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Mini_Midget 06-23-2007 04:19

Zombie Swarm
Please help my mod by translating the language.


WELCOME_MSG = ---------- Zombie Swarm %s ----------
ZOMBIE_MSG = [Zombie Swarm] Zombies have %d health, %d armour and %d speed

LEAP_WAIT = %d before you have leap
LEAP_READY = You now have leap

BUY_ALIVE = You need to be alive
BUY_HUMAN = You are not a human
BUY_BUYZONE = You need to be in the buy zone
BUY_TIME = %d seconds have passed. You can't buy anything now
BUY_MONEY = Insufficient funds. You need $%i

HELP_MSG = [Zombie Swarm] Type /help for more info or type /bm to buy more weapons as humans

HELP_HEADER = Zombie Swarm
HELP_TITLE = Zombie Swarm Help Page
HELP_OBJECTIVE = The objective of the game is to kill the zombies or the humans.
HELP_ZOMBIE_STAT = They have %d health, %d armour and %s speed.
HELP_ZOMBIE_KNIFE = Can only use melee. (Knife/claws)
HELP_ZOMBIE_NVG = Can use night vision.
HELP_ZOMBIE_LEAP = Zombies have the ability to leap. ^"Move^" + ^"Duck^" + ^"Jump^"
HELP_ZOMBIE_HIT = If a zombie does %d or more to a human. The human's screen acts weird.
HELP_HUMAN_GUNS = Can use and buy guns
HELP_HUMAN_NVG = Can't buy night vision goggles.
HELP_HUMAN_HIT = If a human does %d or more damage to a zombie in the head. The zombie's screen acts weird.
HELP_TIPS_ONE = Type ^"/bm^" to buy more weapons.
HELP_TIPS_TWO = Work as a team to win rounds.
HELP_ENJOY = Enjoy the Mod!

Thanks all

trawiator 06-23-2007 09:54

Re: Zombie Swarm (2 Lines)

WELCOME_MSG = ---------- Zombie Swarm %s ---------- Stworzony przez Mini_Midget
ZOMBIE_MSG = [Zombie Swarm] Zombie maja %d HP, %d AP oraz %d punktow szybkosci.

Arkshine 06-23-2007 10:28

Re: Zombie Swarm (2 Lines)

WELCOME_MSG = ---------- Zombie Swarm %s ---------- Cree Par Mini_Midget
ZOMBIE_MSG = [Zombie Swarm] Les Zombies ont %d en Vie, %d en Armure and %d en Vitesse.

P34nut 06-23-2007 10:31

Re: Zombie Swarm (2 Lines)

WELCOME_MSG = ---------- Zombie Swarm %s ---------- Gemaakt door Mini_Midget
ZOMBIE_MSG = [Zombie Swarm] Zombies hebben %d HP, %d AP en %d  loop snelheid

Deviance 06-23-2007 22:09

Re: Zombie Swarm (2 Lines)

WELCOME_MSG = ---------- Zombie Sv'a'rm %s ---------- Skapad Av Mini_Midget
ZOMBIE_MSG = [Zombie Sv'a'rm] Zombies har %d H'a'lsa, %d AP och %d fart.

Alka 06-24-2007 07:07

Re: Zombie Swarm (2 Lines)

WELCOME_MSG = ---------- Zombie Swarm %s ---------- Creat de Mini_Midget
ZOMBIE_MSG = [Zombie Swarm] Zombiile au %d HP, %d AP si %d viteza.

commonbullet 06-24-2007 15:12

Re: Zombie Swarm (2 Lines)

WELCOME_MSG = ---------- Zombie Swarm %s ---------- Criado por Mini_Midget
ZOMBIE_MSG = [Zombie Swarm] Os Zombies tem %d HP, %d AP e %d de velocidade.

P34nut 06-24-2007 15:32

Re: Zombie Swarm (2 Lines)
I updated my translation.. I forgot the first line

Grottenolm 06-24-2007 19:14

Re: Zombie Swarm (2 Lines)
WELCOME_MSG = ---------- Zombieschwarm %s ---------- Von Mini_Midget
ZOMBIE_MSG = [Zombieschwarm] Zombies haben %d HP, %d AP und %d Geschwindigkeit.

Note: I don't know what a "Zombie Swarm" is, anyway, my translation sounds quite strange. Maybe someone who know what this is about has an idea for a better translation?

Pro Patria Finland 06-25-2007 16:59

Re: Zombie Swarm (2 Lines)
In Finnish:

WELCOME_MSG = ---------- Zombiparvi %s ---------- Tehnyt Mini_Midget
ZOMBIE_MSG = [Zombiparvi] Zombeilla on %d HP, %d AP ja heidän nopeutensa on %d.

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