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Old 09-26-2005 , 21:55   Xaphan - Admin plugin
Reply With Quote #1

Version: 1.0b1

Whats changed?
Most importantly, everything you see here has been tested. The plugin does not cause any server stability issues, nor does it have any non functional commands.

Reserved Slots
Execute commands on clients
Execute commands on the server
Speak via server's say command
Get timeleft

What this will not have (don't ask for this):
Play sounds
Download sounds
Change models

What will be added:
Map voting (rockthevote style)
Swear filter

Why release this now?
Most of the other plugins I see are highly mod specific, and there has been a release of a few new source mods, and other games based on source that don't have anything to admin them with. Also, it provides one of the first major plugins to use Metamod: Source. The version I released when HL2 was released was very buggy, and not really a good representation of this.

How do I use it?
You need to download and Install SourceMM. Next, set it up like a normal plugin. If you start your server now, and type "meta list" into the console, you should see a line that says
-Id- Name Version Author Status
[01] Xaphan v0.91 devicenull RUN

Don't worry if it isnt exactly like that, as long as it says run you are all set.

You can stop your server now, and set up the users file. This goes in moddir\addons\Xaphan\ and is named users.ini
The format is very simple.
So, to give me access, I would put
The different access levels are as follows:
everyone - x_help
a - reserved slot
b - x_kick, x_slay
c - x_map
d - x_ban, x_listip
e - x_ssay, x_csay
z - x_exec, x_execall, x_rcon

Why do x_exec and x_rcon share the same access level? I want my admins to be able to execute commands on the clients, but not the server!
I feel, that if you can't trust someone with access to the server via rcon, you shouldn't trust them with access to clients computers. This is something that is very unlikely to change throughout the versions. If it does change, then it will probably be because the client execute commands have been removed.

Okay, where can I get it?
Win32 and Linux:

  • Lots of fun internal stuff

  • Moved some stuff around. Config files now go in xaphan\cfg, and binary files go in xaphan\bin. This is to conform to the standards for plugins, and will not change again.
  • I've determined that CSS and DODS have removed support for csays, at least the way the plugin is doing them. All other mods should work, if they don't, check out the Readme for how to make them work.
  • Banned words support is not going to be included, but will become an optional plugin later on.
  • Fixed all linux dependencies
  • You now get an easier to use install method.. extract to addons folder. This allowed me to automate building packages, which really doesn't matter to you
  • Downloads: 720/21 Win/Linux
-Fixed linux config file loading - only linux servers need to update
*Linux only update
-Fixed reporting of name when someone is autobanned (Thanks c0ldfyr3)
-Fixed minor issue with reporting peoples names from the access file (Thanks c0ldfyr3)
-Fixed bot crashes
-MM 1.1 Support
-Added support for Plan of Attack - This mod does not have the newest version of the PlayerInfoManager class. You will see this error if you use this mod: [XAPHAN] Error: Could not find interface PlayerInfoManager002, attempting to degrade to older version. In future versions you may find certain features are disabled.
-Added x_csay
Various bits of semi-useful code in a bunch of languages:
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