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Join Date: Aug 2006
Old 02-17-2022 , 07:34   Re: Help with touch teammates
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you should be able to achieve this fairly easily.

inside the public frozen routine, inside the for loop that checks each player...
after you check if a given player is hit (if (dist <= freezeradius)...)

you would check if the owner of the entity (id) and the current user being checked by the for loop (i) are on the same team; and if they are just use continue, the code will stop there and the teammate will be unaffected by subzero.

im not sure off the top of my head what the statement looks like to check if players are on the same team...but certainly this is addressed many times over in code solutions in other heroes, just look up another hero and reference how to do it. i could grab it for you, but itd be better for you to learn yourself!
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