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Join Date: Mar 2016
Old 10-29-2018 , 22:29   [TUT] Reducing annoyance when testing
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I've just had a good idea, probably someone came up with this already at some point but I thought it would be good to share this.

I'm using a good combo of plugins to make my plugin auto-compile and reload when I hit CTRL+S

Here's the combo in case anyone is interested: -- Autoreload by Timiditas -- Atom Text Editor -- on-save (plugin)

Once you download and install each of these, create a file named .on-save.json on your projects root directory and add the following config:

    "files": "**/*.sp",
    "command": "C:\\location\\to\\spcomp C:\\location\\to\\plugin.sp -o\"C:\\location\\to\\server\\plugins\""
The double bars are to escape inside of the json string.

Hope this helps someone!
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