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Join Date: Jun 2010
Old 03-03-2012 , 15:34   Re: [L4D2] Bulldozer Certificate
Reply With Quote #66

I've been having a big problem with this plugin, in that i'm also using the Self Help by panxiaohai. I'm not sure in which plugin the problem resides, but it's a big one. When you are incapped, and a charger runs over you and is either carrying someone else, or doesn't pick you up, it glitches you and stop you from being able to pick yourself or anyone else up. This has been happening for quite a while now, and it's become more of an exploit with regulars, so they will purposely charger over you if you are incapped to stop your abilities. Is there any way either you or panxiaohai can fix the issue?

I posted this in his thread as well because i'm completely unsure of which plugin is causing the issue.
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