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Join Date: Mar 2004
Old 08-03-2004 , 10:27  

Originally Posted by Bluepeace
Originally Posted by DoubleDoom (edited for clarity)
whine whine whine!
I guess you weren't planning on saying anything that was 1) relevant, 2) true, 3) sensical. All that stuff made no sense. Are you tryin' to make some sense??
This is exactly the sort of post you expect from a 13 year old who enjoys creating animosity when there doesnt need to be any.

DoubleDoom, stop trolling.
Hmm, the only people that seem to have an issue over this are those involved in the amxx development. Why post comments if you dont want a response. Every response made by someone from amxx is negative. Why do you want there to be this attitude?

Lastly, I'd be very interested if dJeyL manages to do a 64bit port without changing the file format. He once said that 64bit was impossible before we did it.
Oh well, we will see soon enough then wont we.
__________________ No Sniper/AWP, 32player
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