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Join Date: Feb 2014
Old 01-19-2017 , 10:21   new menu problem
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I have created a menu and I want to make it multilined, like to add a couple of lines in the title, but it makes extra line, like this:

Menu Title:

Extra Line
Extra Line

1. 1st option
2. 2nd option
3. 3rd option

0. Exit
I tried changing the charsmax but then it removes some letters or makes new lines. And another problem is that the Exit line ML doesn't work.

public test(id)
	new szInfo[256];
	formatex(szInfo, charsmax(szInfo), "%L", id, "multilanguage")
	new menu = menu_create(szInfo, "menu_handle");
	formatex(szInfo, charsmax(szInfo), "%L", id, "multilanguage1")
	menu_additem(menu, szInfo, "1");
        formatex(szInfo, charsmax(szInfo), "%L", id, "multilanguage1")
	menu_additem(menu, szInfo, "2");
	new szExit[15];
	formatex(szExit, charsmax(szExit), "%L", id, "EXIT_MENU")
	menu_setprop(menu, MPROP_EXIT, szExit);
	menu_display(id, menu, 0);
What could be the problem?
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