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TheSpyHunter 10-13-2009 13:48

[TF2] Shop Credit Mod + Tweaks
Ok so this is for all of you that still have or use Gachl's Credit/ Candy plugin.

Basically its a shop/ credit system that intergrates with many other plugins.

1 kill = 1 Point

A user then types shop or buy (this can be configured in config) into chat.

A menu is shown with different stuff example - Weapons, Player Buffs, Evil Effects etc etc

200 Points could buy crits for 10 secs (this in the background my run the sm_crits command from a crits plugin, the config for the shop mod defines how long the player has the effect for).
300 Points couldt buy invisbility for 10 etc etc

the possibilties are endless as it intergrates with pretty much any plugin.

Admins can give/remove credits outs and the credits can be stored on the local sql or a mysql database using the steamid as a pointer.

I've tweaked the candy_funpack so the slay command now works all the time without fail.

All details can be found in post 45 >>CLICK HERE<<


noodleboy347 10-13-2009 19:29

Re: Credit/ Candy Mod: Tweaks
Can we have the buymenu.txt as well? And the new database info?

TheSpyHunter 10-14-2009 17:46

Re: Credit/ Candy Mod: Tweaks
Want to try and keep that private for now.
But I will happily share with a people I know that were involved with that plugin.

PM for details.

noodleboy347 10-14-2009 19:16

Re: Credit/ Candy Mod: Tweaks
I mean like a plain buymenu.txt, with nothing in it.

And the database info.

TheSpyHunter 10-14-2009 19:23

Re: Credit/ Candy Mod: Tweaks
It auto populates the database tables just make sure you set the database.cfg up correctly in the addons/sourcemod/config folder.

It is only used to store steamid, credits amount, credit total amount.

The buymenu.txt is made with groups.
So using the candyscript.sp I gave you, I made 6 Groups

0. Player Buffs
1. Team Buffs
2. Hats
3. Weapons
4. Evil
5. Others

so here is a bit taken from my buymenu.txt

PHP Code:

"group"         "0"
        "title"        "  +25   |  HP BOOST"
        "price"        "15"
        "oncmd"        "sm_boosthealth | 25;sm_candy_msg | =25 HP BOOST!="
        "offcmd"    ""
        "time"        ""
"group"      "(1,2,3,4)"
        "title"        "EXAMPLE"
        "price"       "80"
        "oncmd"     "sm_example;sm_candy_msg | =EXAMPLE!="
        "offcmd"    "sm_example;sm_say effects have worn off"
        "time"        "30"

DeathMaster 10-18-2009 17:37

Re: Credit/ Candy Mod: Tweaks
Does anyone remember the targeting characters like | and ?. I know there was 4 of them but cant remember them all and their uses. If someone could post them here that would be great :mrgreen:

TheSpyHunter 10-18-2009 22:09

Re: Credit/ Candy Mod: Tweaks

Originally Posted by DeathMaster (Post 966390)
Does anyone remember the targeting characters like | and ?. I know there was 4 of them but cant remember them all and their uses. If someone could post them here that would be great :mrgreen:

Sure do....

? UserId
$ Name
# Index
~ SteamId
| QuotedName

DeathMaster 11-03-2009 20:28

Re: Credit/ Candy Mod: Tweaks
How hard would it be to mod this plugin to add a targeting character so that a player menu would pop up to select your victim like slay a player does?

TheSpyHunter 11-03-2009 21:33

Re: Credit/ Candy Mod: Tweaks
Target your player to give them the effect bought from the buymenu?

Not sure if this is what you ment, but I will look into it.

DarthNinja 11-03-2009 23:54

Re: Credit/ Candy Mod: Tweaks
Mind posting the candyscript.sp again, I've lost my copy someplace.

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