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devicenull 04-03-2004 21:50

2 Attachment(s)
This plugin has been taken over with devicenull's permission. New versions available here:

Need help? Join #hldsIRC on :)
  • v0.35 - Fixed something I broke
  • v0.34 - Fixed mapchange issue, added some basic commands from irc..
  • v0.33 - Fixed a reconnect problem
  • v0.32 - Added ability to identify/send message on connected
  • v0.31 - Fixed mapchange bug, fixed auto-connect
  • v0.30 - Rewrote entire thing, added some cool stuff :)

irc_server - The irc server to connect to
irc_port - The irc server's port
irc_nick - The nick to use while connecting
irc_channel - The channel to join
irc_identify - If you want to identify set this to 1
irc_ident - See info below
Major CVARS:
The next 5 are NOT On/Off - They are the messages that are sent to and from irc when someone says something.. so setting them to "1" will mean every message sent will appear as a 1
irc_msg_srvjoin - Message when user joins
irc_msg_srvpart - Message when user leaves
irc_msg_srvsay - Message when user says something
irc_msg_srvteamsay - Message when user team_say's something
irc_msg_ircsay - Message when IRC user says something
Available vars for srv*
* $name - Person's name
* $steamid - Person's steamid
* $team - Person's team
* $teamn - Person's team number
* $message - What they said
* $connected - How long they have been connected
* $access - Persons access
Available vars for irc*
* $name - Persons name
* $message - Message
irc connect - Connect to irc
irc disconnect - Disc from irc
irc say - Send message to irc
irc help - Tells you where to go :)
Known Problems

Ok, about irc_ident.. you have to use the raw IRC syntax for sending messages, it really isn't too complex.
To do what /nickserv or /ns does in mirc
To send a message to someone:
"PRIVMSG someone :I'm Online"
Get the picture?
If you need help, either post or grab me on the channel mentioned above

Commands from irc
<botname>, lusers - Lists users, steamids, and IP's of people connected
<botname>, help - Pretty much nothing :)

You need the sockets module to use this, and the web compiler probably won't handle it (I don't know if it has the file)

Menu stuff:
Use the commands amx_ircmenu or say /irc. Default access level is admin_level_a which can be changed in the plugin. Access to this gives you control of main bot functions, like disc/connect

QwertyAccess 04-03-2004 22:05

wow u finished this today? :O
well maybe you could have an administrating system
like if the person is opped in the channel the bot is in he can do rcon? (ok maybe not. and include an option to say who joined the server?

devicenull 04-03-2004 22:15

Include who joined would be pretty easy..
I'm planning on adding admin-over-irc, once I can figure out how to get like the 2nd argument by itself

I'll go add join/part stuff now

QuakerOates 04-05-2004 04:58

Got an error when compiling this one


/home/users/amxmodx/tmp/php49dYC0.sma(2) : fatal error 100: cannot read from file: "sockets"

Compilation aborted.
1 Error.

Bry 04-05-2004 06:10

wow this looks very good.

Any chance of it broadcasting actual ingame stuff, like kill/deaths and other gametype specific info like in ns cc/hive/structures destroyed?

As soon as ns is fulyl supported by amxx (think it was 0.2 wuld support it) this plugin will be the main reason i convert thx u )

_KaszpiR_ 04-05-2004 07:27

can we see it live? on quakenet for example?

DopeFish 04-05-2004 08:43

you should include the (and module since I can't remember seeing any tcp socket functions in engine) if you want anyone to be able to use this plugin.

DoubleTap 04-05-2004 09:10

As soon as sockets has Linux support I will check it out...


ArtAttack 04-05-2004 11:32

Does it work with a listenserver ?

devicenull 04-05-2004 14:59


Originally Posted by DopeFish
you should include the (and module since I can't remember seeing any tcp socket functions in engine) if you want anyone to be able to use this plugin.

They need to install the modules DLL file too, so simply including that file would cause more problems


Originally Posted by ArtAttack
Does it work with a listenserver ?

I'm assuming it would work under a listen server, as long as the sockets module is set up correctly.


Originally Posted by Bry
wow this looks very good.

Any chance of it broadcasting actual ingame stuff, like kill/deaths and other gametype specific info like in ns cc/hive/structures destroyed?

As soon as ns is fulyl supported by amxx (think it was 0.2 wuld support it) this plugin will be the main reason i convert thx u )

I will soon be adding sending messages to the HLDS from IRC, then I should be able to add things like kills.
NS is fully supported by AmxX, I tested this on NS, and there's another plugin that adds some NS commands.


Originally Posted by QuakerOates
Got an error when compiling this one

/home/users/amxmodx/tmp/php49dYC0.sma(2) : fatal error 100: cannot read from file: "sockets"

Compilation aborted.
1 Error.

You need to get the sockets module from the Modules forum, install the DLL as a AmxX module and put the include file in Scripting\Include, then it will compile fine.


Originally Posted by _KaszpiR_
can we see it live? on quakenet for example?

Not at the moment, if someone is running this on a server that has players, and wants to give us the Channel/Network, or post some logs of this in action that would be nice. If not, once I get it to the point where all the basic events are there, I will post some logs.
I don't run a server that has players on it, my server is for testing stuff only

I just finished adding support for customizing the messages that it sends. I will wait and release this once I set up sending messages to the game from IRC. The messages are pretty easy to customize now, you have some basic variables ($name, $steamid, $team, $message) that you can put in the message however you want

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