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Join Date: Mar 2005
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Old 04-01-2005 , 07:35   New Ownership (April Fool's Joke)

Due to the lack of activity the ownership of the AMX Mod X project has changed. I'm the new project leader.

As a result of this some important things will change:
- First of all the old team will no longer work on AMX Mod X because they don't have enough free time
- New developers are Bolek (yes it's him!!!111oneone), gaben and me
- The next version will be called "AMX Mod X II SUPER SIZE"
- It will be released in one or two weeks
- New features are improved stability, new easter eggs and an interweb module
- Also the new version will contain a bunch of new default plugins: better stats, actually working reserved slots, improved version of PTB and ATAC, Lord of the Rings Plugins (WC3-Style) and OLOtalk
- Now we are using Small 3.0 (we got the exclusive permission from the author Thiadmer to use it). This new version supports real strings and has a non-sucking compiler (yes it is true!)
- All the commands will be renamed from "amx_" to "richard_nixon_"
- From now on AMX Mod X will be closed-source
- The full version will cost $25
- There will be a trial version which is feature reduced and will only work for 1337 seconds
- The default version will display 2 ad banners in-game
- An extra payment of $50 will remove them

Additionally I have to announce that on the forums we will replace the words "yams" and "turtle" with "tomatoes" and "reindeer".
Here are the new pictures:

April Fool's Joke
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