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Join Date: Mar 2004
Old 08-03-2004 , 09:49  

I'm in a rush, so I'll keep it short
Originally Posted by IceMouse[WrG
The topic title is "Once a Patch, Now a Fork" and thus you lose.
The point was that it cannot change status from patch to fork without updating... And saying "0.20 will change this" isn't good enough, as it isn't out
My reason for mentioning it: you asked. As for the plot, you'll have to trust me (ha ha!). Anyway. The AMX RCs were more stable than the AMX official releases? That's not something to be proud of.
Well one would expect a candidate to be released to be stable, as you would expect a potential employee to be able to do his job
I submit that you do not fully understand the situation, and thus you are in a poor position to debate. As for "the past," the largest concerns have been those in the present -- this is a real and current issue which is occurring now.
Alright, the post was that AMXx should have been more professional about this. Not that AMX is better, or anything like that... I wasn't attempting to debate... I merely said it was in poor taste, and it's a shame that things had to sink so low... And what I meant for putting the past behind us, while these may be present issues, the communities separated a year ago... There is no need to bash them now, no matter what they do.

And the one who asked why they wouldn't stay together: OLO wouldn't let them at the time AMXx was started
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