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Old 10-03-2022 , 09:23   Re: [ANY] Improve Latency
Reply With Quote #12

Originally Posted by 000 View Post
First of all I want to say that I go through life being nice and (where possible) humble - with respect and understanding, whoever it is.

And I am not on these forums searching for my honor. I am here because I've chosen these very things in my life for the sake of passion.

This might help you:

That's fine. You might be right. But you never proved that I am wrong (for example by a simple video). At this point, I don't understand how someone could be arguing without delivering a crystal clear proof at least once.

I have never stated that it was a trick, rather a question.

I have no reason to be embarassed at all. If you don't mind, it'd like to quote Richard Feynman as to why:

As I get older, I realise being wrong isn't a bad thing like they teach you in school. It is an opportunity to learn something. - Richard Feynman

Also, why should I let my life be negatively (or at all) shapen by how someone percieves me or would.

These are two of many reasons.

Also regarding your attempted humiliation: <projection, displacement>

I know that these commands are available in all source engine games. Nevertheless, I also stated that I am not an expert.

Again, attempted humiliation because of feeling deeply ashamed and/or disgraced. With that being said:

Is it what you know or what you think?

I never stated that. I just described the behaviour.

Also, these values are bound to the tickrate. I think it is self-explanatory. If not, then it is out of scope of this topic.

Again, prove it that I am wrong, that the stated behaviour cannot be observed. If so, I did a big, catastrohpic, mistake (If you want so) by publishing without testing it beforehand (and just let my memory do it) and this thread can be trashed. Where is the problem?

Let's ignore the fact that it should cause humiliation.

That is fine. After all, it is your life and time.

My personal opinion about you (since you had yours about me):

All in all you are going to ruin relationships and a happy, fullfilled life with that kind of mindset, only because no one has ever (to this point) told you about it. But that is what I think.

And after all the best I could do, you will etheir take my hints serious and move on peacefully (and I'm sure you are going to check this here again, nevertheless) or you will take this is personal, without gratitude, insisting on your actions to be rightful, and remain bitter.

I could have easily destroyed your life over the internet, because obviously I know yourself better than you do. Some people, like psychopaths for example, would do that, just because you acted this way. And they can do that with you (yes, over the internet). And some of them are in the military, specialized in Informatics. You are ignorant and light-headed. Where I come from this gets you killed.

Instead, I gave you all the keys you need to make something out of it. And you could, you are intelligent enough.

You have to understand that those what you feel are just feelings. You don't have to let them shape your life.

I, sincerely (really, I am honest), wish you a good path to go.

This might help you on your path well:

I would recommend to not limit one self just to wikipedia. Instead, other sources and expierence is a good way to go - studying.

Also: I am not your bro, you bellend.

Best regards.
Do you misunderstand everything on purpose?

Mr. Bellend, that was not an attempt to humiliate you, it was an attempt to point out how wrong you are and how stubborn you are about being right, when you're wrong.

For a person that is supposedly always trying to be nice, you seem very eager to try and humiliate me and even ended up using childish insults.

I have proved it multiple times, you just don't get it. It's that simple. Im not going to waste my time making a video. Let me make this extremely simple for you so even your compressed brain can understand it this time:
- your plugin only enters convars on behalf of the users themselves
- the server will still not use them unless the sv_ convars on the server have the same or lower(higher) value
- instead of this plugin you could just adjust the sv_ convars on the server, making the plugin redundant

Is this simple enough for you? Do you need a 12-step tutorial?

You behave like a little child and then try to win an argument with quotes about honor and respect.

There is no honor or respect in your last message.

There is nothing wrong with not understanding something. You could have just asked me nicely to explain it better, but you didn't want that. You can't admit you're wrong, ever apparently. Every message you posted just keeps confirming it.
"Im still right" seeping from every message.

You've betrayed the values you seemed to care so much about. You've stooped lower just to prove that you're higher.
You've failed today.

This is of no interested to anyone anymore. You've ruined the thread with your ego. I'm not going to continue with this any longer. This is my last post in here. Good luck with your "little trick plugin".

PS: you could have just made a post about rates and autoexec.cfg instead
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