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Squirrel of Fortune
Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: Germany
Old 04-05-2010 , 07:57   Re: Non-Steam = No Support

That story about every rusian, eastern block country = non-steam is just bullshit.
I see day by day players on my server from those country. And a handfull teams especially from russia are steam-only. I see many of them when they apply for a team at steambans.
The only real story behind it is that they are afraid of empty servers because many players don't want to pay for the game. On the other hand they have to deal with cheaters on their servers (that's why you see many request for plugins that show IP or are able to ban IP-ranges to get rid of them).
Trashing or trolling threads about non-steam requests is a problem because often they are in a plugin thread, but i see no reason why you should not be allowed to delete them completely. Every board owner can decide what rules are taken on his board, as long as they do not work against moral or law every user has to agree to them. If he does not, well, you know what can happen then.

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