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DJ Tsunami
DJ Post Spammer
Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: The Netherlands
Old 11-06-2020 , 04:27   Re: REST in Pawn 1.2 - HTTP client for JSON REST APIs (Updated 2020/09/13)
Reply With Quote #82

I don't run any servers, so I don't know how it performs on a busy server, but I tested on a local server and was able to perform over 800 requests per second without noticing any performance issues. The extension also limits the number of requests it processes each frame, so even if you have several plugins performing hundreds of requests per second, it should not affect performance.

Also, this extension has been downloaded over 2000 times since the Weapon Stickers plugin was released, and I have not received any complaints.

If you're asking how this extension performs compared to MySQL, it depends. SourceMod can currently process maybe 25-30 queries per second, across all database connections. This extension can process over 700 requests per second on a single HTTP/2 connection. However, when using HTTP/1 each request uses its own connection, so it's much slower.
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