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Join Date: Jul 2017
Old 04-13-2020 , 05:01   Re: Laser/TripMine Entity Translations
Reply With Quote #3

I made some changes on your translation.

REFER         = ^4%s ^1Refer to a lasermine rule with this server. say 'lasermine'.
REFER         = ^4%s ^1To refer to a lasermine rule in this server, say 'lasermine'.

NOT_ACCESS    = ^4%s ^3You can't access, this command.
NOT_ACCESS    = ^4%s ^3You can't access to this command.

NOT_BUYZONE   = ^4%s ^1You can buying in buyzone.
NOT_BUYZONE   = ^4%s ^1You can buy in buyzone.

NOT_BUY       = ^4%s ^3Can't buying this server.
NOT_BUY       = ^4%s ^3Can't buy in this server.

NOT_BUY_TEAM  = ^4%s ^1Your Team Can't buy and deploying lasermine!
NOT_BUY_TEAM  = ^4%s ^1Your Team Can't buy and deploy lasermine!

NOT_BUY_TEAMB = ^4%s ^1Your Zombie! Can't buy and deploying lasermine!
NOT_BUY_TEAMB = ^4%s ^1You're Zombie! Can't buy and deploy lasermine!

DELAY_SEC     = ^4%s ^1You can buying and deploying lasermine in after ^4%i seconds.
DELAY_SEC     = ^4%s ^1You can buy and deploy lasermine after ^4%i seconds.

ALL_REMOVE    = ^4%s ^1admin's removed all %s's lasermines.
ALL_REMOVE    = ^4%s ^1admin's removed %s's all lasermines.

TAKE_MINE     = ^4%s ^1admin's gave for %s lasermine.
TAKE_MINE     = ^4%s ^1admin's given lasermine for %s.

REMOVE_SPEC   = ^4%s ^1%s is all lasers have been removed because moved to the spectator!
REMOVE_SPEC   = ^4%s ^1%s's all lasers have been removed because moved to the spectator!

REFER         = ^4%s ^1Bu serverdeki bir lazer kuralina bakmak icin, say 'lasermine'.
BOUGHT        = ^4%s ^1Basariyla bir lazer aldin.
NO_MONEY      = ^4%s ^1Lazer almak icin yeteri kadar paran yok! ^3($%i gerekli.)
NOT_ACCESS    = ^4%s ^3Bu komuta erisemezsin.
NOT_ACTIVE    = ^4%s ^1Lazerler suanda aktif degil.
NOT_HAVE      = ^4%s ^1Lazerin yok.
NOT_BUYZONE   = ^4%s ^1Satin alma bolgesinde satin alabilirsin.
NOT_PICKUP    = ^4%s ^1Bu mayini alamazsin.
NOT_BUY       = ^4%s ^3Bu serverde satin alamazsin.
NOT_BUY_TEAM  = ^4%s ^1Takimin lazer alamaz ve kuramaz!
NOT_BUY_TEAMB = ^4%s ^1Zombisin! Lazer satin alamaz ve kuramazsin!
MAX_DEPLOY    = ^4%s ^1Maksimum mayin sayisina ulasildi.
MAX_HAVE      = ^4%s ^1Maksimum lazer sayina sahipsin.
MAX_PPL       = ^4%s ^1Takiminda cok kisi var...
DELAY_SEC     = ^4%s ^1Lazerleri ^4%i saniye^1 sonra alabilir ve kurabilirsin.
STATE_AMMO    = Lazer Cephanesi: %i/%i
STATE_AMMO    = Lazer Cephanesi: %i/%i
STATE_INF     = Lazer Cephanesi: Sonsuz.
PLANT_WALL    = ^4%s ^1Lazeri bir duvarda kurmalisin!
PLANT_GROUND  = ^4%s ^1Kilici bir zeminde kurmalisin!
SORRY_IMPL    = ^4%s ^1Uzgunum, bu mod saglanamadi.
ALL_REMOVE    = ^4%s ^1admin butun %s'larin lazerini kaldirdi.
TAKE_MINE     = ^4%s ^1admin %s icin lazer verdi.
REMOVE_SPEC   = ^4%s ^1%s kisisinin butun lazerleri kaldirildi cunku izleyice gecti!
MINE_HUD_MSG  = Sahip: %s^nSaglik: %i/%i

Last edited by Snake.; 04-13-2020 at 05:01.
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