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Newest DRShop

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Old 12-21-2009 , 12:29   Newest DRShop
Reply With Quote #1

DRSHOP_MENU_TITLE = \rDeathrun Shop \dv%s^n\yPoints: \d%d \wPage\r
DRSHOP_ITEM_1 = \wHE Grenade - \y%d points
DRSHOP_ITEM_2 = \wHE + Flash Grenade - \y%d points
DRSHOP_ITEM_3 = \wSilent Walk - \y%d points
DRSHOP_ITEM_4 = \w+%d Health Points - \y%d points
DRSHOP_ITEM_5 = \w+%d Armor Points - \y%d points
DRSHOP_ITEM_6 = \wFaster Speed \r(until player die) \w- \y%d points
DRSHOP_ITEM_7 = \wGravity \r(until player die) \w- \y%d points
DRSHOP_ITEM_8 = \w%d%%% from 255 Invisible \r(until player die) \w- \y%d points
DRSHOP_ITEM_9 = \wNoclip - (\r%d\w seconds) - \y%d points
DRSHOP_ITEM_10 = \wJetpack - (\r%d\w seconds) - \y%d points
DRSHOP_ITEM_11 = \wDeagle - \y%d points
DRSHOP_ITEM_12 = \wLong Jump - (\r%d\w seconds) - \y%d points
DRSHOP_ITEM_13 = \wGlow (random color) - \y%d points
DRSHOP_ITEM_14 = \wNightvision (\rfor dark maps\w) - \y%d points

DRSHOP_DISABLED = Deathrun Shop is disabled!
DRSHOP_ONLY_ALIVE = You must be alive to buy a item!
DRSHOP_GRENADE_ITEM = You have bought a 'HE Grenade'
DRSHOP_BOTHGREN_ITEM = You have bought a 'HE + Flashbang Grenade'
DRSHOP_SILENTWALK_ITEM = You have bought a 'Silent Walk'
DRSHOP_HEALTH_ITEM = You have bought '+%d Health Points'
DRSHOP_ARMOR_ITEM = You have bought '+%d Armor Points'
DRSHOP_SPEED_ITEM = You have bought a 'Faster Speed'
DRSHOP_GRAVITY_ITEM = You have bought 'Gravity'
DRSHOP_INVISIBILITY_ITEM = You have bought 'Invisibility'
DRSHOP_NOCLIP_ITEM = You have bought 'Noclip'
DRSHOP_HUD_INFO = This server is running Deathrun Shop!^nType /drshop in chat to buy some items!
DRSHOP_ALLREADY_HAVE = You already have this item!
DRSHOP_DONTHAVE_POINTS = You don't have enough 'points' to buy this item!
DRSHOP_POINTS_INFO = Your points: %d
DRSHOP_SHOW_LOOSER = You lost '%d points' because you have commited a suicide.
DRSHOP_NOCLIP_OFF = Your 'Noclip' is now OFF. (only %d seconds)
DRSHOP_JETPACK_ITEM = You have bought 'Jetpack'.
DRSHOP_JETPACK_OFF = Your 'Jetpack' is now OFF. (only %d seconds)
DRSHOP_DEAGLE_ITEM = You have bought a 'Deagle'.
DRSHOP_LJ_ITEM = You have bought 'Long Jump'.
DRSHOP_LJ_OFF = Your 'Long Jump' is now OFF. (only %d seconds)
DRSHOP_GLOW_ITEM = You have bought 'Glow'. Your body is now colored.
DRSHOP_NVG_ITEM = You have bought 'Nightvision'. Press 'N' to turn it ON (default).
DRSHOP_SVPRINT = File %s doesn't exist!
DRSHOP_SVPRINT_DONE = File %s successfully loaded.
DRSHOP_SHOW_ALLCMD = ADMIN %s: set '%d points' to ALL players!
DRSHOP_SHOW_CMD = ADMIN %s: set '%d points' to %s.
DRSHOP_SHOWRESET_ALLCMD = ADMIN %s: resetted ALL players points to 0!
DRSHOP_SHOWRESET_CMD = ADMIN %s: resetted %s's points to 0!
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Last edited by crazyeffect; 12-23-2009 at 08:57.
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Old 12-21-2009 , 12:57   Re: Newest DRShop
Reply With Quote #2

DRSHOP_MENU_TITLE = \rDeathrun Shop \dv%s^n\yPunkte: \d%d \wSeite\r
DRSHOP_ITEM_1 = \wHE Granate - \y%d Punkte
DRSHOP_ITEM_2 = \wHE + Flash Granate - \y%d Punkte
DRSHOP_ITEM_3 = \wleise Laufen - \y%d Punkte
DRSHOP_ITEM_4 = \w+%d Leben - \y%d Punkte
DRSHOP_ITEM_5 = \w+%d Panzerung - \y%d Punkte
DRSHOP_ITEM_6 = \wschneller Laufen \r(bis Spieler stirbt) \w- \y%d Punkte
DRSHOP_ITEM_7 = \wGravitation \r(bis Spieler stirbt) \w- \y%d Punkte
DRSHOP_ITEM_8 = \w%d%%% von 255 unsichtbar \r(bis Spieler stirbt) \w- \y%d Punkte
DRSHOP_ITEM_9 = \wNoclip - (\r%d\w Sekunden) - \y%d Punkte
DRSHOP_ITEM_10 = \wRaketenrucksack - (\r%d\w Sekunden) - \y%d Punkte
DRSHOP_ITEM_11 = \wDeagle - \y%d Punkte
DRSHOP_ITEM_12 = \wWeitsprung - (\r%d\w Sekunden) - \y%d Punkte
DRSHOP_ITEM_13 = \wLeuchten (zufaellige Farbe) - \y%d Punkte
DRSHOP_ITEM_14 = \wNachtsicht (\rfuer dunkle Maps\w) - \y%d Punkte

DRSHOP_DISABLED = Deathrun Shop ist abgeschaltet!
DRSHOP_ONLY_ALIVE = Du musst am leben sein um einen Gegenstand kaufen zu koennen!
DRSHOP_GRENADE_ITEM = Du hast eine 'HE Granate' gekauft
DRSHOP_BOTHGREN_ITEM = Du hast eine 'HE + Blend-Granate' gekauft
DRSHOP_SILENTWALK_ITEM = Du hast 'leise Laufen' gekauft
DRSHOP_HEALTH_ITEM = Du hast '+%d Leben' gekauft
DRSHOP_ARMOR_ITEM = Du hast '+%d Panzerung' gekauft
DRSHOP_SPEED_ITEM = Du hast 'schneller Laufen' gekauft
DRSHOP_GRAVITY_ITEM = Du hast 'Gravitation' gekauft
DRSHOP_INVISIBILITY_ITEM = Du hast 'Unsichtbarkeit' gekauft
DRSHOP_NOCLIP_ITEM = Du hast 'Noclip' gekauft
DRSHOP_HUD_INFO = Auf diesem Server laeuft Deathrun Shop!^nschreibe /drshop im Chat um Gegenstaende zu kaufen!
DRSHOP_ALLREADY_HAVE = Du hast diesen Gegenstand schon!
DRSHOP_DONTHAVE_POINTS = Du hast nicht genug 'Punkte' um diesen Gegenstand kaufen zu koennen!
DRSHOP_POINTS_INFO = Deine Punkte: %d
DRSHOP_SHOW_LOOSER = Du hast '%d Punkte' verloren, weil du Selbstmord begangen hast
DRSHOP_NOCLIP_OFF = Dein 'Noclip' ist jetzt aus. (nur %d Sekunden).
DRSHOP_JETPACK_ITEM = Du hast den 'Raketenrucksack' gekauft
DRSHOP_JETPACK_OFF = Dein 'Raketenrucksack' ist jetzt aus. (only %d seconds).
DRSHOP_DEAGLE_ITEM = You have bought a 'Deagle'
DRSHOP_LJ_ITEM = You have bought 'Long Jump'
DRSHOP_LJ_OFF = Your 'Long Jump' is now Off. (nur %d Sekunden).
DRSHOP_GLOW_ITEM = Du hast 'Leuchten' gekauft. Dein Koerper ist nun farbig
DRSHOP_NVG_ITEM = Du hast 'Nachtsicht' gekauft. Druecke 'N' um es einzuschalten.
DRSHOP_SVPRINT = Datei %s existiert nicht!
DRSHOP_SVPRINT_DONE = Datei %s erfolgreich geladen.
DRSHOP_SHOW_ALLCMD = ADMIN %s: gab allen Spielern '%d Punkte'!
DRSHOP_SHOW_CMD = ADMIN %s: gab '%d Punkte' an %s
DRSHOP_SHOWRESET_ALLCMD = ADMIN %s: setzte die Punkte aller auf 0 zurueck!
DRSHOP_SHOWRESET_CMD = ADMIN %s: setzte %s's Punkte zurueck auf 0!
A little typo in your text:
DRSHOP_SHOW_LOOSER = You lost '%d points' because you has commited a suicide
should be
DRSHOP_SHOW_LOOSER = You lost '%d points' because you have commited a suicide

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Old 12-21-2009 , 13:01   Re: Newest DRShop
Reply With Quote #3

Thx, edited ^^
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Old 12-22-2009 , 09:47   Re: Newest DRShop
Reply With Quote #4

spanish translate

DRSHOP_MENU_TITLE = \rDeathrun Shop \dv%s^n\yPoints: \d%d \wPage\r
DRSHOP_ITEM_1 = \wHE Granada - \y%d points
DRSHOP_ITEM_2 = \wHE + Flash Granada - \y%d points
DRSHOP_ITEM_3 = \wCaminata Silenciosa - \y%d points
DRSHOP_ITEM_4 = \w+%d Puntos de Salud - \y%d points
DRSHOP_ITEM_5 = \w+%d Puntos de Armadura - \y%d points
DRSHOP_ITEM_6 = \wMas velocidad \r(aunque el jugador muera) \w- \y%d points
DRSHOP_ITEM_7 = \wGravedad \r(aunque el jugador muera) \w- \y%d points
DRSHOP_ITEM_8 = \w%d%%% 255 puntos de \r(aunque el jugador muera) \w- \y%d Invisibilidad
DRSHOP_ITEM_9 = \wNoclip - (\r%d\w segundos) - \y%d points
DRSHOP_ITEM_10 = \wJetpack - (\r%d\w segundos) - \y%d points
DRSHOP_ITEM_11 = \wDeagle - \y%d points
DRSHOP_ITEM_12 = \wSalto Largo - (\r%d\w segundos) - \y%d points
DRSHOP_ITEM_13 = \wGlow (color a escojer) - \y%d points
DRSHOP_ITEM_14 = \wNightvision (\rpara mapas oscuros\w) - \y%d points

DRSHOP_DISABLED = Deathrun Shop esta desactivado!
DRSHOP_ONLY_ALIVE = Tienes que estar vivo, para comprar ese item!
DRSHOP_GRENADE_ITEM = Tu ya compraste una 'HE Granada'
DRSHOP_BOTHGREN_ITEM = Tu ya compraste una 'HE + Flashbang Granada'
DRSHOP_SILENTWALK_ITEM = Tu ya compraste una 'Caminata Silenciosa'
DRSHOP_HEALTH_ITEM = Tu ya compraste '+%d Puntos de Salud'
DRSHOP_ARMOR_ITEM = Tu ya compraste una '+%d Puntos de Armadura'
DRSHOP_SPEED_ITEM = Tu ya compraste 'mas Velocidad'
DRSHOP_GRAVITY_ITEM = Tu ya compraste 'Gravedad'
DRSHOP_INVISIBILITY_ITEM = Tu ya compraste 'Invisibilidad'
DRSHOP_NOCLIP_ITEM = Tu ya compraste 'Noclip'
DRSHOP_HUD_INFO = Este servidor corre el Deathrun Shop!^nTipea /drshop en el chat, para comprar algunos items!
DRSHOP_ALLREADY_HAVE = Tu ya tienes este item!
DRSHOP_DONTHAVE_POINTS = Tu no tienes puntos para comprar este item!
DRSHOP_POINTS_INFO = Tus puntos: %d
DRSHOP_SHOW_LOOSER = Tu perdiste '%d puntos' por suicidio.
DRSHOP_NOCLIP_OFF = Tu 'Noclip' esta ahora apagado. (solo por %d segundos)
DRSHOP_JETPACK_ITEM = Tu ya compraste un 'Jetpack'.
DRSHOP_JETPACK_OFF = Tu 'Jetpack' esta ahora apagado. (solo por %d segundos)
DRSHOP_DEAGLE_ITEM = Tu ya compraste una 'Deagle'.
DRSHOP_LJ_ITEM = Tu ya compraste un 'Salto Largo'.
DRSHOP_LJ_OFF = Tu 'Salto Largo' esta apagado. (solo por %d segundos)
DRSHOP_GLOW_ITEM = Tu ya compraste 'Glow'. Tu cuerpo esta colorido.
DRSHOP_NVG_ITEM = Tu ya compraste 'Nightvision'. Apreta 'N' para encenderlo (por defecto).
DRSHOP_SVPRINT = El archivo %s no existe!
DRSHOP_SVPRINT_DONE = El archivo %s fue cargado satifactoriamente.
DRSHOP_SHOW_ALLCMD = ADMIN %s: dio '%d puntos' para TODOS los jugadores!
DRSHOP_SHOW_CMD = ADMIN %s: dio '%d puntos' para %s.
DRSHOP_SHOWRESET_ALLCMD = ADMIN %s: resetio TODOS los puntos de los jugadores a 0!
DRSHOP_SHOWRESET_CMD = ADMIN %s: resetio los puntos de %s a 0!
Zapdos1 is offline
Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: Lithuania->USA
Old 12-23-2009 , 08:07   Re: Newest DRShop
Reply With Quote #5

heres lithuanian:
DRSHOP_MENU_TITLE = \rDeathrun Parduotuve \dv%s^n\yTasku: \d%d \wPuslapis\r
DRSHOP_ITEM_1 = \wHE Granata - \y%d tasku
DRSHOP_ITEM_2 = \wHE + Flash Granatos - \y%d tasku
DRSHOP_ITEM_3 = \wTylus ejimas - \y%d tasku
DRSHOP_ITEM_4 = \w+%d Gyvybiu - \y%d tasku
DRSHOP_ITEM_5 = \w+%d Sarvu - \y%d tasku
DRSHOP_ITEM_6 = \wGreitesnis greitis \r(iki mirties) \w- \y%d tasku
DRSHOP_ITEM_7 = \wGravitacija \r(iki mirties) \w- \y%d tasku
DRSHOP_ITEM_8 = \w%d%%% nuo 255 matomumo \r(iki mirties) \w- \y%d tasku
DRSHOP_ITEM_9 = \wSienu perejimas - (\r%d\w sekundziu) - \y%d tasku
DRSHOP_ITEM_10 = \wJetpackas - (\r%d\w sekundziu) - \y%d tasku
DRSHOP_ITEM_11 = \wDeaglas - \y%d tasku
DRSHOP_ITEM_12 = \wLongJumpas - (\r%d\w sekundziu) - \y%d tasku
DRSHOP_ITEM_13 = \wSvietimas (betkokia spalva) - \y%d tasku
DRSHOP_ITEM_14 = \wNaktiniai akiniai (\rTamsiems zemelapiams\w) - \y%d tasku

DRSHOP_DISABLED = Deathrun parduotuve isjungta!
DRSHOP_ONLY_ALIVE = Turi buti gyvas norint nusipirkti kanors!
DRSHOP_GRENADE_ITEM = Katik nusipirkai 'HE granata'
DRSHOP_BOTHGREN_ITEM = Katik nusipirkai 'HE + Flash granatas'
DRSHOP_SILENTWALK_ITEM = Katik nusipirkai a 'Tylu ejima'
DRSHOP_HEALTH_ITEM = Katik nusipirkai '+%d gyvybiu'
DRSHOP_ARMOR_ITEM = Katik nusipirkai '+%d sarvu'
DRSHOP_SPEED_ITEM = Katik nusipirkai a 'Greitesni greiti'
DRSHOP_GRAVITY_ITEM = Katik nusipirkai 'Gravitacija'
DRSHOP_INVISIBILITY_ITEM = Katik nusipirkai 'Nematomuma'
DRSHOP_NOCLIP_ITEM = Katik nusipirkai 'Sienu perejima'
DRSHOP_HUD_INFO = Sis serveris naudoja DeathRun parduotuve!^nRasykite /drshop per chata norint pirkti daiktus!
DRSHOP_ALLREADY_HAVE = Tu jau turi sita daikta!
DRSHOP_DONTHAVE_POINTS = Neturi pakankamai tasku!
DRSHOP_POINTS_INFO = Tavo taskai: %d
DRSHOP_SHOW_LOOSER = praradai '%d tasku' nes nusizudei.
DRSHOP_NOCLIP_OFF = Tavo 'sienu perejimas' isjungtas. (laikosi tik %d sekundziu)
DRSHOP_JETPACK_ITEM = Katik nusipirkai 'Jetpack'.
DRSHOP_JETPACK_OFF = Tavo 'Jetpack' isjungtas. (laikosi tik %d sekundziu)
DRSHOP_DEAGLE_ITEM = Katik nusipirkai a 'Deagle'.
DRSHOP_LJ_ITEM = Katik nusipirkai 'Long Jump'.
DRSHOP_LJ_OFF = Tavo 'Long Jump' isjungtas. (laikosi tik %d sekundziu)
DRSHOP_GLOW_ITEM = Katik nusipirkai 'Glow'. Dabar tu spalvotas.
DRSHOP_NVG_ITEM = Katik nusipirkai 'Nightvision'. Spausk n norint isijungti(dazniausiai).
DRSHOP_SVPRINT = Failas %s neegzistuoja!
DRSHOP_SVPRINT_DONE = Failas %s sekmingai uzkrautas.
DRSHOP_SHOW_ALLCMD = ADMINAS %s: nustate '%d tasku' visiems zaidejams!
DRSHOP_SHOW_CMD = ADMINAS %s: nustate '%d tasku' zaidejui %s.
DRSHOP_SHOWRESET_ALLCMD = ADMINAS %s: visiems nuime tasku ir paliko 0!
DRSHOP_SHOWRESET_CMD = ADMINAS %s: nuime %s's taskus ir paliko 0!

Last edited by Lure.d; 12-23-2009 at 08:10.
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