Thread: Goodbye SM
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Veteran Member
Join Date: Nov 2017
Location: Ukraine on fire
Old 09-28-2022 , 02:36   Goodbye SM
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It's been a long time I didn't post anything new, for a reason.

Dark times are coming.
Since 2014 everything changed. People became angry and distrustful of each other, even inside families due to damn politics. Good friends became enemies.
Lot of 3-rd party countries, including Russia started a genocide of Ukrainian people and fake news, sanctions against Ukrainians in Crimea etc.
In 2022 it is transformed to a World War III. I can't take into details, because we aren't safe here and it's against rules.

All at all, under influence of nerves and leaving in the box, I lost ability of creativity.
There is no more time for entertainment anymore, only about thinking how to survive.

I'd like to express my gratitude and respect to all SM devs who helped me, and also shared amazing works. You're smartest and best people.
On the contrary, I'd like emphasize my hate to SM community represented by most of L4D servers administrators, for 4 reasons:

1) no credits about the real authors of works you're using, no mention anywhere (ads or public groups).
2) no single thankful word in the plugin topics, 3-5% is not an indicator (I don't even saying about any donation); just 1 sample: plugin, having 100 active customers, after 7 monthes of delay receive an update having almost 1 page of changelog (many of the wishes are done). No response from people at all.
3) really few feedbacks
4) mostly, no creativity, just copy-paste

Under circumstances, and considering our server group is almost dead, I'm leaving community, stopping all support for current works.

Nevertheless, I don't want my private works became lost in vain, so I shall public them step by step, just because "brag to other devs" and in case of my death due to weapon of RU,UA,EU,NATO,USA soldiers,filtration teams,marauders,cold,radiation.
It's pity, lot of projects left unfinished.

Take care and keep your family safe.
Good bye.

And, please don't say words about politics in this topic. Appreciate.
Expert of CMD/VBS/VB6. Malware analyst. L4D fun (Bloody Witch & FreeZone)
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