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Join Date: Sep 2004
Old 10-14-2004 , 14:45   some built in pluggins id like to see
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well i agree that most pluggins should not be built in with sourcemod mainly because the majority of them are silly and are for goofing around. The only added "come with pluggins" i would like to see would be some sorta download management for .wavs and things like that, i heard an already suggested scrimmage pluggin that automatically sets up scrimmage rules and configs which sounded very useful, and a custom vote pluggin which allowes certain maps for voting depending on the current map and for common favorites like knives only. A clan tag restriction pluggin would also be nice.

Id also like to see more variety of colors for ex. amx_csay and an ability to bind multiple commands to the same key. So if i hit uparrow a phrase appears in the center of the screen and a .wav from the speech menu is played at the same time.

Hope some of these suggestions get added.
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