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Pexeble 07-01-2018 06:25

Need help. Servercrash from MetaMod.
Need help. My server is crashing within 3 seconds of bootup. Only happens when I have MMod installed on it. Metamod build - 961. Tried reinstalling the whole server from scratch. Doesn't work. I feel like its an outside program interfering. Though, don't know what. Windows 10


// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// Server Info Options
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
hostname "Valor Syndicate" // server name
rcon_password "9962" // rcon password
sv_password "" // Server password for private servers
sv_minrate 30000 // recommended minimum rate
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// Other Commands
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// Server Download Options (Community made maps)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// "sv_downloadurl" "Url here"
// "sv_allowdownload" "1"
// "sv_allowupload" "1"
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// Source Mod Commands
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
//"sm_advertisements_enabled" "1"
//"sm_advertisements_file" "advertisements.txt"
//"sm_advertisements_interval" "600"
//"sm_ammo_status_enabled" "1" (1 to enable, 0 to disable)
//"sm_ammo_status_share" "1" (1 to share the screen with another plugin, 0 to hog the hint text screen position.)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// Server Logging Options
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
//"log on" "1"
//"sv_logbans" "1"
//"sv_logecho" "1"
//"sv_logfile" "1"
//"sv_log_onefile" "0"
// "mapcycle.txt" - by default this contains the most popular options
// "mapcycle_all.txt" - all possible map/mode combinations for PvP
// "mapcycle_ambush.txt" - all ambush (VIP) maps
// "mapcycle_attackdefend.txt" - push & strike maps
// "mapcycle_checkpoint.txt" - all checkpoint maps
// "mapcycle_comp.txt" - firefight & elimination maps
// "mapcycle_conquer.txt" - conquer gamemode
// "mapcycle_cooperative.txt" - survival, coop, hunt maps
// "mapcycle_firefight.txt" - all firefight maps
// "mapcycle_flashpoint.txt" - all flashpoint maps
// "mapcycle_hunt.txt" - all hunt maps
// "mapcycle_infiltrate.txt" - all infiltrate (CTF) maps
// "mapcycle_objrespawn.txt" - all firefight & flashpoint featuring respawning for completing objectives
// "mapcycle_occupy.txt" - all occupy maps
// "mapcycle_practice.txt"
// "mapcycle_push.txt" - all push maps
// "mapcycle_singlelife.txt" - strike & ambush single life modes
// "mapcycle_skirmish.txt" - all skirmish maps
// "mapcycle_strike.txt" - all strike maps
// "mapcycle_survival.txt" - all survival maps
// "mapcycle_sustained_combat.txt"
// "mapcycle_tactical_operations.txt"
// "mapcycle_workshop.txt" - used by Workshop system
//mapcyclefile "mapcycle_checkpoint.txt"
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// Enabling Matchmaking (Change text with in the quotes)
// More info:
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// "pvp" (Player vs Player)
// "custom" (Custom rules and modded servers)
// "coop" (Cooperative)
sv_playlist "coop"
"spec_allow_bots" "1" // enables/disables spectating of bots
"sv_vote_failure_timer" "0" // how many seconds before you can vote again after failed vote
"sv_vote_issue_changegamemode_allowed" "1" // enables/disables vote option for changing gamemode
"sv_vote_issue_changelevel_allowed" "1" // enables/disables vote option for “changelevel”
"sv_vote_issue_nextlevel_allowextend" "1"
"sv_vote_issue_nextlevel_round_count_dela y" "1"
"sv_vote_issue_kick_allowed" "1"
"sv_vote_issue_botdifficulty_allowed" "1"
"sv_vote_issue_botcount_allowed" "1"
"sv_map_voting" "1" // enables/disables map voting
"sv_vote_issue_nextlevel_choicesmode" "1" // enables/disables eng game map choice screen
"sv_deadvoice" "1" // enabling this will allow the dead and living to VOIP each other
"sv_deadtalk" "1" // enabling this will allow the dead and living to chat text each other
"sv_deadtalk_team" "1" // is deadchat limited to just your team?
"sv_alltalk" "1" // enables/disables voice chat between team sides (Insurgents/Security)
"sv_hud_deathmessages" "1" // death messages (kill feed)
"sv_hud_targetindicator" "1" // show friendly player names/diamonds when looking at them
"sv_weapon_manager_cleanup" "1" // enables/disables weapon manager (WM is responsible for cleaning dropped weapons and bodies)
"sv_weapon_manager_drop_timer" "100" // how many seconds will dropped weapons remain till they vanish
"sv_weapon_manager_max_count" "18" // how many dropped weapons can be on map at a time
"mp_coop_lobbysize" "8" // how many players are allowed in coop modes, maximum 8
"mp_spectator_allow_chase" "1" // enables/disables chase cam for spectator
"mp_allowspectators" "1"
"mp_friendlyfire" "1" // enables/disables friendly fire
"mp_tkpunish" "1" // How to punish team killing ( 0 = none, 1 = warning, 2 = kill )
"mp_voice_use_3d_voip" "1" // enables/disables 3D voice chat
"mp_maxrounds" "4" // maximum number of rounds played before map changes without reaching winlimit
"mp_winlimit_coop" "1" // maximum number of WINS before next map can be loaded
"mp_roundtime" "900" // round time in seconds, ATTENTION! for COOP modes, this is time till next objective is captured, not for whole round !
"mp_cp_capture_time" "30" // number of seconds needed to capture an objective
"mp_cp_deteriorate_time" "0"
"mp_supply_rate_losing_team_high" "1" // how many supply points will player earn on losing team as MVP
"mp_supply_rate_losing_team_low" "1" // non-MVP losing team
"mp_supply_rate_winning_team_high" "1" // how many supply points will player earn on winning team as MVP
"mp_supply_rate_winning_team_low" "1" // non-MVP winning team

What the server srcds.exe says.

#Loaded 2754 VPK file hashes from C:\Users\Noah_2\Desktop\Gaming Folders\Insurgency Server UP3\steamapps\common\Insurgency Dedicated Server\insurgency\insurgency_materials.vpk for pure server operation.
#Loaded 20 VPK file hashes from C:\Users\Noah_2\Desktop\Gaming Folders\Insurgency Server UP3\steamapps\common\Insurgency Dedicated Server\insurgency\insurgency_misc.vpk for pure server operation.
#Loaded 20 VPK file hashes from C:\Users\Noah_2\Desktop\Gaming Folders\Insurgency Server UP3\steamapps\common\Insurgency Dedicated Server\insurgency\insurgency_misc.vpk for pure server operation.
#Loaded 294 VPK file hashes from C:\Users\Noah_2\Desktop\Gaming Folders\Insurgency Server UP3\steamapps\common\Insurgency Dedicated Server\insurgency\insurgency_models.vpk for pure server operation.
#Loaded 294 VPK file hashes from C:\Users\Noah_2\Desktop\Gaming Folders\Insurgency Server UP3\steamapps\common\Insurgency Dedicated Server\insurgency\insurgency_models.vpk for pure server operation.
#Loaded 2 VPK file hashes from C:\Users\Noah_2\Desktop\Gaming Folders\Insurgency Server UP3\steamapps\common\Insurgency Dedicated Server\insurgency\insurgency_particles.vpk for pure server operation.
#Loaded 2 VPK file hashes from C:\Users\Noah_2\Desktop\Gaming Folders\Insurgency Server UP3\steamapps\common\Insurgency Dedicated Server\insurgency\insurgency_particles.vpk for pure server operation.
#Loaded 1520 VPK file hashes from C:\Users\Noah_2\Desktop\Gaming Folders\Insurgency Server UP3\steamapps\common\Insurgency Dedicated Server\insurgency\insurgency_sound.vpk for pure server operation.
#Loaded 1520 VPK file hashes from C:\Users\Noah_2\Desktop\Gaming Folders\Insurgency Server UP3\steamapps\common\Insurgency Dedicated Server\insurgency\insurgency_sound.vpk for pure server operation.
#ConVarRef durationcache_debug doesn't point to an existing ConVar
#Game.dll loaded for "Insurgency"
#CGameEventManager::AddListener: event 'server_pre_shutdown' unknown.
#CGameEventManager::AddListener: event 'game_newmap' unknown.
#CGameEventManager::AddListener: event 'round_start' unknown.
#CGameEventManager::AddListener: event 'round_end' unknown.
NET_GetBindAddresses found 'Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller'
Network: IP mode MP, dedicated Yes, ports 27015 SV / 27005 CL
Server is hibernating
For FCVAR_REPLICATED, ConVar must be defined in client and game .dlls (sv_radial_spam_delay_leaderfrac)
Parent cvar in server.dll not allowed (ins_bot_arousal_suppression_falloff)

Fyren 07-01-2018 08:02

Re: Need help. Servercrash from MetaMod.
You posted here like a month ago:

I tried with the dev branch of MM:S and it worked. Have you tried it?

Pexeble 07-01-2018 08:40

Re: Need help. Servercrash from MetaMod.
I did message there, though I started to feel that the problem there is differing from mine based on the construct of their words. They said, "nothing loads". Mine loads something but doesn't last long. I'll try using the dev branch. Thanks. What dev. build do you recommend?

Fyren 07-01-2018 12:29

Re: Need help. Servercrash from MetaMod.
Whichever the latest one on the snapshot page lists. I also only tested on Linux, so there could be some difference there.

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