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Join Date: Sep 2010
Old 09-16-2010 , 11:40   Re: Restrict weapons for certain maps
Reply With Quote #43

#1 "If You want to disable this plugin for awp_xxx maps, all You need to do is put the settings for them in amxx.cfg"

The bottom of my amxx.cfg file reads:

// ***********************
// Custom plugin settings
// ***********************

// gore plugin
// a - Headshot blood
// b - Extra blood effects
// c - Bleeding on low health
// d - Gib explosion (knife, HE, high damage only)
amx_gore ab

// mapchooser4

amx_mapchooser_type 1
amx_mapchooser_mapsfile maps.ini
amx_nominfromfile 0
amx_maxnominperplayer 2
amx_map_history 5

amx_rtv 1
amx_rtv_percent 0.6
amx_rtv_min_time 10

amx_extendmap_max 5
amx_extendmap_step 3
amx_ext_round_max 5
amx_ext_round_step 3
amx_ext_win_max 5
amx_ext_win_step 3

// sniperlimit
max_awps 90
max_autos 90
winspread_awp 0
winspread_auto 0
autolimit 0
awplimit 0
checkrebuy 1

Correct me if im wrong.

#2 "Log messages You provided here about those settings are telling me one thing - You have put them in wrong place (I believe in amxmodx\configs\csdm\extraconfigs\ in some awp_xxx.cfg file and in section [items] or [item_restrictions]. But as I said - those settings have nothing to do with CSDM nor itemomode of CSDM - so they shouldn't be there."

Where should they be then ? As I really want to solve the awp maps problem. All i want is auto awp and auto deagle for every player/bot and to restrict buying completely.


I found the compile thingy in scripting folder and used the .exe seems to have fixed somethings as there is less in the error log. Take a look for yourself:

L 09/16/2010 - 17:00:16: -------- Mapchange to awp_bycastor32 --------
L 09/16/2010 - 17:00:16: [AMXX] Plugin "pluginmenu.amxx" failed to load: Plugin uses an unknown function (name "set_pcvar_string") - check your modules.ini.
L 09/16/2010 - 17:00:16: [AMXX] Plugin "csdm_stripper.amxx" failed to load: Plugin uses an unknown function (name "csdm_write_cfg") - check your modules.ini.
L 09/16/2010 - 17:00:17: [csdm_spawn_preset.amxx] No spawn points file found (addons/amxmodx/configs\csdm\awp_bycastor32.spawns.cfg)
L 09/16/2010 - 17:00:17: [csdm_main.amxx] CSDM spawn mode set to preset
L 09/16/2010 - 17:00:18: [maphandler06.amxx] Starting map: awp_bycastor32
L 09/16/2010 - 17:00:18: [maphandler06.amxx] About to write to addons/amxmodx/data/maphandler.dat.
L 09/16/2010 - 17:00:18: [mapchooser4.amxx] Found 17 maps in maps folder
L 09/16/2010 - 17:00:25: [CSDM2] Could not read config file: cstrike\addons\amxmodx\configs\csdm\extraconf igs\items_awp_byca
L 09/16/2010 - 17:00:25: [mapchooser4.amxx] xvars for mapchooser 4 setuped.

I think it has fixed the awp limiting problem and buying seems to be restricted. The few things above I have no idea about. And I think that leaves the last thing to be fixed for everyone to have a deagle by default(auto).

Cheers for your help and patience with me so far mate,

Your padawan,


Last edited by mad_maniac_man; 09-16-2010 at 12:08.
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