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New L4D2 game events

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Old 11-20-2009 , 03:15   New L4D2 game events
Reply With Quote #1

As found in the resources/modevents.res file

There might be some old ones in here too ;)

PHP Code:
    "explain_scavenge_goal"        // explain where to put the scavenge mode items
"userid"    "short"
        "subject"    "long"        
// The collection device
"explain_scavenge_leave_area"  // explain that leaving the area, starts round
"userid"    "short"
        "subject"    "long"        
// The entity
"begin_scavenge_overtime"    // enter overtime in a scavenge round
"scavenge_round_start"    // a scavenge round has begun

"scavenge_round_halftime"    // a scavenge round is in halftime
"scavenge_round_finished"    // a scavenge round has ended
"scavenge_score_tied"    // a team just tied the score
"versus_round_start"    // a versus round has begun
"gascan_pour_blocked"    // can't pour the gas, someone else already is
"userid"    "short"
"gascan_pour_completed"    // player finished pouring a can
"userid"    "short"
"userid"    "short"
"gascan_pour_interrupted"    // we got interuppted pouring the gas can
"userid"    "short"    // person who interuppted us
"winners"    "byte"        // winner team
"winners"    "byte"        // winner team

"total_ammo_below_40"    // sent for any ammo type, except those with max ammo 1, or infinite ammo, like pistols
"userid"    "short"
"userid"        "short"    // player who punched the clown
"userid"    "short"       // user ID of dead charger
"attacker"    "short"         // user id of killer
"melee"        "bool"        // TRUE if a player killed the charger with a melee weapon
"charging"    "bool"        // TRUE if the charger was charging when it died
"userid"    "short"       // user ID of dead spitter
"attacker"    "short"         // user id of killer
"has_spit"        "bool"    // TRUE if the spitter spit at some point
"userid"    "short"            // player who did the lunging
"victim"    "short"            // player that got lunged
"userid"    "short"            // player who did the lunging
"victim"    "short"            // player that got lunged
"rescuer"    "short"            // Who stopped it
"ride_length" "float"        // Duration of our ride
"userid"    "short"       // user ID of dead jockey
"attacker"    "short"         // user id of killer
"userid"        "short"       // User that fired a non-melee weapon
"userid"    "short"        // userid of the player who did the decapitation
"upgradeid"    "short"
        "userid"    "short"
"userid"    "short"        // userid of the player who used the bomb
"userid"    "short"       // user ID of the charger
"userid"    "short"       // user ID of the charger
"userid"    "short"       // user ID of the charger
"victim"    "short"
"userid"    "short"       // user ID of the charger
"victim"    "short"
"charger_impact"            // ran into a survivor we aren't carrying
"userid"    "short"
        "victim"    "short"
"userid"    "short"       // user ID of the charger
"victim"    "short"
"userid"    "short"       // user ID of the charger
"victim"    "short"
        "rescuer"    "short"        
// Who stopped it
"userid"    "short"
        "subject"    "short"
"userid"    "short"       // user ID of the charger
"userid"    "short"        // player that forced the drop
"victim"    "short"        // player that dropped it
"userid"    "short"        // The player we're explaining to
"userid"    "short"        // The player we're explaining to
"userid"    "short"        // The player we're explaining to
"userid"    "short"        // The player we're explaining to
"userid"    "short"        // The player we're explaining to
"group"        "string"
        "enabled"    "short"
"userid"    "short"
        "subject"    "short"
"userid"    "short"
        "marker"    "short"

"userid"    "short"        // The player that destroyed it

AtomicStryker is offline
Senior Member
Join Date: Mar 2009
Old 11-24-2009 , 13:36   Re: New L4D2 game events
Reply With Quote #2

wow most of these triggers can be used to make achievements retardedly easy just fill in the userid XD
Mnkras is offline
Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: Brazil
Old 12-14-2009 , 00:05   Re: New L4D2 game events
Reply With Quote #3

"player_death"                // a game event, name may be 32 charaters long 
    // this extents the original player_death by a new fields 
    "userid"    "short"       // user ID who died                 
 "entityid" "long" // entity ID who died, userid should be used first, to get the dead Player. Otherwise, it is not a player, so use this. 
    "attacker"    "short"         // user ID who killed 
    "attackername" "string" // What type of zombie, so we don't have zombie names 
    "attackerentid" "long"    // if killer not a player, the entindex of who killed.  Again, use attacker first 
    "weapon"    "string"     // weapon name killer used  
    "headshot"    "bool"        // singals a headshot 
    "attackerisbot" "bool"  // is the attacker a bot 
    "victimname" "string"   // What type of zombie, so we don't have zombie names 
    "victimisbot" "bool"    // is the victim a bot 
    "abort" "bool"          // did the victim abort 
    "type"        "long"        // damage type 
    "victim_x"    "float" 
    "victim_y"    "float" 
    "victim_z"    "float" 
    "local"        "1"            // Not networked 
    "userid"    "short"       // user ID who was hurt 
    "attacker"    "short"         // user id who attacked 
    "attackerentid"    "long"    // entity id who attacked, if attacker not a player, and userid therefore invalid 
    "health"    "short"        // remaining health points 
    "armor"        "byte"        // remaining armor points 
    "weapon"    "string"    // weapon name attacker used, if not the world 
    "dmg_health"    "short"    // damage done to health 
    "dmg_armor"    "byte"        // damage done to armor 
    "hitgroup"    "byte"        // hitgroup that was damaged 
    "type"        "long"        // damage type 
"player_team"                // player change his team 
    "userid"    "short"        // user ID on server 
    "team"        "byte"        // team id 
    "oldteam" "byte"        // old team id 
    "disconnect" "bool"        // team change because player disconnects 
    "name"    "string" 
    "isbot"    "bool" 
    "player"    "short"        // user ID of the player 
    "bot"        "short"        // user ID of the bot 
    "bot"        "short"        // user ID of the bot 
    "player"    "short"        // user ID of the player 
    "player"    "short"        // user ID of the player 
    "local"        "1"            // don't network this, its way too spammy 
    "userid"    "short" 
    "weapon"    "string"     // used weapon name 
    "weaponid"    "short"        // used weapon ID 
    "count"        "short"        // number of bullets 
    "local"        "1"            // don't network this, its way too spammy 
    "userid"    "short" 
    "weapon"    "string"     // weapon name used 
    "count"        "short"        // number of bullets 
    "userid"    "short" 
    "manual"    "bool"        // player manually started the reload 
    "userid"    "short" 
    "userid"    "short" 
    "ability"    "string"    // ability classname 
    "context"    "short"        // enum of the way it was used (different for each ability) 
    "userid"    "short"        // The player who got some ammo from a weapon_ammo_spawner 
    "userid"    "short" 
    "item"        "string"    // either a weapon such as 'tmp' or 'hegrenade', or an item such as 'nvgs' 
    "userid"    "short" 
    "userid"    "short" 
    "userid" "short" 
    "x"         "float" 
    "y"         "float" 
    "z"         "float" 
    "userid"    "short" 
    "userid"    "short" 
    "userid"    "short" 
    "userid"    "short"        // Who got hurt 
    "damage"    "float"        // for how much 
    "causer"    "short"        // Who caused them to do so (if anyone) 
    "userid"    "short"        // Who grabbed the ledge 
    "causer"    "short"        // Who caused them to do so (if anyone) 
    "userid"    "short"        // person who released from the ledge 
    "entindex"    "long" 
    "userid"    "short" 
    "userid"     "short"    // Who opened the door 
    "checkpoint" "bool"        // Is the door a checkpoint door 
    "closed"     "bool"        // Was the door closed when it started opening? 
    "userid"        "short"    // Who closed the door 
    "checkpoint"    "bool"    // Is the door a checkpoint door 
    "userid"        "short"    // Who opened the door 
    "checkpoint"    "bool"    // Is the door a checkpoint door 
    "userid"        "short"    // Who opened the door 
    "entindex"        "long"    // door that opened 
"waiting_checkpoint_door_used"    // Someone tried to open a checkpoint door that is locked till everyone loads in 
    "userid"        "short"    // player who tried to open it 
    "entindex"        "long"    // door that was used 
"waiting_door_used_versus"    // Someone tried to open a checkpoint door that is locked till everyone loads in 
    "userid"        "short"    // player who tried to open it 
    "entindex"        "long"    // door that was used 
"waiting_checkpoint_button_used"    // Someone tried to push a button that's locked until everyone is gathered 
    "userid"        "short"    // player who tried to open it 
"success_checkpoint_button_used"    // Someone pushed a button that's locked until everyone is gathered 
    "userid"        "short"    // player who openned it 
    "area"        "long" 
    "blocked"    "bool" 
    "winner"    "byte"        // winner team/user i 
    "reason"    "byte"        // reson why team won 
    "message"    "string"    // end round message 
    "winner"    "byte"        // winner team/user i 
    "reason"    "byte"        // reson why team won 
    "message"    "string"    // end round message 
    "time"        "float" 
// Client side VoteController talking to HUD 
    "issue"            "string" 
    "param1"        "string" 
    "team"            "byte" 
    "initiator"        "long" // entity id of the player who initiated the vote 
    "yesVotes"        "byte" 
    "noVotes"        "byte" 
    "potentialVotes"    "byte" 
    "details"        "string" 
    "param1"        "string" 
    "team"            "byte" 
    "team"            "byte" 
    "team"            "byte" 
    "entityid"        "long"    // entity id of the voter 
    "team"            "byte" 
    "entityid"        "long"    // entity id of the voter 
    "local"        "1"        // don't network this, its way too spammy 
    "attacker"    "short"         // player userid who attacked 
    "entityid"    "long"        // entity id of infected 
    "hitgroup"    "byte"        // hitgroup that was damaged 
    "amount"    "short"        // how much damage was done 
    "type"        "long"        // damage type 
    "attacker"    "short"         // user ID who killed 
    "infected_id" "short"    // ID of the infected that died 
    "gender"    "short"        // gender (type) of the infected 
    "weapon_id"    "short"        // ID of the weapon used 
    "headshot"    "bool"        // singals a headshot 
    "minigun"    "bool"        // singals a minigun kill 
    "blast"        "bool"        // singals a death from blast damage 
    "submerged"    "bool"        // indicates the infected was submerged 
    "hostname"        "string" 
    "newDifficulty"    "short" 
    "oldDifficulty"    "short" 
    "strDifficulty" "string" // new difficulty as string 
    "rushes"        "short" 
    "survivorcount"    "short" // number of survivors that made it out 
    "map_name"        "string" 
    "difficulty"    "short" 
"mission_lost" // As in, the survivor team failed.  Opposite of finale_win, but not necessarily during the finale. 
    "health"    "short" 
    "health"    "short" 
"final_reportscreen"    // Right before the final report screen comes up, let awards possibly fire 
    "userid"    "short"            // the person that just finished transitioning 
    "userid"    "short"            // person doing the healing 
    "subject"    "short"            // person being healed 
    "userid"    "short"            // person doing the healing 
    "subject"    "short"            // person being healed 
    "health_restored"    "short"        // amount of health restored 
    "userid"    "short"            // person doing the healing 
    "subject"    "short"            // person being healed 
    "userid"    "short"            // person who was being healed, but moved. 
    "subject"    "short"            // person being healed 
    "userid"    "short"            // person giving the ammo 
    "subject"    "short"            // person receiving ammo 
    "userid"    "short"            // The giver of the weapon 
    "recipient"    "short"            // The recipient of the weapon 
    "weapon"    "short"            // The ID of the weapon given 
    "userid"    "short"            // person who had the pills 
    "subject"    "short"            // person swallowing the pills 
    "userid"    "short"            // person who tried to use the pills 
    "userid"    "short"            // person who tried to use the ammo pack 
    "subject"    "short"            // person it failed to help 
    "userid"    "short"            // person who tried to use the ammo pack 
    "subject"    "short"            // person it failed to help 
    "userid"    "short"            // person who tried to use the ammo pack 
    "subject"    "short"            // person it failed to help 
    "userid"    "short"            // person who tried to use an ammo pile with a grenade launcher 
    "userid"    "short"            // person who was being healed, but moved. 
    "subject"    "short"            // person being revived 
    "userid"    "short"            // person who tried to use the defibrillator 
    "subject"    "short"            // person it helped 
    "userid"    "short"            // person who tried to use the defibrillator 
    "subject"    "short"            // person it failed to help 
    "userid"    "short"            // person who was being healed, but moved. 
    "subject"    "short"            // person being revived 
    "userid"    "short"            // person who is deploying the pack 
    "upgradeid"    "short" 
    "userid"    "short"            // person who is deploying the pack 
    "userid"    "short"            // person who tried to use an ammo upgrade twice     
    "upgradeclass"    "string"        // classname of the upgrade we tried to use 
    "userid"    "short"            // person who tried to use an upgrade without having a primary weapon 
    "upgrade"    "string"        // name of the upgrade we tried to use, eg "INCENDIARY_AMMO" 
    "userid"    "short"        // The player who sees the entity 
    "subject"    "long"        // Entindex of the entity they see 
    "deadplayer"    "short"    // user id of the dead player represented     
    "userid"    "short"            // person who had and used the adrenaline 
    "userid"    "short"            // person doing the reviving 
    "subject"    "short"            // person being revived 
    "userid"        "short"            // person doing the reviving 
    "subject"        "short"            // person who was revived 
    "lastlife"        "bool"            // person revived will die if they fall again 
    "ledge_hang"    "bool"            // 1 if person revived was ledge hanging 
    "userid"        "short"        // person doing the reviving 
    "subject"        "short"        // person being revived 
    "ledge_hang"    "bool"        // person is ledge hanging 
    "userid"    "short"            // person doing the dragging 
    "subject"    "short"            // person being dragged 
    "userid"    "short"            // person doing the dragging 
    "subject"    "short"            // person being dragged 
"player_incapacitated"                // when a player becomes incapacitated 
    "userid"    "short"            // person who became incapacitated 
    "attacker"    "short"             // user ID who made us incapacitated 
    "attackerentid"    "long"             // if attacker not player, entindex of who made us incapacitated 
    "weapon"    "string"         // weapon name attacker used  
    "type"        "long"            // damage type 
"player_incapacitated_start"    // when a player is about to become incapacitated, so you can see his last living state 
    "userid"    "short"            // person who became incapacitated 
    "attacker"    "short"             // user ID who made us incapacitated 
    "attackerentid"    "long"         // if attacker not player, entindex of who made us incapacitated 
    "weapon"    "string"         // weapon name attacker used  
    "type"        "long"            // damage type 
"player_entered_start_area"        // when a player spawns into the player start area 
    "userid"    "short"            // person who entered 
"player_first_spawn"            // when a player spawns for the first time in a given mission 
    "userid"    "short"            // person who spawned 
    "map_name"    "string" 
    "isbot"        "bool" 
"player_left_start_area"        // when a player leaves the player start area 
    "userid"    "short"            // person who left 
"player_entered_checkpoint"        // when a basecombatcharacter enters a checkpoint area 
    "userid"    "short"            // player who entered 
    "entityid"    "long"            // If not a player, the entity index of the one entering 
    "door"        "long"            // Entindex of the checkpoint door the player entered to get here. 
    "area"        "long" 
    "doorname"    "string"        // name of the entity they see 
"player_left_checkpoint"        // when a player leaves a checkpoint area 
    "userid"    "short"            // player who left 
    "entityid"    "long"            // If not a player, the entity index of the one exiting 
    "area"        "long" 
    "userid"    "short"       // player index who was shoved 
    "attacker"    "short"         // player index who attacked them 
    "entityid"    "short"       // the entity index of the one ewho was shoved 
    "attacker"    "short"         // player index who attacked them 
    "userid"    "short"            // player who jumped 
    "userid"    "short"       // player index who was trying to move 
    "blocker"    "short"         // player index who kept them from moving 
    "userid"    "short"        // Player who is now it 
    "attacker"    "short"        // player that did the it-ing 
    "exploded"    "bool"        // whether it was vomit or explosion 
    "infected"    "bool"        // is the vomit infectious 
    "by_boomer"    "bool"        // came from a boomer 
    "userid"    "short"        // Player who is now no longer it 
    "userid"    "short"        // Player who woke up the witch 
    "witchid"    "long"        // Entindex of witch woken up 
    "first"        "bool"        // First time the witch set a harasser 
    "witchid"    "long"        // Entindex of witch spawning right now. 
    "userid"    "short"        // Player who killed the witch 
    "witchid"    "long"        // Entindex of witch that was killed. 
    "oneshot"    "bool"      // TRUE if the Witch was killed with one shot 
    "userid"    "short"        // User ID of the tank spawning now 
    "tankid"    "long"        // Entindex of tank spawning right now. 
    "userid"    "short"        // Player who bashed the infected 
    "entityid"    "long"        // Entindex of infected what got killed 
    "ambush"    "bool"        // Infected was unaware when killed 
    "userid"    "short"            // person who cleared the area 
    "area"        "long"            // id of the cleared area 
    "userid"    "short"            // player who earned the award 
    "entityid"    "long"            // client likes ent id 
    "subjectentid"    "long"            // entity id of other party in the award, if any 
    "award"        "short"            // id of award earned 
    "userid"    "short"            // player who did the grabbing 
    "victim"    "short"            // player that got grabbed 
    "userid"    "short"            // Tongue owner 
    // Fired in all cases where the tongue releases a victim, whether choked or not, etc. 
    "userid"    "short"            // The tongue owner 
    "victim"    "short"            // The (now released) victim 
    "distance"    "long"            // Distance the victim was dragged. 
    "userid"    "short"            // The choker 
    "victim"    "short"            // The person being choked 
    "userid"    "short"            // The choker 
    "victim"    "short"            // The person being choked 
    "userid"        "short"        // Who stopped it 
    "victim"        "short"        // And who was being choked 
    "smoker"        "short"        // The tongue owner 
    "release_type"    "short"        // How did it break? 
    "userid"        "short"        // Who stopped it 
    "victim"        "short"        // And who was being choked 
    "smoker"        "short"        // The tongue owner 
    "release_type"    "short"        // How did it break? 
    "userid"    "short"            // player who did the lunging 
    "victim"    "short"            // player that got lunged 
    "userid"    "short"            // player who did the lunging 
    "victim"    "short"            // player that got lunged 
    "distance"    "long"            // Distance from pounce start to contact 
    "userid"    "short"            // Who stopped it 
    "victim"    "short"            // And who was being pounced 
    "userid"    "short"            // Who stopped it 
    "victim"    "short"            // And who was being pounced 
    "userid"    "short"            // Who vomited 
    "victim"    "short"            // And who was killed or incapped 
    "userid"    "short"            // The actual player entity who is awaiting rescue. 
 "subject" "long" // SurvivorRescue entity representing the player who needs to be rescued from the closet (used for position) 
    "rescuer"    "short"            // player that did the rescuing 
    "victim"    "short"            // the survivor being rescued 
    "userid"    "short"            // player who was relocated 
    "userid"    "short"            // player who started respawning 
    "userid"    "short"            // player who was culled 
    "userid"        "short"            // player who got the weapon 
    "giver"            "short"            // player that did the giving 
    "weapon"        "short"            // weapon id given 
    "weaponentid"    "short"            // weapon entity id  
    "userid"        "short"            // player who dropped the weapon 
    "item"            "string"        // either a weapon such as 'tmp' or 'hegrenade', or an item such as 'nvgs' 
    "propid"        "short"            // entindex of the dropped weapon 
"break_breakable"    // Override from gameevents.res 
    "userid"    "short"    // userid of breaker 
    "entindex"    "long"  // entindex of thing breaking 
    "material"    "byte"    // BREAK_GLASS, BREAK_WOOD, etc 
    "hulkonly"  "bool" // SF_BREAK_HULK_ONLY 
    "player"    "byte"        // entindex of the player 
    "achievement"    "short"        // achievement ID 
"spawner_give_item" // A spawner has given a player an item (weapon, pills, ammo, health kit, etc) 
    "userid"    "short"        // Item recipient 
    "item"        "string"    // Name of item given 
    "spawner"    "long"        // entindex of the spawner entity 
"create_panic_event"    // A panic event has been created, though not necessarily started 
    "userid"    "short"            // player who was started the panic 
    "subject"    "long"        // The weapon_pain_pills spawner that will be indicated 
    "subject"    "long"        // The weapon_pain_pills spawner that will be indicated 
    "userid"    "short"        // The player who sees the entity 
    "subject"    "long"        // Entindex of the entity they see 
    "classname"    "string"    // Classname of the entity they see 
    "entityname" "string"    // name of the entity they see 
    "userid"    "short"        // The player who sees the entity 
    "subject"    "long"        // Entindex of the entity they see 
    "weaponname"    "string"    // weapon name, or "melee" 
    "subtype"        "string"    // melee weapon name 
    "userid"    "short"        // The boomer  
    "victim"    "short"        // The survivor whom the boomer has gotten very close to 
"explain_pre_radio"                // explain the rescue radio will remind you to ready for the finale 
    "userid"    "short" 
    "subject"    "long"         
"started_pre_radio"                // explain the rescue radio will remind you to ready for the finale 
    "userid"    "short" 
    "subject"    "long"         
"explain_radio"                // explain the rescue radio will start the finale 
    "userid"    "short" 
    "subject"    "long"         
"explain_gas_truck"                // explain how pulling the lever on the gas truck will start the finale 
    "userid"    "short" 
    "subject"    "long"        // The lever     
"explain_panic_button"            // explain that pressing this button will start a panic event. 
    "userid"    "short" 
    "subject"    "long"        // The panic button 
"explain_elevator_button"        // explain how to operate the hospital elevator button. 
    "userid"    "short" 
    "subject"    "long"        // The button 
"explain_lift_button"            // explain how to operate the lift button. 
    "userid"    "short" 
    "subject"    "long"        // The lift button 
"explain_church_door"            // explain how to provoke the crazy church guy. 
    "userid"    "short" 
    "subject"    "long"        // The saferoom door 
"explain_emergency_door"            // explain how to open the emergency door. 
    "userid"    "short" 
    "subject"    "long"        // The door 
    "explain_crane"            // explain how to lower the box on the crane. 
    "userid"    "short" 
    "subject"    "long"        // The lever/button 
"explain_bridge"            // explain how to close the gates to make a bridge. 
    "userid"    "short" 
    "subject"    "long"        // The button 
"explain_gas_can_panic"            // explain how to shoot the gas can. 
    "userid"    "short" 
    "subject"    "long"        // The gas can 
"explain_van_panic"            // explain how to start the van. 
    "userid"    "short" 
    "subject"    "long"        // The van 
    "explain_mainstreet"            // explain how to lower the forklift 
    "userid"    "short" 
    "subject"    "long"        // The forklift 
"explain_train_lever"            // explain how to operate the train lever. 
    "userid"    "short" 
    "subject"    "long"        // The lever on box car 
"explain_disturbance"        // explain that disturbances (car alarm) attract infected horde 
    "userid"    "short" 
    "subject"    "long"        // The source of disturbance 
"explain_scavenge_goal"        // explain where to put the scavenge mode items 
    "userid"    "short" 
    "subject"    "long"        // The collection device 
"explain_scavenge_leave_area"  // explain that leaving the area, starts round 
    "userid"    "short" 
    "subject"    "long"        // The entity 
"begin_scavenge_overtime"    // enter overtime in a scavenge round 
"scavenge_round_start"    // a scavenge round has begun 
"scavenge_round_halftime"    // a scavenge round is in halftime 
"scavenge_round_finished"    // a scavenge round has ended 
"scavenge_score_tied"    // a team just tied the score 
"versus_round_start"    // a versus round has begun 
"gascan_pour_blocked"    // can't pour the gas, someone else already is 
    "userid"    "short" 
"gascan_pour_completed"    // player finished pouring a can 
    "userid"    "short" 
    "userid"    "short" 
    "winners"    "byte"        // winner team 
    "winners"    "byte"        // winner team 
"use_target"                // a new use target has been found 
    "targetid"    "long"        // Entindex of the use target 
    "classname"    "string"    // classname of the use target 
    "isprop"    "bool"        // is this a prop that can be carried 
"player_use"                // a new use target has been found 
    "userid"    "short"        // userid of user 
    "targetid"    "long"        // Entindex of the used entity 
    "attacker"    "short"        // player who fired the weapon 
    "victim"    "short"        // player who got shot 
    "guilty"    "short"        // player who was at fault 
    "type"        "long"        // damage type 
    "userid"    "short"        // userid of user requesting their stats 
    "player"    "byte" 
    "istalking"    "bool" 
// client event for player has picked up a weapon 
    "context"    "byte"    //split screen message context 
    "weaponid"    "byte" 
    "weaponslot"    "byte" 
    "dropped_by_infected"    "bool"    // Infected dropped the weapon 
    "userid"        "short"    // player who caused ignition 
    "hunteruserid"    "long"    // user ID of Hunter 
    "islunging"        "bool"    // TRUE if the Hunter was in the act of lunging 
    "userid"        "short" // player who made the headshot 
    "hunteruserid"    "long"    // user ID of Hunter 
    "islunging"        "bool" // TRUE if the Hunter was in the act of lunging 
    "userid"        "short"  // player who caused ignition 
    "gender"        "short"     // gender (type) of the infected 
    "entityid"        "long"     // entity ID of Tank 
    "victimname"    "string" // "Witch", "Tank", "Hunter", "Smoker", or "Infected" 
    "fire_ammo"        "bool"     // true if incendiary ammo was used 
    "userid"        "short"       // Boomer that exploded 
    "attacker"        "short"        // player who caused the explosion 
    "splashedbile"    "bool"        // Exploding boomer splashed bile on Survivors 
    "userid"        "short"       // User that fired a non-pistol weapon 
// This is networked, special event for game instructor 
    "userid"    "short" 
    "weapon"    "string"     // used weapon name 
    "weaponid"    "short"        // used weapon ID 
    "count"        "short"        // number of bullets 
"total_ammo_below_40"    // sent for any ammo type, except those with max ammo 1, or infinite ammo, like pistols 
    "userid"    "short" 
// Abbreviated version of 'player_hurt' that is networked 
    "userid"        "short"        // user ID who was hurt 
    "attackerentid"    "long"        // entity id who attacked, if attacker not a player, and userid therefore invalid 
    "type"            "long"        // damage type 
    "dmg_health"    "short"        // damage done to health 
    "userid"    "short"       // user ID of dead tank 
    "attacker"    "short"         // user id of killer 
    "solo"        "bool"        // TRUE if a player single-handedly killed the Tank 
    "melee_only" "bool"        // TRUE if the tank was only killed by melee attacks (no blast, burn, or bullet damage) 
// Used for a notification message when an achievement fails to write 
// Used for clients to know how long until they become a ghost (and can spawn) 
    "userid"        "short"       // user ID of the player that is becoming a ghost 
    "spawntime"        "short"        // How long of a wait until player is a ghost 
// Used to know when we elapse 30 minutes on a survival map 
//    L4D2 Events 
"explain_pre_drawbridge"                    // Point out the button that will start the gauntlet finale. 
    "userid"    "short" 
    "subject"    "long"         
    "userid"    "short" 
    "subject"    "long"         
    "userid"    "short" 
    "subject"    "long"         
    "userid"    "short" 
    "subject"    "long"         
    "userid"    "short" 
    "subject"    "long"         
    "userid"    "short" 
    "subject"    "long"         
    "userid"    "short" 
    "subject"    "long"         
    "userid"    "short" 
    "subject"    "long"         
    "userid"    "short" 
    "subject"    "long"         
    "userid"    "short" 
    "subject"    "long"         
    "userid"    "short" 
    "subject"    "long"         
    "userid"    "short" 
    "subject"    "long" 
    "userid"    "short" 
    "subject"    "long" 
    "userid"    "short" 
    "subject"    "long" 
    "userid"    "short" 
    "subject"    "long" 
    "userid"    "short" 
    "userid"    "short" 
    "userid"    "short" 
    "upgrade"    "string" 
    "subject"    "long" 
    "userid"    "short" 
    "subject"    "long" 
    "userid"    "short" 
    "userid"    "short" 
    "subject"    "long" 
    "userid"    "short" 
    "subject"    "long" 
    "userid"    "short" 
    "subject"    "long" 
    "userid"    "short" 
    "subject"    "long" 
    "userid"    "short" 
    "subject"    "long" 
    "userid"    "short" 
    "subject"    "long" 
    "userid"    "short" 
    "ability"    "string"    // ability classname 
    "userid"    "short" 
    "subject"    "long" 
    "userid"    "short" 
    "subject"    "long" 
    "userid"    "short" 
    "subject"    "long" 
    "userid"    "short" 
    "subject"    "long" 
    "userid"    "short" 
    "subject"    "long" 
    "userid"    "short" 
    "subject"    "long" 
    "userid"    "short" 
    "subject"    "long" 
    "userid"    "short" 
    "subject"    "long" 
    "userid"    "short" 
    "subject"    "long" 
    "userid"    "short" 
    "subject"    "long" 
    "userid"    "short" 
    "subject"    "long" 
    "userid"    "short" 
    "subject"    "long" 
    "userid"    "short" 
    "subject"    "long" 
    "userid"    "short" 
    "subject"    "long" 
    "userid"    "short" 
    "subject"    "long" 
    "userid"    "short" 
    "subject"    "long" 
    "userid"    "short" 
    "subject"    "long" 
    "userid"    "short" 
    "subject"    "long" 
    "userid"    "short" 
    "subject"    "long" 
    "userid"    "short" 
    "userid"    "short" 
    "subject"    "long" 
    "userid"    "short" 
    "subject"    "long" 
    "userid"    "short" 
    "subject"    "long" 
    "userid"    "short" 
    "subject"    "long" 
// L4D2 Achievement Events 
    "userid"        "short"    // player who punched the clown 
    "userid"    "short"       // user ID of dead charger 
    "attacker"    "short"         // user id of killer 
    "melee"        "bool"        // TRUE if a player killed the charger with a melee weapon 
    "charging"    "bool"        // TRUE if the charger was charging when it died 
    "userid"    "short"       // user ID of dead spitter 
    "attacker"    "short"         // user id of killer 
    "has_spit"        "bool"    // TRUE if the spitter spit at some point 
    "userid"    "short"            // player who did the lunging 
    "victim"    "short"            // player that got lunged 
    "userid"    "short"            // player who did the lunging 
    "victim"    "short"            // player that got lunged 
    "rescuer"    "short"            // Who stopped it 
    "ride_length" "float"        // Duration of our ride 
    "userid"    "short"       // user ID of dead jockey 
    "attacker"    "short"         // user id of killer 
    "userid"        "short"       // User that fired a non-melee weapon 
    "userid"    "short"        // userid of the player who did the decapitation 
    "upgradeid"    "short" 
    "userid"    "short" 
    "userid"    "short"        // userid of the player who used the bomb 
    "userid"    "short"       // user ID of the charger 
    "userid"    "short"       // user ID of the charger 
    "userid"    "short"       // user ID of the charger 
    "victim"    "short" 
    "userid"    "short"       // user ID of the charger 
    "victim"    "short" 
"charger_impact"            // ran into a survivor we aren't carrying 
    "userid"    "short" 
    "victim"    "short" 
    "userid"    "short"       // user ID of the charger 
    "victim"    "short" 
    "userid"    "short"       // user ID of the charger 
    "victim"    "short" 
    "rescuer"    "short"        // Who stopped it 
    "userid"    "short" 
    "subject"    "short" 
    "userid"    "short"       // user ID of the charger 
    "userid"    "short"        // player that forced the drop 
    "victim"    "short"        // player that dropped it 
    "userid"    "short"        // The player we're explaining to 
    "userid"    "short"        // The player we're explaining to 
    "userid"    "short"        // The player we're explaining to 
    "userid"    "short"        // The player we're explaining to 
    "userid"    "short"        // The player we're explaining to 
    "group"        "string" 
    "enabled"    "short" 
    "userid"    "short" 
    "subject"    "short" 
    "userid"    "short" 
    "marker"    "short" 
FuzzOne is offline
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Old 07-24-2010 , 23:55   Re: New L4D2 game events
Reply With Quote #4

Anyone know the game event for coop round start?
sirmoe is offline
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Old 07-25-2010 , 01:40   Re: New L4D2 game events
Reply With Quote #5

event:round_start when everyone spawns, then OnMapStart() when they leave the safe area.. or event:player_left_start_area (but that gets fired multiple times).
dirka_dirka is offline
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Old 07-25-2010 , 08:09   Re: New L4D2 game events
Reply With Quote #6

Originally Posted by dirka_dirka View Post
event:round_start when everyone spawns, then OnMapStart() when they leave the safe area.. or event:player_left_start_area (but that gets fired multiple times).
Wrong, the fist round_start event is fired when the map changes. The 2nd round_start is fired when everyone spawns in game.

OnMapStart() is fired on map transition between lets say c1m2 to c1m3. The minute it loads c1m3, OnMapStart() fires. And playerleftstartarea only fires twice in versus. once a round.
Visual77 is offline
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Old 07-26-2010 , 07:39   Re: New L4D2 game events
Reply With Quote #7

Anyone know if you can trigger the MOTD on L4D2?

Or that join screen with the host and motd,

Last edited by sirmoe; 07-26-2010 at 07:46.
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Old 10-24-2010 , 20:52   Re: New L4D2 game events
Reply With Quote #8

Two new events on The sacrifice, hope it helps somebody.


Guessed param: "userid"


Guessed param: "userid"
honorcode23 is offline
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Old 11-01-2010 , 01:32   Re: New L4D2 game events
Reply With Quote #9

I got l4d2 at the awesome half off price but have been getting a lot of lag when playing online.Any help?
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