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Old 07-25-2012 , 17:36   Re: Tank Damage Announce by griffin
Reply With Quote #12

L 07/25/2012 - 236:47: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "l4d2_tank_dmage.smx":
L 07/25/2012 - 236:47: [SM] [0] Line 293, F:\SRCDS\l4d2\left4dead2\left4dead2\addons\so urcemod\scripting\include\ ToChatAll()
L 07/25/2012 - 236:47: [SM] [1] Line 194, F:\SRCDS\l4d2\left4dead2\left4dead2\addons\so urcemod\scripting\l4d2_tank_dmage.sp:rintRe mainingHealth()
L 07/25/2012 - 236:47: [SM] [2] Line 153, F:\SRCDS\l4d2\left4dead2\left4dead2\addons\so urcemod\scripting\l4d2_tank_dmage.sp::Event_R oundEnd()
.sp :
#pragma semicolon 1
#include <sourcemod>

new     const           TEAM_SURVIVOR               = 2;
new     const           TEAM_INFECTED               = 3;
new     const           ZOMBIECLASS_TANK            = 8;                // Zombie class of the tank, used to find tank after he have been passed to another player
new             bool:   g_bEnabled                  = true;
new             bool:   g_bAnnounceTankDamage       = false;            // Whether or not tank damage should be announced
new             bool:   g_bIsTankInPlay             = false;            // Whether or not the tank is active
new                     g_iOffset_Incapacitated     = 0;                // Used to check if tank is dying
new                     g_iTankClient               = 0;                // Which client is currently playing as tank
new                     g_iLastTankHealth           = 0;                // Used to award the killing blow the exact right amount of damage
new                     g_iSurvivorLimit            = 4;                // For survivor array in damage print
new                     g_iDamage[MAXPLAYERS + 1];
new             Float:  g_fMaxTankHealth            = 6000.0;
new             Handle: g_hCvarEnabled              = INVALID_HANDLE;
new             Handle: g_hCvarTankHealth           = INVALID_HANDLE;
new             Handle: g_hCvarSurvivorLimit        = INVALID_HANDLE;
public Plugin:myinfo =
        name = "Tank Damage Announce L4D2",
        author = "Griffin and Blade",
        description = "Announce damage dealt to tanks by survivors",
        version = "0.6.5c"
public OnPluginStart()
        g_bIsTankInPlay = false;
        g_bAnnounceTankDamage = false;
        g_iTankClient = 0;
        HookEvent("tank_spawn", Event_TankSpawn);
        HookEvent("player_death", Event_PlayerKilled);
        HookEvent("round_start", Event_RoundStart);
        HookEvent("round_end", Event_RoundEnd);
        HookEvent("player_hurt", Event_PlayerHurt);
        g_hCvarEnabled = CreateConVar("l4d_tankdamage_enabled", "1", "Announce damage done to tanks when enabled", FCVAR_PLUGIN|FCVAR_SPONLY|FCVAR_NOTIFY, true, 0.0, true, 1.0);
        g_hCvarSurvivorLimit = FindConVar("survivor_limit");
        g_hCvarTankHealth = FindConVar("z_tank_health");
        HookConVarChange(g_hCvarEnabled, Cvar_Enabled);
        HookConVarChange(g_hCvarSurvivorLimit, Cvar_SurvivorLimit);
        HookConVarChange(g_hCvarTankHealth, Cvar_TankHealth);
        g_bEnabled = GetConVarBool(g_hCvarEnabled);
        g_iOffset_Incapacitated = FindSendPropInfo("Tank", "m_isIncapacitated");
public OnMapStart()
        // In cases where a tank spawns and map is changed manually, bypassing round end
public OnClientDisconnect_Post(client)
        if (!g_bIsTankInPlay || client != g_iTankClient) return;
        CreateTimer(0.5, Timer_CheckTank, client); // Use a delayed timer due to bugs where the tank passes to another player
public Cvar_Enabled(Handle:convar, const String:oldValue[], const String:newValue[])
        g_bEnabled = StringToInt(newValue) > 0 ? true:false;
public Cvar_SurvivorLimit(Handle:convar, const String:oldValue[], const String:newValue[])
        g_iSurvivorLimit = StringToInt(newValue);
public Cvar_TankHealth(Handle:convar, const String:oldValue[], const String:newValue[])
        g_fMaxTankHealth = GetConVarFloat(g_hCvarTankHealth);
        if (g_fMaxTankHealth <= 0.0) g_fMaxTankHealth = 1.0; // No dividing by 0!
public Event_PlayerHurt(Handle:event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast)
        if (!g_bIsTankInPlay) return; // No tank in play; no damage to record
        new victim = GetClientOfUserId(GetEventInt(event, "userid"));
        if (victim != GetTankClient() ||        // Victim isn't tank; no damage to record
                IsTankDying()                                   // Something buggy happens when tank is dying with regards to damage
                                        ) return;
        new attacker = GetClientOfUserId(GetEventInt(event, "attacker"));
        // We only care about damage dealt by survivors, though it can be funny to see
        // claw/self inflicted hittable damage, so maybe in the future we'll do that
        if (attacker == 0 ||                                                    // Damage from world?
                !IsClientInGame(attacker) ||                            // Not sure if this happens
                GetClientTeam(attacker) != TEAM_SURVIVOR
                                        ) return;
        g_iDamage[attacker] += GetEventInt(event, "dmg_health");
        g_iLastTankHealth = GetEventInt(event, "health");
public Event_PlayerKilled(Handle:event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast)
        if (!g_bIsTankInPlay) return; // No tank in play; no damage to record
        new victim = GetClientOfUserId(GetEventInt(event, "userid"));
        if (victim != g_iTankClient) return;
        // Award the killing blow's damage to the attacker; we don't award
        // damage from player_hurt after the tank has died/is dying
        // If we don't do it this way, we get wonky/inaccurate damage values
        new attacker = GetClientOfUserId(GetEventInt(event, "attacker"));
        if (attacker && IsClientInGame(attacker)) g_iDamage[attacker] += g_iLastTankHealth;
        // Damage announce could probably happen right here...
        CreateTimer(0.5, Timer_CheckTank, victim); // Use a delayed timer due to bugs where the tank passes to another player
public Event_TankSpawn(Handle:event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast)
        new client = GetClientOfUserId(GetEventInt(event, "userid"));
        g_iTankClient = client;
        if (g_bIsTankInPlay) return; // Tank passed
        // New tank, damage has not been announced
        g_bAnnounceTankDamage = true;
        g_bIsTankInPlay = true;
        // Set health for damage print in case it doesn't get set by player_hurt (aka no one shoots the tank)
        g_iLastTankHealth = GetClientHealth(client);
public Event_RoundStart(Handle:event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast)
        g_bIsTankInPlay = false;
        g_iTankClient = 0;
        ClearTankDamage(); // Probably redundant
// When survivors wipe or juke tank, announce damage
public Event_RoundEnd(Handle:event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast)
        // But only if a tank that hasn't been killed exists
        if (g_bAnnounceTankDamage)
public Action:Timer_CheckTank(Handle:timer, any:oldtankclient)
        if (g_iTankClient != oldtankclient) return; // Tank passed
        new tankclient = FindTankClient();
        if (tankclient && tankclient != oldtankclient)
                g_iTankClient = tankclient;
                return; // Found tank, done
        if (g_bAnnounceTankDamage) PrintTankDamage();
        g_bIsTankInPlay = false; // No tank in play
        new tankclient = GetTankClient();
        if (!tankclient) return false;
        return bool:GetEntData(tankclient, g_iOffset_Incapacitated);
        if (!g_bEnabled) 
        new tankclient = GetTankClient();
        if (!tankclient) return;
        decl String:name[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];
        if (IsFakeClient(tankclient)) name = "AI";
        else GetClientName(tankclient, name, sizeof(name));
        PrintToChatAll("[HP TANK] Il reste %N HP a (%d).", name, g_iLastTankHealth);
        if (!g_bEnabled) return;
        PrintToChatAll("[SM] Les dégâts infligés au Tank :");
        new client;
        new percent_total; // Accumulated total of calculated percents, for fudging out numbers at the end
        new damage_total; // Accumulated total damage dealt by survivors, to see if we need to fudge upwards to 100%
        new survivor_index = -1;
        new survivor_clients[g_iSurvivorLimit]; // Array to store survivor client indexes in, for the display iteration
        decl percent_damage, damage;
        for (client = 1; client <= MaxClients; client++)
                if (!IsClientInGame(client) || GetClientTeam(client) != TEAM_SURVIVOR) continue;
                survivor_clients[survivor_index] = client;
                damage = g_iDamage[client];
                damage_total += damage;
                percent_damage = GetDamageAsPercent(damage);
                percent_total += percent_damage;
        SortCustom1D(survivor_clients, g_iSurvivorLimit, SortByDamageDesc);
        new percent_adjustment;
        // Percents add up to less than 100% AND > 99.5% damage was dealt to tank
        if ((percent_total < 100 &&
                float(damage_total) > (g_fMaxTankHealth - (g_fMaxTankHealth / 200.0)))
                percent_adjustment = 100 - percent_total;
        new last_percent = 100; // Used to store the last percent in iteration to make sure an adjusted percent doesn't exceed the previous percent
        decl adjusted_percent_damage;
        for (new i; i <= survivor_index; i++)
                client = survivor_clients[i];
                damage = g_iDamage[client];
                percent_damage = GetDamageAsPercent(damage);
                // Attempt to adjust the top damager's percent, defer adjustment to next player if it's an exact percent
                // e.g. 3000 damage on 6k health tank shouldn't be adjusted
                if (percent_adjustment != 0 && // Is there percent to adjust
                        damage > 0 &&  // Is damage dealt > 0%
                        !IsExactPercent(damage) // Percent representation is not exact, e.g. 3000 damage on 6k tank = 50%
                        adjusted_percent_damage = percent_damage + percent_adjustment;
                        if (adjusted_percent_damage <= last_percent) // Make sure adjusted percent is not higher than previous percent, order must be maintained
                                percent_damage = adjusted_percent_damage;
                                percent_adjustment = 0;
                PrintToChatAll("%4d HP (%d%%) : %N", damage, percent_damage, client);
        g_iLastTankHealth = 0;
        for (new i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++) { g_iDamage[i] = 0; }
        g_bAnnounceTankDamage = false;
        if (!g_bIsTankInPlay) return 0;
        new tankclient = g_iTankClient;
        if (!IsClientInGame(tankclient)) // If tank somehow is no longer in the game (kicked, hence events didn't fire)
                tankclient = FindTankClient(); // find the tank client
                if (!tankclient) return 0;
                g_iTankClient = tankclient;
        return tankclient;
        for (new client = 1; client <= MaxClients; client++)
                if (!IsClientInGame(client) ||
                        GetClientTeam(client) != TEAM_INFECTED ||
                        !IsPlayerAlive(client) ||
                        GetEntProp(client, Prop_Send, "m_zombieClass") != ZOMBIECLASS_TANK)
                return client; // Found tank, return
        return 0;
        return RoundToFloor(FloatMul(FloatDiv(float(damage), g_fMaxTankHealth), 100.0));
        return (FloatAbs(float(GetDamageAsPercent(damage)) - FloatMul(FloatDiv(float(damage), g_fMaxTankHealth), 100.0)) < 0.001) ? true:false;
public SortByDamageDesc(elem1, elem2, const array[], Handle:hndl)
        // By damage, then by client index, descending
        if (g_iDamage[elem1] > g_iDamage[elem2]) return -1;
        else if (g_iDamage[elem2] > g_iDamage[elem1]) return 1;
        else if (elem1 > elem2) return -1;
        else if (elem2 > elem1) return 1;
        return 0;
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