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Old 04-25-2006 , 19:37   Official Server released!

A little while back we announced an official server with a gameplay mod called "GabenMod". We're happy to say that it's finally here! GabenMod is a set of AMX Mod X plugins written with TFC in mind. You choose a class, respawn in a safe zone, and complete the objective of planting the bomb.

The official AMX Mod X server can be joined at: (sponsored by NuclearFallout).

If you place your steamid in your AMX Mod X profile, you can get karma for completing objectives. If you're a donor, moderator, or developer, you also get special items and privileges in the server, although you have to set your Steam-ID in your profile first.

Later this week we'll be adding more features and then releasing GabenMod as open source to the public. So, if you've gotten sick of normal CS and need something a little different, try out GabenMod!

A quick tutorial for GabenMod:
Say /menu to buy items for your class.
Say /smenu to get privileged items (for donors, mods, etc).
Say /help to get help.
Say /class to change your class.
Say /buy to buy additional abilities.
New: Say rollthegabe to use to cause a random action for you

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