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Join Date: Jan 2004
Old 05-01-2004 , 10:54  
Reply With Quote #9

I'm not bashing what hullu did at all. You simply don't understand what's going on. I put those patches in there so I could completely read what he changed against the original metamod version (since CVS has a nice differential feature).

By the way, I'm on the only person hullu gave the final set of metamod patches to (1.17p5).

The fact of the matter is, what hullu did is quite amazing and he is a talented programmer, but to quote the Metamod maintainer on this, "I don't know if I would use something like this". We are still discussing the real issues behind what hullu did, but it is better to get out a Metamod that fixes the immediate problems rather then spending 2 months arguing over whether what Hullu did is a viable solution.
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