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devicenull 04-30-2006 21:40

Global banlist

Get it here (Source)
*Note that timed bans do not expire with that version, for a fix, see the end of this thread.

Amxbans integration (for front end)
Threaded updates (no hurting game server performance)

Installation instructions:
  • Install and configure amxbans.. it's available from Follow the default install instructions.
  • Open up checkid.php, edit the variables to the same ones you installed amxbans with
  • Upload checkid.php, remember where you put it

Server plugin:
  • Extract/upload it to \addons\
  • Install it like a normal plugin.
  • Add the following variables to your server.cfg

    //This should be the correct URL to checkid.php
    banlist_check_url ""
    //The amount of time to ban banned people for (in minutes) (-1 will just kick them)
    banlist_bantime -1
    //The message to kick banned players with
    banlist_kickmsg "Banned"

germannavy 05-14-2006 16:32

i think that will be a great plugin.

we have five 20slot css server and wemust update the banlist manuely.
can i only use localhost as database or works it also with another database not on the same machine.

see our server here:

devicenull 05-14-2006 19:26

The way it's currently set up to update is by downloading updates from a web server.. I've got a php script that ties in with amxbans.

It's currently running on a few sourceforts server's, and updating fine over the internet..

Can you get on irc? channel #sourcemod .. It will probably be easier to discuss that way.

germannavy 05-15-2006 04:26

irc will be a problem, because the time differenz

can you give me the plugin and a little instruction ?

i think it will the best when i test the functions of the plugin

devicenull 05-15-2006 18:04

Okay, to use this with amxbans, you have to do a few things:
Make sure you have MySQL and PHP5.
Along with PHP5, you need two extensions enabled: php_pdo and php_pdo_sqlite.
Install amxbans.. it's on in the plugins forum.

You can add any bans or admins that you want at this point. One note: Rather then deleting bans from the amxbans database, you must unban them. Failure to do this will result in the person not being unbanned from all servers. I recommend that you do not give anyone access to delete bans.

Next, you need to create a directory for the web portion of the plugin.. it can be anywhere you like. Under that, you need a temp directory.. I named mine "temp" :)

Tree view of my amxbans folder:

│  └───temp

(I removed amxban's subdirectories from the list)

Next, extract both the files from the file to the directory you just created. Open config.php and fill in the correct details. The path to temp variable must have any single slashes "\" replaced with double slashes "\\", like it is.

That's it for right now, there's a few things I need to modify in the serverside plugin, so you can actually change them. Any questions about the web stuff?

(See first post for download)

devicenull 05-15-2006 22:31

Onto the server plugin:
Extract it to \addons\
Install it like a normal plugin.
You need to set two cvars:
banlist_update .. The number of hours between updates.
banlist_url .. The url to the update script. This is the path to getupdates.php in the plugin script.

And thats it.. everything should work from there. The plugin keeps track of it's bans internally.. anyone who joins and is on it's list will be banned for an hour. This prevents it from spamming the server's banlist.

Rebell 05-16-2006 00:50

This is a good idea , but whats with sharedbans ?

It looks the same...


tcviper 05-16-2006 04:37

Sharedbans is a global banning list in general which can work in a combination with this plugin. This plugin is more meant for your own servers.

germannavy 05-16-2006 05:25

i thought that amxbans is only a cs1.6 plugin and not for source servers

devicenull 05-16-2006 15:23

AmxBans is a HL1 plugin yes. I make use of the web frontend, which is independent of the HL1 stuff. It works out rather nice, because then I don't have to write my own front end.

This plugin works pretty much the same as sharedbans, but you can decide who is banned.. This plugin would be overkill for one server, but there's no easy way to managed multiple server's banlists in HL2

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