdl
;"STEAM_0:0:1234567" "#2"
;"" "#4"
; As if a player selected "2" in team menu – particularly useful for setting bots models
; #1 urban,terror
; #2 gsg9,leet
; #3 sas,arctic
; #4 gign,guerilla
; #5 spetsnaz,militia (czero only)
;"Botname" "#3"
;"Botname" "stalone" "bush"
;"Botname "duke"
; Bots don’t have steamid, but you can set their model using the bot name instead.
; Names only work for bots.
;"*BOTDEFAULT" "iglesias" "rickmartin"
;"*BOTDEFAULT "shakira"
; You can set a default bot model scheme. A individual bot model setting overwrites this one
"STEAM_0:0:1234567" "FBI"
"STEAM_0:1:1499556" "FBI"
location of FBI.mdl


ummm i am testin on a windows hlds server and i believe i updated. Also whats the point of making amxmodx/models? what i wanted was just the /models folder or atleast models/player (no extra folders). lol i wanted to use this for a few reasons
1. HL models
2. reduced dl's cause some clients already have files in one of the folders
3. its on our sv_downloadurl in that folder

commonbullet 11-29-2005 20:28

Strange your settings seems to be right. You didn't tell if you got the most recent plugin update and what's the version of your amxmodx. Do you play with bots?

It's hard for me to test it in hlds stand alone server, I use Steam dedicated server to test it. I'd appreciate if anyone else could also try it in hlds.

(right now I'm under an endless steam update through my dial-up 56k connection. Hope I can make more tests in my dedicated server when it's finished. Tell me where you downloaded that FBI, I'll check it with your model).

commonbullet 11-29-2005 20:52

I’m posting some pics of my recent tests.

Amxmodx 1.6
CS:CZ (steam)

1) An unexpected (and stupid) meeting

the result

2) Mixing models

That yellow thing is chicken model (by scriptyboy). An allien, t800; also “terror” old and new models.

commonbullet 11-29-2005 22:37

I've successfully managed to make some tests with steam Dedicated Server, Counter Strike & Condition Zero with custom models - I found no problems.

Lord Destros, I don't know why it doesn't work for you. If you're playing with bots you may try to set a "*BOTDEFAULT" setting to see if the plugin is at least running (if so the problem should be the steamid)

Take care if you play with custom models and podbots though - podbots identify an enemy by his model, custom models are always enemies.

Lord_Destros 12-01-2005 22:20

i've been trying to use it on myself and then use 3rd person. i'll try it again to see if it works.

Zeras 12-04-2005 08:17

Ahh, why is the modles plugin in not working ???
and where are the folders where the real models are ???
they do not exict and can you post a new update where you also have the .mdls :!:

Thank you

commonbullet 12-04-2005 11:54


Originally Posted by Zeras
Ahh, why is the modles plugin in not working ???
and where are the folders where the real models are ???
they do not exict and can you post a new update where you also have the .mdls :!:

Thank you

It works. You have to place the custom models in the correct folder. I'm not posting models here, you can find dozens in modelling sites.
go to polycount site and download arab.mdl
if you're playing cs 1.6, put the model in this folder:
otherwise if you're playing cz:

then you follow the instructions in models.ini to set the model to players.

Zeras 12-05-2005 15:32

This is what I have in my Models.ini
]; Examples:
;"STEAM_0:0:1234567" "model1"
;"" "model1"
; model1.mdl model will be set to a player no matter which team he’s in.
;"STEAM_0:0:1234567" "model1" "model2"
;"" "model1" "model2"
; if the player is a Terrorist his model will be model1.mdl, if he’s a CT he’ll be model2.mdl
;"STEAM_0:0:1234567" "#2"
;"" "#4"
; As if a player selected "2" in team menu – particularly useful for setting bots models
; #1 urban,terror
; #2 gsg9,leet
; #3 sas,arctic
; #4 gign,guerilla
; #5 spetsnaz,militia (czero only)
;"Botname" "#3"
;"Botname" "stalone" "bush"
;"Botname "duke"
; Bots don’t have steamid, but you can set their model using the bot name instead.
; Names only work for bots.
;"*BOTDEFAULT" "iglesias" "rickmartin"
;"*BOTDEFAULT "shakira"
; You can set a default bot model scheme. A individual bot model setting overwrites this one
"STEAM_0:0:1234567" "arab"
"STEAM_0:1:1499556" "terror"


where do I place my steamid,
so if I'm on Terrorist team I can choice to be
arab or terror.

and my Steamid is

and I have the modles,


PLO terrorist



please can you show edit and show me what be writing on my modles file so I can play as the arab or terror modles.

please!!! :oops: :lol:

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