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Join Date: Aug 2016
Location: This Realm of Existence
Old 07-14-2021 , 09:11   How do I prevent rockets from exploding when they collide with each other?
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Hey, folks. I've been working on a Freak Fortress ability; essentially, what I want it to do is rapidly fire various skulls (rockets with skull models, basically) with different effects in the user's aim direction, with some customizable spread, speed, etc. To do this, I have it setup to use a timer, which grabs a random float. If this float is less than the user's set chance to fire a particular skull, it fires that skull. This works fine when only one skull is fired, but what causes problems is when the plugin tries to spawn multiple skulls at once, as they all spawn on top of each other and instantly explode. I've tried messing with collision groups and spawning the skulls at random locations around the user, but neither have worked. Does anyone have any ideas? I've got the following code if anyone is interested:

public Action boner_AttemptCast(Handle boner_AttemptCast, int id) //Yes, boner, I am very mature.
	int client = GetClientOfUserId(id);
	if (IsValidMulti(client) && FF2_HasAbility(FF2_GetBossIndex(client), SPOOK, BONER) && boner_Active[client])
		float chance = GetRandomFloat(0.0, 1.0);
		if (chance <= boner_RedChance[client])
			boner_ShootSkull(client, 0);
		if (chance <= boner_BlueChance[client])
			boner_ShootSkull(client, 1);
		if (chance <= boner_GreenChance[client])
			boner_ShootSkull(client, 2);
		if (chance <= boner_OrangeChance[client])
			boner_ShootSkull(client, 3);
		return Plugin_Continue;
	return Plugin_Continue;

public void boner_ShootSkull(int caster, int mode)
	if (IsValidMulti(caster) && FF2_HasAbility(FF2_GetBossIndex(caster), SPOOK, BONER) && boner_Active[caster])
		float vAngles[3]; 
		float vPosition[3];
		GetClientEyeAngles(caster, vAngles);
		GetClientEyePosition(caster, vPosition);
		//vPosition[1] += GetRandomFloat(-50.0, 50.0);
		//vPosition[2] += GetRandomFloat(-20.0, 20.0);
		new iTeam = GetClientTeam(caster);
		new skull = CreateEntityByName("tf_projectile_rocket");
		float vVelocity[3];
		float vBuffer[3];
		GetAngleVectors(vAngles, vBuffer, NULL_VECTOR, NULL_VECTOR);
		float rocketSpd = GetRandomFloat(boner_MinSpeed[caster], boner_MaxSpeed[caster]);
		vVelocity[0] = vBuffer[0]*rocketSpd;
		vVelocity[1] = vBuffer[1]*rocketSpd * float(GetRandomInt(-boner_Spread[caster], boner_Spread[caster]));
		vVelocity[2] = vBuffer[2]*rocketSpd * float(GetRandomInt(-boner_Spread[caster], boner_Spread[caster]));
		SetEntPropEnt(skull, Prop_Send, "m_hOwnerEntity", caster);
		SetEntProp(skull,    Prop_Send, "m_iTeamNum",     iTeam, 1);
		SetEntDataFloat(skull, FindSendPropInfo("CTFProjectile_Rocket", "m_iDeflected") + 4, boner_BaseDMG[caster], true);
		TeleportEntity(skull, vPosition, vAngles, NULL_VECTOR);
		AcceptEntityInput(skull, "TeamNum", -1, -1, 0);
		AcceptEntityInput(skull, "SetTeam", -1, -1, 0); 
		SetEntityModel(skull, SKULL_MODEL);	
		SetEntPropFloat(skull, Prop_Send, "m_flModelScale", 1.5); //Removing this doesn't solve the issue either.
		SetEntProp(skull,    Prop_Send, "m_nSkin", mode);
		TeleportEntity(skull, NULL_VECTOR, NULL_VECTOR, vVelocity);
Professional retard. I might borrow some code, but I always try to give credit when I do! If you've noticed I've borrowed some of your code, and you have a problem with that, please add me on Steam and let me know so I can correct the problem as soon as possible!

Last edited by LordHotPocketHomicide; 07-15-2021 at 17:47.
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