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Join Date: Jan 2004
Old 09-22-2005 , 15:05  

Originally Posted by Brad Jones
Does this mean that I don't have to do the following anymore?
#define CSTRIKE
If so, what would happen if I then used a cstrike-specific function when the user doesn't have the cstrike module loaded?
Yes, that's exactly what it means. What happens if the cstrike specific function is called without it loaded? An exception is thrown, which you can handle. Please note this behaviour is not default and your plugin must have the appropriate filters in place.

You can read more about this feature in the Scripting section here: (this post has been up for a week or two now). Also see the plmenu.sma source code for how it optionally uses cstrike.

Originally Posted by Brad Jones
Also, why is the "small" BBCode tag indenting the first line one space all of a sudden? Me no like.
No idea, SniperBeamer's thing not mine
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