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000 08-29-2022 17:04

[ZR] Waves/Stages/Days

Zombie:Reloaded Waves is an adaption of Greyscale's Zombie:Riot Days as a PVP alternative for ZR.

Waves changes Zombie:Reloaded into an intense Player VS. Player expierence where teamplay is a must.

Previously unsuited default game maps (like de_aztec, cs_office, ...) become a highlight.

And like in Zombie Escape, Bossfights are now present. But PVP!

SourceMod 1.11+
[ZR] Health Balance.
[ZR] Class Attribute Respawn.

1.1. Plugins:
- [ZR] Addons Package.

1.2. ZR configuration:
- no knockback
- no health regen for both humans and infected.
- no autozspawn (and keep it at default or same as warmup time).
- per map config (dont get bothered by smaller maps, decrease speed instead).
- create more waves (do not simply stick with the default ones).
- absolutely make more bossfights (with respawn, infect, without etc).

- Put all files from the release package in your game root folder ("csgo" or "css"). Note however that the CS:S and CS:GO version are separated.
- reload map.

If the plugin is not working as intended, check logs in addons/sourcemod/logs and post them here.
If error logs are not available, report nevertheless.

1.1. CVARs:
Plugin will generate a config file in cfg/sourcemod/zombiereloaded:

PHP Code:

// Should players be allowed to vote for which wave to play?
// -
// Default: "1"
// Minimum: "0.000000"
// Maximum: "1.000000"
zr_waves_allow_voting "1"

// Should the server name include current wave of max waves? [1: Yes, 0: No]
// -
// Default: "1"
// Minimum: "0.000000"
// Maximum: "1.000000"
zr_waves_update_hostname "1" 

1.2. KeyValues:
Example config available in addons/sourcemod/configs/zr:
Also: per map configs are possible too (look said config folder)!
PHP Code:

// Wave description. "" = disabled
"description"        "Difficulty: Easy"

// Game Settings:
"respawn_humans"    "1"        // Is respawn enabled for humans?
"respawn_zombies"    "1"        // Is respawn enabled for zombies?
"immunity_mode"        "1"        // 1 = "infect" (Stabbing to death); 0 = "none" (instant infection)
"infect_ratio"        "4"        // Infect every n player (2 = infect every second player). If infect_mode absolute, it means how many zombies to infect or negative number for how many humans remain.
"infect_mode"        "dynamic"    // Dynamic: (infect every n player), Absolute: (infect the amount specified above).
"roundtime"        "5"        // For how long the humans need to survive?
"bossfight"        "0"        // Is bossfight (1: Yes, 0: No)?
"bossfight_model"    ""        // Model path to use. "" = disabled.

        // ZM Attributes:
"zm_speed"        "300"    // Speed ZMs have this wave.

"description"        "Difficulty: Normal"

        "respawn_humans"    "0"
        "respawn_zombies"    "1"
        "immunity_mode"        "1"
        "infect_ratio"        "4"
        "infect_mode"        "dynamic"
        "roundtime"        "5"
        "bossfight"        "0"
        "bossfight_model"    ""

        "zm_speed"        "305"

"description"        "Difficulty: Hard"

        "respawn_humans"    "1"
        "respawn_zombies"    "1"
        "immunity_mode"        "1"
        "infect_ratio"        "4"
        "infect_mode"        "dynamic"
        "roundtime"        "5"
        "bossfight"        "0"
        "bossfight_model"    ""

        "zm_speed"        "320"

"description"        "Difficulty: Expert"

        "respawn_humans"    "0"
        "respawn_zombies"    "1"
        "immunity_mode"        "0"
        "infect_ratio"        "3"
        "infect_mode"        "dynamic"
        "roundtime"        "10"
        "bossfight"        "0"
        "bossfight_model"    ""

        "zm_speed"        "320"

"description"        "Bossfight: Normal"

        "respawn_humans"    "0"
        "respawn_zombies"    "0"
        "immunity_mode"        "1"
        "infect_ratio"        "1"
        "infect_mode"        "absolute"
        "roundtime"        "10"
        "bossfight"        "1"
        "bossfight_model"    ""

        "zm_speed"        "390"
// 32 entries (waves) possible. 

Currently available commands:
PHP Code:

!setwave <int value> - Change to a specific wave.
votewave vote for a desired wave.
waveshud toggle on/off the HUD display

Zombie:Reloaded Waves includes natives as well:
PHP Code:

 * Whether the current wave is a bossfight.
 * If you want to use this function to do something with the client(s),
 * use function on ZR_OnClientInfected forward.
 * else you can use it for whatever and whenever you want.
 * @noparams
 * @return        True if it is, false otherwise
 * @noerror
native bool ZR_IsBossfight();

 * Returns current wave count
 * @noparams
 * @return        Current Wave Count
 * @noerror
native int ZR_GetCurrentWave();

 * Returns if client is Boss
 * Note that you don't have to check if client is valid for this call.
 * The API is doing it for you.
 * @params        Client index.
 * @return        True if client is, false otherwise
 * @noerror
native bool ZR_IsClientBoss(int iClient); 

If you will, and the translation to be used does not exist, you can upload the file in a reply.


- v1.0
  • Initial release.

- v1.1
  • Infect modes & respawn can now be used on bossfights;

  • Health attribute removed, using Health balance (requirement);

  • Added map configs;

  • Replaced the dull PrintHintText with HudMsg;

  • Wave settings will be displayed in a menu when client connects and on round start;

  • sm_setwave (!setwave) is now a public command and must be configured in admins_override.cfg;

  • CS:S and CS:GO files have been separated;

  • Various code changes.

iGANGNAM 09-01-2022 04:05

Re: [ZR] Waves/Stages/Days
Is there any test server on what this actually looks like?
Is it really players vs players not players (humans) vs zombies (bots)?

000 09-01-2022 10:08

Re: [ZR] Waves/Stages/Days

Originally Posted by iGANGNAM (Post 2787890)
Is there any test server on what this actually looks like?
Is it really players vs players not players (humans) vs zombies (bots)?

You can test it offline with your game.

I don't own gameservers anymore (not worth it at the moment).

Yes, Players VS. Players.

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