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Location: Córdoba, Argentina
Old 02-15-2022 , 07:50   Problem Entity Origin
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Hi, well my problem is that I would like the entity to appear higher than it appears, but I can't get it, it always stays as in the image.

Another problem is that I would like to change the color of the model, is it possible? use glow at the end but would like to change its color if possible

PHP Code:
new iUserPet[33]

susanowner id
new susanoo create_entity("info_target")
    if ( !
pev_valid(susanoo) ) return;
set_pev(susanoopev_classname"susanoo")        // name of ent
entity_set_model(susanoo"models/shmod/susanoo.mdl")    // model
    // I Try this for change the origin but not found
new Float:Origin[3], Float:vOrigin[3]
//get_user_origin(susanowner, Origin, 1)
Origin[2]+= 50
[0] += Origin[0]
vOrigin[1] += Origin[1]  
vOrigin[2] += Origin[2]
//engfunc(EngFunc_SetOrigin, susanoo, vOrigin)
set_pev(susanoopev_originvOrigin );
set_pev(susanoopev_movetypeMOVETYPE_FOLLOW)        // follor player id
set_pev(susanoopev_aimentsusanowner)        // owner    
set_pev(susanoopev_framerate1.0)            // This is for animation? 
set_pev(susanoopev_animtimeget_gametime())        // This is for animation? 
    // What is sequence?
set_pev(susanoopev_sequence0)            // ?
    // I use this for glow
    //  -----  But i tried to use this to change the color of the model but not found    -----
    new Float:fVecColor[3] // = {154.0, 0.0, 210.0} 
    new Float:flAmount = 0.0
    set_pev(susanoo, pev_renderfx, kRenderFxNone)
    set_pev(susanoo, pev_rendercolor, fVecColor )
    set_pev(susanoo, pev_rendermode, kRenderNormal) 
    set_pev(susanoo, pev_renderamt, flAmount)
    set_pev(susanoo, pev_rendermode, kRenderTransColor)
    set_rendering(susanoo, kRenderTransColor, 154, 0, 210)
iUserPet[id] = susanoo;
client_print(susanownerprint_chat"Tenes susanoo:")

and another question I tried to put life into the entity and it would take damage, but it just doesn't, is this ok?

PHP Code:
   new Float:p_cvar_health get_pcvar_float(phealth); 
set_pev(susanoopev_solidSOLID_BBOX); // touch on edge, block  
set_pev(susanoopev_healthp_cvar_health); // X hp para entidad
set_pev(susanoopev_takedamageDAMAGE_YES); // daños activado 
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