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Join Date: Jul 2012
Old 07-22-2012 , 14:09   Re: [TF2] TFDodgeball
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First of all, small question about "licence". I've read about Dodgeball and I'd like to make a tfdb_ map for some servers, so first question is easy:

What to use? TFDB_? Is this "free"?

If tfdb_ is ok, then I want to ask you for some kind of how-to or documentation for used entities. I've decompiled tfdb_float_a2 map to reverse-engineer how the map works and I copied some entities which seems to work, but not sure. The problem is entity connection, what the entity must have and what not, because its really complex for me and you have better experience than I. I've created some "stock" maps, but TFDB is new for me.

So, What I have to use? How it should be set-up?

I know this could be bad question on bad place, I looked for tfdb on whole internet but wasn't able to find relevant information. Problem is its TFDB so I presume it has "standartised" settings which are used most TFDB servers. I'm just map-maker.

Here is small list of entities I copied and researched. I've removed light_enviroment, shadow_controler (or something) and env_cubemap cos I don't thing its crucial. It seems like general entities.

List of entities I copied to my map:
info_target (2x) - its named rocket_spawn_red / blue - rockets are spawning here
tf_gamerules - it seems this entity stops dodgeball type game when any team wins
point_servercommand - its named "dodgeball_commands" and it seems most rules are listed here. For me personally, its complex. I dont know what does what and how it should be set up
logic_auto - same as point_servercommand
tf_logic_arena - this enables dodgeball AFAIK
team_round_timer - sudden death?
game_text (2x) - This should be easy, shows text on screen? It has no inputs / outputs...
game_round_win - disables dodgeball, again, sudden death?
game_end - this entity should finish the map or round...

Thanks in Advance! :)
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