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Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: Poland
Old 12-22-2006 , 07:07   Re: CSDM 2.1d beta
Reply With Quote #56

Originally Posted by Simon Logic
I've looked into HLSDK about items. KWo, why don't you just hide items and make them non-solid or other way untouchable instead of removing them? Was it an optimization hint?
buyzones, hostages, bombzones, rescue points etc - they are removed to have the round neverending. If You hide them only instead removing them, the round will finish every time the rund time expires.

Originally Posted by Simon Logic
I tried to remove visual effect of falling down items.
See a screenshot to make things clearer. Stupid engine function Another way to fix it - make it invisible first. Then use tasks to emulate think function to detect an item is on the ground, then make it visible. But this can be CPU consuming. What you think?
Wait for Faluco for some comments to that. This is not a big issue (that falling down effect) for me so I don't care. But there is something more important (IMHO) thing to do which I don't have the time and the knowledge to solve it correctly. It's recreation of removed entities after disabling CSDM from menu. I mean - when You start CSDM - some entities are removed - because of the reason described above. Then - if You disable CSDM - these entities should be recreated. It means You should store some info about entities (DispatchSpawn function or whatever it is called) - then You should use that stored info while disabling CSDM (for recreating entities). You can ask Orangutanz for help with examples of code (I believe he is the only person, except - of-course - too much busy BAILOPAN) who can help with this. He is an "Entities Master".

Originally Posted by Simon Logic
And again a bounding boxe issue. See another screenshot. I think implementation of described above algrorithm becomes a must (we should set bounding boxes only when it's already on the ground).
You mean the entity is above the ground instead exsctly on the ground? You should sign/mark at the picture the detail we should focus to see what You are talking about.
The Fullpack of podbot mm V3B22 - 24 apr 2012!!! is available here.
The All-In-One 3.2a package - 02 jun 2013 (AMX X 1.8.2 [with ATAC 3.0.1b , CSDM2.1.3c beta, CM OE 0.6.5, podbot mm V3B22c and mm 1.20) is available here.
The newest Beta V3B23a (rel. 28 august 2018!!!) is available here.

Last edited by KWo; 12-22-2006 at 07:11.
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