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Trying to assign Limited Ban to a custom flag - confused?

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Old 01-16-2012 , 03:58   Trying to assign Limited Ban to a custom flag - confused?
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Greetings All.

I do hope that someone can help me with this. I am running a Clan for my son who is disabled and for other kids and many of these kids have disabilities. Now I am trying to provide a safe and clean environment for them to play in, we have no subscriptions or donations allowed in the Clan. So I pay for everything myself and do as much as I can by myself. I am trying to give the kids a little more protection by allowing them limited Ban.

I have been able to locate exactly (or near enough) what I need I think? I just really need to know how I assign it to one of the Custom Flags or visa versa. This is what I have been able to find:

"Limited Ban"
"admin" "sm_admin"
"cmd" "sm_ban #1 #2 @3"
"execute" "server"
"title" "Ban player"
"type" "player"
"title" "Ban time"
"type" "list"
"1" "10"
"1." "10 Minutes"
"2" "30"
"2." "30 Minutes"
"3" "60"
"3." "1 Hour"
"4" "300"
"4." "5 Hours"
"5" "1440"
"5." "1 Day"
"title" "Reason"
"type" "list"
"1" " "
"1." "No reason"
"2" "Abusive"
"3" "Cheater"
"4" "Breaking Server Rules"
"5" "Other"
"Start Map Vote"
"cmd" "sm_mapvote"

I have this in a .txt file and don't know what to do next? I am lost? I have my Control panel and I am running the latest version of SourceBans, which I might add is wonderful! So I was wondering if there was a way to do this with SourceBans (Admin Groups) or do I do something in one of the .cfg files like admin_levels.cfg in my addons>sourcemod>configs folder?

P.S I could probably do without the Map Vote and if I could also extend the Ban to 1 Week, then that would be exactly what I am looking for.

Thank You

Last edited by Aggamemnon; 01-16-2012 at 04:02.
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Old 01-16-2012 , 07:32   Re: Trying to assign Limited Ban to a custom flag - confused?
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I believe I have something similar to what you are looking for set up on my servers. I have a lower level of admin called basic, and they have the ability to ban for up to 12 hours. Of course you can change the values to what you like, but this is what I have:

	"Basic Admin Bans"
		"Ban Player"
           			"admin"        "sm_kick"
            			"cmd"        "sm_ban #1 #2 @3"
            			"execute"    "server"
                			"title"        "Ban player"
                			"type"        "player"
                			"title"        	"Ban time"
                			"type"       "list"
                			"1"            "10"
                			"1."        	"10 Minutes"
                			"2"            "30"
                			"2."        	"30 Minutes"
                			"3"            "60"
                			"3."        	"1 Hour"
                			"4"            "720"
                			"4."        	"12 Hours"
                			"title"        "Reason"
                			"type"        "list"
                		"1"    "Hacking"
				"2"	"InnapropriateSpray"
				"3"	"Spamming"
				"4"	"Advertising"
				"5"	"GeneralDouchebaggery"
				"6"	"DisruptiveBehavior"
This goes in the adminmenu_custom.txt that is in your addons/sourcemod/configs folder.

Hope this helps,
amohanlall32 is offline
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Old 01-16-2012 , 09:30   Re: Trying to assign Limited Ban to a custom flag - confused?
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Thank You very much amohanlall32

This is perfect as I just made a few changes to the Ban times and it is just what I need.

I will place this in the adminmenu_custom.txt now. This however leaves me with still one question if you don't mind?

How do I assign this to one of the Custom Flags? I was told that I had to assign it to one of the letters assigned for Custom Admin for example: "o" ; "p" ; "q" ; "r" and so forth. I was going to use "o" as it is first in the list.

Am I correct in this assumption? As this is what I am confused about. If you would know the answer to this I would appreciate the assistance.

Thank You for your help.
Aggamemnon is offline
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Old 01-16-2012 , 22:02   Re: Trying to assign Limited Ban to a custom flag - confused?
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Greetings again.

I was just talking to some of the Members and they have told me that they now can see the Option to Ban with the numbers to choose, but when they press that number - Nothing happens.

I would assume that this is because I have as yet to link up the adminmenu_custom.txt to one of the Custom Flags? However I do not know how to do this?

Could somebody please help as I have absolutely no idea where to go from here?

Thank You Kindly
Aggamemnon is offline
AlliedModders Donor
Join Date: Sep 2011
Old 01-16-2012 , 23:13   Re: Trying to assign Limited Ban to a custom flag - confused?
Reply With Quote #5

You set the flags thru the admin_groups.cfg file..
"flags" "ao"
"immunity" "2"

looks like that if you are setting two custom flags such as a and o

But I think what you need to do is run SourceBans - very simple plugin to setup and create thru a host to allow you to just check the boxes for each person on the server or servers.
Horsedick is offline
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Old 01-17-2012 , 07:27   Re: Trying to assign Limited Ban to a custom flag - confused?
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Greetings again and Thank You.

I actually do run sourceBans and you are right it is a wonderful Admin tool. The problem is that I can only assign Ban in it's entirety, unless I am missing something? What I want to do is to limit the Ban so that some of the Admins only have up to a 1 week Ban maximum.

I have the script I need (I think) in my adminmenu_custom.txt and I put it in the server last night. The Jnr Admins reported that they could see the options, but when they went to use them - they did nothing? So I though that I somehow had to hook or link, what was in the adminmenu_custom.txt to a Custom Flag? I am probably wrong and am hopelessly lost. I have used amohanlall32's kind donation of the script on one server and the one that I found earlier on the other server, but neither seem to work? The Admins report the same thing. They can see the changes to their menu, but they do nothing.

So what I really need to do is try and assigning what I have in the adminmenu_custom.txt to a Custom Flag such as "o" for example, at least that is what I think that I need to do?
I allready have a group in the admin_groups.cfg and their flags are "abcf" , but I was hoping to add limited ban of up to 1 week. I thought that I had to do this with the inclusion of a Custom Flag. To do that though, I again thought that I had to do that by assigning the script that I have in adminmenu_custom.txt to that Custom Flag, eg: "o".

I don't know if this explains the situation any better, but I hope so.

Thank You for your help

Last edited by Aggamemnon; 01-17-2012 at 07:37. Reason: Missed something.
Aggamemnon is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2011
Location: Australia
Old 01-20-2012 , 22:54   Re: Trying to assign Limited Ban to a custom flag - confused?
Reply With Quote #7

Greetings all.

Thank You all so much for your kind assistance. I have now got the limited Admins working!

It has been a real pleasure to see so many kind people offering their help and advice.
Long Live Allied Modders and this wonderful community.

My Best Regards and Thanks to you all.
Aggamemnon is offline

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