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Old 01-16-2010 , 01:48   Re: [TUT] Code Styling
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Originally Posted by hleV View Post

I myself prefer HN.

Didn't knew that this was possible:
MyFunction( id ) if( is_user_alive( id ) ) { client_print( 0, print_chat, "We are now killing %d", id ) user_kill( id ) }


About function names... I'm still not decided, but currently I write only the first letter (or letters, if function's type title is made from 2 words, like forward - fw). Like eDeathMsg() for event and cSay for command. Also sPrint() for stock.

BTW is the g_Test pointer (although danielkza said there are no pointers in Pawn) or a normal integer?
g_Test = register_cvar("amx_test", "1");

I was used to treat it as pointers (so g_Test was g_pTest) but then I realized I have no idea what pointer really is so now I treat is as normal integer (g_Test is now g_iTest). Which one is more correct?
There is some confusion in this old post but for those who read it and don't understand why is pointer mentioned on it and what does pointers have to do with pawn:

In pawn there isn't the concept "pointer" (a variable which value is an address and that, with features of the language, can be used to perform operations on/with the data that is located at that address).

What is happening here is that register_cvar returns an address that in a language like C++ can be used as a pointer but in Pawn it can only be provided to a native in C++ so that it can be used as a pointer. So g_Test holds an address but that isn't enough to make it a pointer because pawn doesn't has pointers.
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