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tuty 03-13-2009 10:10

Deathrun Shop [4.0 Final]
3 Attachment(s)
banner by superang ^^


- plugin requested here :arrow:
- With this plugin if you have a dr server, you can buy items
- Kill a enemy to get points! You need points to buy items!
- Points are saved automatically when player has disconnected, and loaded when player is connecting.
- W00t.


In console( admin access ):

- deathrun_set_points - <name/@all> <points> - set points to a player
- deathrun_reset_points
- <name/@all> - reset player points

Say or Say_Team:

- /drshop - open shop menu
- /mypoints - show your points


- nvault
- fun
- fakemeta
- hamsandwich



// Plugin enabled?
deathrun_shop "1"

// He item cost
deathrun_he_cost "10"

// Both grenades cost
deathrun_bothgrenades_cost "20"

// Silent cost
deathrun_silent_cost "24"

// Health cost
deathrun_health_cost "30"

// Armor cost
deathrun_armor_cost "15"

// Speed cost
deathrun_speed_cost "39"

// Gravity cost
deathrun_gravity_cost "41"

// Invisibility cost
deathrun_invisibility_cost "69"

// Speed power cvar
deathrun_speed_power "800.0"

// Gravity power cvar
deathrun_gravity_power "0.3"

// Enable advertise message?
deathrun_advertise_message "1"

// Health item cvar
deathrun_health_points "255"

// Armor item cvar
deathrun_armor_points "400"

// Advertise time, in case if is enabled
deathrun_advertise_time "7.0"

// Percent to invisibility.. -> 0 to 255 (100 default)
deathrun_invisibility_percentage "111"

// Bonus points when you kill an enemy
deathrun_killer_bonuspoints "5"

// Lost points for suicider
deathrun_suicider_loose_points "3"

// Save player points on disconnect?
deathrun_save_points "1"

// Noclip item cost
deathrun_noclip_cost "50"

// Noclip duration
deathrun_noclip_duration "2"

// Jetpack item cost
deathrun_jetpack_cost "60"

// Jetpack duration
deathrun_jetpack_duration "10"

// Deagle item cost
deathrun_deagle_cost "31"

// Longjump item duration
deathrun_longjump_duration "6"

// Longjump item cost
deathrun_longjump_cost "46"

// Cost for glow
deathrun_glow_cost "8"

// Cost for nvg
deathrun_nvg_cost "33"


- HE Grenade: (buy a hegrenade, to attack the terorist or ct)
- HE + Flashbang Grenade: ( [PACK]: flashbang to blind enemy, he for attack)
- Silent Walk: (silent footsteps)
- +%d Health Points: (more health yay! / can be changed by cvar )
- +%d Armor Points: (more armor :mrgreen: / -- || -- )
- Speed: (usefull to trick the enemy on traps)
- Gravity: (usefull to trick the enemy on traps)
- 100% Invisibility: (percent from 0 to 255 )
- Glow (for fun): random colors, random tickness
- Jetpack: press SPACE to fly with jetpack
Noclip noclip for X seconds
Long Jump: for X seconds
- Deagle: you get a deagle with a single clip. 7 bullets :P
Nightvision: for dark maps ;)


- crazyeffect( for helping me with php script, images, and host + item ideas, thanks )
- ConnorMcLeod
- minimiller ( because i used 90% from his script, sql etc :) thanks )

How to install?:

- install the plugin normally
- put the DeathrunShopLang.txt in your data/lang/ dir.
- put the DeathrunShop_Cfg.cfg in your /configs dir.



Version 1.0 - First Release

Version 2.0 - Optimized code + added more cvars

Version 2.1 - Added a configuration file

Version 3.0:

- Added more cvars
- Removed money and added points
- Added a command to show your points
- Added a admin command to set points to a player
- Added menu in ML

Version 3.1.1:

- Added more items
- Added more cvars
- Fixed some stuff
- Added sql stats
- Added saving points system
- Invisibility item can be used by both teams ^^
- Changed menu style
- Added a new cool effect when you buy items

Version 4.0

- Added new item
- Added new commands
- Added @all option for admin commands
- Updated code,
- Removed sql shit
- Added new sounds for some items
- Etc....

- Point system works on your SteamID, so you need STEAM

Glist3r 03-13-2009 10:12

Re: Deathrun Shop
UR the man!


YamiKaitou 03-13-2009 10:17

Re: Deathrun Shop
What difference does this have over the others? If it is only the "until player dies" parts, then posting this as a new plugin is not needed.

tuty 03-13-2009 10:20

Re: Deathrun Shop

Originally Posted by YamiKaitou (Post 779663)
What difference does this have over the others? If it is only the "until player dies" parts, then posting this as a new plugin is not needed.

what the .. :shock:

i dont understand u :/

KadiR 03-13-2009 12:02

Re: Deathrun Shop
first, xpaw doesnt support his hns shop, i think :E

+ here is stealth only for Ts...

thanks for the plugin +k

crazyeffect 03-13-2009 12:25

Re: Deathrun Shop
Dutch translation:


DRSHOP_DISABLED = [DrShop] Deathrun Winkel is Uitgeschakeld!
DRSHOP_ONLY_ALIVE = [DrShop] Je moet levend zijn om iets te kopen!
DRSHOP_SILENTWALK_ITEM = [DrShop] Je kocht stille voeten!
DRSHOP_HEALTH_ITEM = [DrShop] Je kocht +255 levens!
DRSHOP_ARMOR_ITEM = [DrShop] Je kocht +255 levens voor je kogelvrije vest!
DRSHOP_SPEED_ITEM = [DrShop] Je hebt meer snelheid gekocht!
DRSHOP_GRAVITY_ITEM = [DrShop] Je hebt zwaartekracht gekocht!
DRSHOP_ONLY_T = [DrShop] Alleen Terroristen kunnen dit kopen!
DRSHOP_INVISIBILITY_ITEM = [DrShop] Je kocht onzichtbaarheid!
DRSHOP_MENU_CLOSED = [DrShop] Je deed de Deathrun winkel dicht!
DRSHOP_HUD_INFO = Deze server heeft DeathRun Winkel!^Schrijf /drshop in de chat om iets te kopen!
DRSHOP_ALLREADY_HAVE = [DrShop] Je hebt dit item reeds!
DRSHOP_DONTHAVE_MONEY = [DrShop] Je hebt niet genoeg geld om dit te kopen!

And isnt ALREADY with one L?


DRSHOP_ALLREADY_HAVE = [DrShop] You allready have this item!

PsYChOPaTiQuE 03-13-2009 12:26

Re: Deathrun Shop
good plugin
i will put it on my serveur deathrun ;)

anakin_cstrike 03-13-2009 13:05

Re: Deathrun Shop
Haha, owned!
Already made...

tuty 03-13-2009 13:10

Re: Deathrun Shop
haha where? :shock:

master4life 03-13-2009 13:11

Re: Deathrun Shop
German Translate


DRSHOP_DISABLED = [DrShop] Deathrun Shop ist Deaktiviert!
DRSHOP_ONLY_ALIVE = [DrShop] Du musst am Leben sein um Items zu Kaufen.!
DRSHOP_GRENADE_ITEM = [DrShop] Du hast eine HE Granate gekauft!
DRSHOP_BOTHGREN_ITEM = [DrShop] Du hast eine HE + Flashbang Granade gekauft!
DRSHOP_SILENTWALK_ITEM = [DrShop] Du hast dir Silent Walk gekauft!
DRSHOP_HEALTH_ITEM = [DrShop] Du hast dir +255 Lebenspunkte gekauft!
DRSHOP_ARMOR_ITEM = [DrShop] Du hast dir +255 Rüstungspunkte gekauft!
DRSHOP_SPEED_ITEM = [DrShop] Du hast dir Schnelligkeit gekauft!
DRSHOP_GRAVITY_ITEM = [DrShop] du hast dir Schwerelosigkeit gekauft!!
DRSHOP_ONLY_T = [DrShop] Nur Terroristen könnnen dieses Item Kaufen!!
DRSHOP_INVISIBILITY_ITEM = [DrShop] Du hast dir Unsichtbarkeit gekauft!
DRSHOP_MENU_CLOSED = [DrShop] Du schliesst das Deathrun Shop Menu!
DRSHOP_HUD_INFO = Dieser Server laeuft mit Deathrun Shop!^nSchreibe /drshop in Chatfenster um Items zu Kaufen!
DRSHOP_ALLREADY_HAVE = [DrShop] du hast das Iteam schon!
DRSHOP_DONTHAVE_MONEY = [DrShop] Du besitzt nicht so viel Geld um dieses Item zukaufen!

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