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Join Date: Aug 2016
Location: Macedonia
Old 08-09-2016 , 17:44   Set _pw to user if it doesn't exist

I'm working on a plugin for managing admins and the plugin gets the users _pw, but when someone doesn't have _pw set, it doesn't set password for that user in users.ini.
So my question is: is it possible after selecting user from a player menu, a messagemode password: appears and you have to enter a password for that player, after u enter it the player saves the password with client_cmd(player, "setinfo _pw %s", password) and that password is saved in the users.ini, i can do that last part with the saving but i don't know how to set _pw field for player, thank you

Last edited by Desert002; 08-09-2016 at 18:19.
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