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-   -   TF2 Server Crash on addtime? (

sund0wn 02-12-2009 22:30

TF2 Server Crash on addtime?
Hey guys, i need some help, I have no idea what I'm doing wrong. I have installed sourcemod and a few plugins on the server. The problem is, something is making my maps (Dustbowl,Goldrush and Hydro) crash when the first point is captured and time is added. The server automatically switches to another map at this point. In console it just says "CHANGE LEVEL: tc hydro" and switches to another map.

Has anyone had this problem? Can you please show me how to fix it.

Heres my config file.

//********************************************* ****************************\\
//* *\\
//* *\\
//* VERSION 1.0 *\\
//* *\\
//* *\\
//* *\\
//********************************************* ****************************\\

say "Loading SRCDS Team Fortress 2 SERVER CONFIGURATION"

//********************************************* ****************************\\
//* *\\
//* *\\
//* Miscellaneous *\\
//* *\\
//* *\\
//********************************************* ****************************\\

// Define your ServerName, this is the name there'll be displayed in the Internet tab.
// Defualt: Counter-Strike: Source
hostname "server123"

// Define your RCon(Remote Console) password, this is mostly used for match servers.
// I'll recommend you to set one, incase you suddenly needs it.
// Default: Just don't make it easy to quess! Use big and small letters and numbers!
// Look at the example I've set for this one. No one will quess that, only 1 out of ten billion times.
// Defualt: None.
rcon_password "rxon321"

// Number of minutes to ban users who fail rcon authentication
sv_rcon_banpenalty 5

// Max number of times a user can fail rcon authentication before being banned
sv_rcon_maxfailures 8

// Define your Server password, so only people who knows it can connect.
// Defualt: None.
sv_password ""

// Define your website for FastDownload.
// Extra: Are you looking for a free webhost to FastDownload?
// If so, goto this thread at
// Or this is if the other one doesn't work:
// Defualt: None.
sv_downloadurl ""

// Allow clients to upload their custom decals to the server.
// Default: 1
sv_allowupload 1

// Allow clients to downnload files.
// Default: 1
sv_allowdownload 1

// Define your servers MAX Frame Per Second(FPS).
// To recieve 1000FPS on Windows, try to use "fps_max 0".
// Defualt: ?
fps_max "600"

// This controls your server framerate.
// Default: 0
host_framerate 60

// Amount of time in seconds a player can spray their decal.
// Default: 10
decalfrequency 20

// If this CVAR is 0, both Internet and LAN players will be able to join.
// Default: 0
sv_lan 0

// This will define your location in the world, if somebody as Europe ONLY in their filtes and you have USA - then wouldn't be able to find your server.
// Default: 3
// 0 - Us Eastcoast.
// 1 - US Westcoast.
// 2 - South America.
// 3 - Europe.
// 4 - Asia.
// 5 - Australia.
// 6 - Middle East.
// 7 - Africa.
// 255 - World
sv_region 0

// This could be your own email or another email who do business withing this server.
// Defualt: None.
sv_contact [email protected]

// Enables or disables whether the server can be paused. 0 is off 1 is on
sv_pausable 0

// Forces all clients on the server to use content that matches what is on the server. 0 is off 1 is on
sv_pure 1

// Kicks clients that do not have content that matches what is on the server
sv_pure_kick_clients 1

// Max download file size. Default is 15
net_maxfilesize 15

//********************************************* ****************************\\
//* *\\
//* *\\
//* Brandwidth Rates *\\
//* *\\
//* *\\
//********************************************* ****************************\\

// Maximum allowed brandwidth on your server.
// Default: 0 (unlimited)
sv_maxrate 30000

// Minimum allowed brandwidth on your server.
// Default: 0 (unlimited)
sv_minrate 15000

// Maximum updates per second as the server will allow.
// Default: 60
// Note: If you're using less than 100Tick, change this CVAR to a lower value.
// For 100TICK: sv_maxupdaterate 100
// For 66TICK: sv_maxupdaterate 66
// For 33TICK: sv_maxupdaterate 33
sv_maxupdaterate 100

// Minimum updates per second as the server will allow.
// Default: 10
// Note: If you're using less than 100Tick, change this CVAR to a lower value than "sv_maxupdaterate xx"
// For 100TICK: sv_minupdaterate 75
// For 66TICK: sv_minupdaterate 45
// For 33TICK: sv_minupdaterate 15
sv_minupdaterate 75

// This controls your cleints maximum cmdrate.
// Do the same with this one like: sv_maxupdaterate
// Default: 40
sv_maxcmdrate 100

// This controls your cleints minimum cmdrate.
// Do the same with this one like: sv_minupdaterate
// Default: 0
sv_mincmdrate 75

// Enables player lag compensation.
// Default: 1
sv_unlag 1

// Sets the maximum ammount of seconds that the netcode compensates for someone's ping.
// Default: 0.5
sv_maxunlag 1

//********************************************* ****************************\\
//* *\\
//* *\\
//* Game Settings *\\
//* *\\
//* *\\
//********************************************* ****************************\\

//*Team Auto Balancing*\\

// 0 is off and 1 is on. if 1 then should be used in conjunction with the following 3 commands
mp_autoteambalance 1

// Time (in seconds) after the teams become unbalanced to attempt to switch players
mp_autoteambalance_delay 60

// Time (in seconds) after the teams become unbalanced to print a balance warning
mp_autoteambalance_warning_delay 30

// Teams are unbalanced when one team has this many more players than the other (0 disables)
mp_teams_unbalance_limit 2

//*Ending Team Auto Balancing*\\

//*Round & Game Times*\\

// Enable or disable timers to wait between rounds. 0 is off 1 is on
mp_enableroundwaittime 1

// Time after round win until round restarts (in seconds)
mp_bonusroundtime 8

// Time the current round will restart (in seconds)
mp_restartround 0

// Timelimit (in seconds) of the stalemate round
mp_stalemate_timelimit 300

mp_stalemate_enable 1

// Game time per map in minutes
//Default is 0
mp_timelimit 35

// Max number of rounds to play before server changes maps
mp_maxrounds 4

// Max number of rounds one team can win before a server changes maps
mp_winlimit 3

//*Ending Round & Game Times*\\

//*Client Specific CVARS*\\

// Force dead clients to first person mode disabling freelook. 0 is off 1 is on
mp_forcecamera 0

// Enable or disable spectators on the server. 0 is off 1 is on
mp_allowspectators 1

// 0 is off and clients can do harm to team mates. 1 is on and players can kill or injure team mates
mp_friendlyfire 0

// Footsteps on or off. 0 is off and 1 is on
mp_footsteps 1

// Allow cheats to be used by the client. 0 is off 1 is on
sv_cheats 0

// The amount of time in seconds that a client is booted for no input
sv_timeout 900

// The maximun speed a client can move at
sv_maxspeed 320

// Force clients to pass a consistency check for critical files before joining server. 0 is off 1 is on
sv_consistency 1

// The pause in seconds between a decal being sprayed
decalfrequency 10

//*End Client Specific CVARS*\\


// Allow players to use a microphone. 0 is off 1 is on
sv_voiceenable 1

// Toggles whether both teams can hear each others voice comms or not. 0 is off 1 is on. recommend it being off
sv_alltalk 1

// Players can chat for this amount of time (in seconds) after a game is over
mp_chattime 10

//*End Communication*\\

//********************************************* ****************************\\
//* *\\
//* *\\
//* Log Settings *\\
//* *\\
//* *\\
//********************************************* ****************************\\

// Enable or disable server logging. on is on off is off
log off

// Log server bans in the server logs
sv_logbans 0

// Echo log information to the console. 0 is off 1 is on
sv_logecho 1

// Log server information in the log file. 0 is off 1 is on
sv_logfile 0

// Log everything in one file
sv_log_onefile 0

sm_respawn_time_enabled "1"
sm_respawn_time_blue "5"
sm_respawn_time_red "5"
sm_cvar mp_waitingforplayers_time 30

//********************************************* ****************************\\
//* *\\
//* *\\
//* *\\
//* *\\
//********************************************* ****************************\\

exec banned_user.cfg
exec banned_ip.cfg

//********************************************* ****************************\\
//* *\\
//* *\\
//* VERSION 1.0 *\\
//* *\\
//* *\\
//* *\\
//********************************************* ****************************\\

I also have these plugins loaded with sourcemod.

My servers current map cycle is:


DontWannaName 02-13-2009 01:11

Re: TF2 Server Crash on addtime?
Change mp_winlimit 0 :P

sund0wn 02-13-2009 01:28

Re: TF2 Server Crash on addtime?
i have it to 3, but the server changes the map on the very first win. As soon as the first base is taken, the server says time being added and just changes the map.

DontWannaName 02-13-2009 02:24

Re: TF2 Server Crash on addtime?
I would still change it to 0 and try, if that doesnt work try maxrounds at 0 with winlimit at 0 and just use timelimit. There used to be issues with winlimit especially with payload.

sund0wn 02-13-2009 02:36

Re: TF2 Server Crash on addtime?
sweet its fixed!, thanks a ton bud. such a noobish mistake lol

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