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[06/05/2008] Sn4k3 Plugin Template v3.0

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Join Date: Nov 2005
Old 09-08-2007 , 16:11   [06/05/2008] Sn4k3 Plugin Template v3.0
Reply With Quote #1

"Sn4k3 Plugin Template" (HL2 Source Games Compatible) are
(C)Copyright 2006-2008 by sn4k3 AKA Tiago Conceição

*** Util WebSites ***
******************************************* (My WebSite | Software ) (VPS Plugins Forum) (MMS Plugins Forum) (MetaMod Source Downloads)

*** About ***

The objective of SPT is try make the HL2 Plugin Code more easy
And for new guys want make plugins
SPT also have a makefile that allow you compile plugins for Linux (.so) (Cygwin)
With SPT is easy to update your SPT SRC version if you only code in plugin_ files or make your owns files!

All comunity can contribute giving some funcs for add to SPT.

NOTE: Not Forget Read LICENSE.txt !

*** STP Instalation ***

1: You need get a copy of SourceSDK
2: Go to steam -> Tools -> Source SDK
3: Config your SDK if any dialog has appear
4: Double Click on Create a MOD
5: Modify Halfi-Life 2 Multiplayer
6: Select the folder you want for copy the files
7: choose your mod name (not important)
8: Go to (your_mod_path/src/utils)
9: Copy Zipped (SPluginTemplate) Folder to current utils/ path
10: Change (SPluginTemplate) Folder name for your plugin name (if you want)
11: Get a Copy of SourceMM and SourceHook SRC AT: (
12: Go to (your_mod_path/src)
13: Copy Zipped (sourcehook) and (sourcemm) Folder to current src/ path
14: Ready to start!

NOTE: After install i recomend you build my default project
if you get errors you should report at forum!

*** Compile ***

Under Windows

You must have Microsoft Visual Studio (2005 OR 200 and run Build Tool

Under Linux

You must install Cygwin in a windows Plantaform (
You must review my makefile and edit at your own! and becarefull with missing librarys or .so files!
For install the cygwin you can see that post:

*** Files ***

-= spt_utilslib.cpp =-
That containe some functions, utils.
like send Mensages!

-= spt_langlib.cpp =-
Allow get text translations

-= spt_adminlib.cpp =-
Allow use admins in server using flags, groups, etc (like mani)
Simple and Complex admin system compatible!

-= spt_sigscanlib.cpp =-
This contain all sigscan funcs and offsets.
This allow have SigScan loader inside (SigScan Class)

-= spt_vfuncslib.cpp =-
This contain all virtual funcs and offsets.

-= spt_timerslib.cpp =-
Allow you make delays and repeats without work!

-= spt_inilib.cpp =-
Allow you parase any ini struct file (many commands avaliable)

-= spt_defines.h =-
That containe all information about your plugin dll/so
like Name, Actor, Url, Lincese ....

-= spt_includes.h =-
That containe very includes for plugin works!

-= spt_last.h =-
Load some important thing for SPT engine

-= spt_interface.h =-
I not recomend change this file!!!
This containe all info for plugin work!

-= plugin_classes.h =-
This include some classes.
You can add yours here

-= plugin_cmds.h =-
That file Containe some Server Commands examples
You may delete and begin add your commands here!

-= plugin_convars.h =-
That file Containe some Server Convars
You may delete and begin add your Convars here!

-= plugin_defines.h =-
That can be used for you #define your own defines

-= plugin_includes.h =-
You can add your owns includes not in (spt_includes.h) file!
I dont recomend use spt_includes.h file to include!

-= plugin_timers.h =-
Allow you add your own timers/delays code

-= plugin_blocks.h =-
Allow you add your own util blocks

-= sourcehook.cpp =-
SourceHook is a important File for hows want use some hooks!

-= memoverride.cpp =-
Not important, but dont remove!

-= serverplugin_convar.cpp =-
Not important, but dont remove!

-= MRecipientFilter.cpp =-
That allow add player/delete
you can make filters like all humans, all bots etc

-= serverplugin_engine.cpp =-
That containe all Plugin Engine!
You may use that for events, gameframe and other importante things!

*** Faqs ***

Q: What is the diference betewen spt_ and plugin_ files?
A: is not recomendated code in spt_ files because SPlugin Template Updates, so you should use plugin_ files to code (easy to update SPT SRCs)

Q: What is VSP and MMS?
A: VSP is a Standart Alone Plugin
A: MMS is a MetaMod Source Plugin (A Plugin Engine)

Q: This can compile for Linux?
A: Yes, if you make all compatible with linux
If you dont know what is cygwin read this:
NOTE: Dont use that link Makefile! use SPT makefile insted!

Q: Can i make a MetaMod Plugin with this?
A: Yes, you only need define a var and this will compile for MMS (

Q: Here can i Release Or GetHelp About HL2 Plugins?
A: If is a VSP i recomend here:
A: If is a MMS i recomend here:

Q: What should i use Release or Debug at VS2005 ?
A: You should use Release because Debug compile not ready yet!

Q: Is SPT 100% Free?
A: Yes, but on release your plugin you must indicate your are usng SPT as base

*** How To ***

Add VFuncs or SigScan funcs:

Since SPT v2.0 adding vfuncs or sigscan funcs are realy easy!!
You need have 'myplugin_gameinfo.dat' working with the offsets you want.
After you need must know what func you will add eg. 'CBaseAnimating::Teleport' (can be finded at info.dat file)
Now you need know real func params, so open HL2MP SRC (Game_HL2MP-2005.sln) 'your_mod_folder/src', and after search for func "CBaseAnimating::Teleport"
After serach probaly will show some results, try go to lines and see if is the real func.

Originally Posted by Find
Find all "CBaseAnimating::Teleport", Subfolders, Find Results 1, "Entire Solution"
D:\caza\hl2mod\src\dlls\baseanimating.cpp(149 9):void CBaseAnimating::Teleport( const Vector *newPosition, const QAngle *newAngles, const Vector *newVelocity )
Matching lines: 1 Matching files: 1 Total files searched: 2103
You will able too see full func "void CBaseAnimating::Teleport( const Vector *newPosition, const QAngle *newAngles, const Vector *newVelocity )"
So go to your code file and add something like:

bool UTIL_Teleport(edict_t *pEntity, const Vector *newPosition, const QAngle *newAngles, const Vector *newVelocity)
	CBaseEntity *pBase = spt_utils.getBaseEntityfromEdict(pEntity); // Get player CBaseEntity.
	int iOffset = spt_vfuncs.GetOffset("CBaseAnimating::Teleport", GamePlayer); // Get func offset.
	if (!iOffset || !pBase) return false; // Check for errors
	VFUNC_3(pBase, iOffset, , void, const Vector *, newPosition, const QAngle *, newAngles, const Vector *, newVelocity);  // Call func
	return true;

VFUNC_x = Call VFuncs (replace the 'x' for the number of real func params)

void CBaseAnimating::Teleport( const Vector *newPosition, const QAngle *newAngles, const Vector *newVelocity )

VFUNC_3(pBase, iOffset, , void, const Vector *, newPosition, const QAngle *, newAngles, const Vector *, newVelocity);
pBase = Player.
iOffset = Func Offset.
, OR return = return, if a func is a return like 'IsMoving' you should put 'return' here.
void = Real Func return type (RED)
All others params are the params types and the values.

I recomend use 'bool' return types in funcs not need return anything!
With bool you can easy check if func run correctly eg.

if(!UTIL_Teleport(pEntity, NULL, NULL, Vector(100, 100 ,100))
	Msg("Player teleport fail!!!");

SigScan will work at same way but use: SIGSCAN_x() and SIGSCAN_STATIC_x()
SIGSCAN_STATIC_x() = For functions not require run from any entity like 'CreateEntityByName'

NOTE: You can use the 'plugin_blocks.h' file to add that codes.
Also see 'spt_vfuncslib.cpp' and 'spt_sigscanlib.cpp' for a better understand.

Working with filters (MRecipientFilter.cpp):
Since SPT v2.0 you life is more easy!
You can now add very easy players by filter, userid, steamid

Lets see a client exec sample:

void Cexec(char *players, const char *command)
	MRecipientFilter mrf;
	if(!mrf.AddByFilter(players, false)) return;
	for(int i = 0; i < mrf.GetRecipientCount(); i++)
		engine->ClientCommand(engine->PEntityOfEntIndex(mrf.GetRecipientIndex(i)), command);
If function require single players you need make a loop:
	for(int i = 0; i < mrf.GetRecipientCount(); i++)
		engine->ClientCommand(engine->PEntityOfEntIndex(mrf.GetRecipientIndex(i)), command);
If function require 'IRecipientFilter' use:
	esounds->EmitSound((IRecipientFilter&)mrf, ...);
Avaliable Filters for 'AddByFilter':
Originally Posted by Avaliable Filters for 'AddByFilter'
#0 OR #u = Unsigned team
#1 OR #s = Spectator Team
#2 OR #t = CT/US Army Team
#3 OR #c = Ts/Axis Team
#a = all players
#h = Humans Players
#b = Bot Players
#l = Living Players
#d = Dead Players

! = remove players.
Simple Example: '#a!d' == '#l' this will add all living players
Complex Example: '#h!d!u' this will add all humans, after will remove all humans deads, after will remove all humans Unsigneds.

Also support player names, userids, player steam id! with multi players


"2 3 4 name STEAM_0:0:1254254 BOT"
This will add userid: 2, 3 and 4
Player name: name
Player SteamID: STEAM_0:0:1254254 and BOT

After will clean players repeats.

NOTE: Look at 'spt_utilslib.cpp' for a better understanding.

Power of formated strings:
'SPT_MultiParms(x);' allow you use like Msg(); params.

void MyOwnMsg(const char *msg, ...)

// Usage: 
const char *moremsg = "and log";
MyOwnMsg("my mensage for console %s\n", moremsg);
'SPT_MultiParms(x);' = x param will be parsed
(...) = very important

NOTE: Look at 'spt_utilslib.h' for a better understanding.

*** Librarys ***

All SPT Librarys versions:

Originally Posted by SPT Lib Versions
* UtilsLib: 2.0
* LangLib: 2.0
* AdminLib: 1.0
* VFuncsLib: 1.0
* SigScanLib: 2.0
* TimersLib: 1.0
* IniLib: 1.0
NOTE: Please read 'SPluginTemplate/Lib/README.txt' to more imformation what is and how useit.

*** Addons ***

SPT Addons is external librarys like MySQL, Sqlite, sockets, and others ...
All yours external libs and projects should be here
Also there are some spt addons included

SQlite V3.5.4 Addon (V1.1)
SQlite Documentation

NOTE: Please read 'SPluginTemplate/Addons/README.txt'

*** Thanks To ***
******************************************* (MetaMod Source Engine) (Thanks To all help From comunity, examples and for the Plugin Annouce) (Thanks To all help From comunity and for the Plugin Annouce)

awuh0 -> (Thanks to all and fast help)

*** Contribute ***

If any want contribute by giving functions or edias to SPT you should post in forum.
You can give anything like functions, edias, utils, libs, etc ...

Also you can donate money via PayPal Or AlertPay
PayPal/AlertPay Account: [email protected]

On contribute i will put you in credits.


*** ChangeLog ***

v3.0 [06/05/2008]


This is a massive update i recomend you copy your work and start with this new Template
After go to your saved work and just do copy and paste your functions to new project


You should Copy and Replace all spt_*.* files
Find "spt_utils." and replace by "SUtilsLib::"
Change "spt_langlib." to "spt_langlib->"

If you get errors go to line and try solve, like function not find anymore its easy to solve, foundit again on SUtilLib (some have been renamed and others have changed the params)

- added performance
- added SIniLib (allow parase ini files)
- added SLangLib (Languages Lib) allow now load from a KVs or Ini File
- added 'IsSafeEntity' function to SUtilsLib (Utils Library)
- added 'StrToColor' function to SUtilsLib (Utils Library)
- added 'StrSplit' function to SUtilsLib (Utils Library)
- added 'StrToAngle' function to SUtilsLib (Utils Library)
- added 'StrNew' function to SUtilsLib (Utils Library)
- added 'SubStr' function to SUtilsLib (Utils Library)
- added 'StrEatSpaces' function to SUtilsLib (Utils Library)
- added 'StrAppendSpaces' function to SUtilsLib (Utils Library)
- added 'StrFindChar' function to SUtilsLib (Utils Library)
- added 'StrCopy' function to SUtilsLib (Utils Library)
- added 'StrStripAlpha' function to SUtilsLib (Utils Library)
- added 'FindFieldByName' function to SUtilsLib (Utils Library)
- added 'SetProperty<template>' function to SUtilsLib (Utils Library)
- added 'GetProperty<template>' function to SUtilsLib (Utils Library)
- added easy binds to use dmap offsets
- added all functions that used Filters in SUtilsLib (Utils Library) now support single pEntity player
- added AddDownload now support download from files, folders, single file
- added more 3 Types for VGUI MSG (File, URL, Index, MOTD)
- added Msg_MSay (Menu) works now with more text
- added Unlimited size to say mesages (Msg_Say)
- added more signatures
- added AddByEntity() to MRecipientFilter
- added AddByFilter (MRecipientFilter) now returns the added players count 0 = none
- added more performance on AddByFilter
- added more usefull includes from SDK
- added SPT_MultiParms2 same as SPT_MultiParms but you can choose last param
- added #define (PLUGIN_TAG)
- added #define (MAX_STR_LENGTH)
- added #define (MAX_MENU_LEN)
- added #define (SAY_YELLOW)
- added #define (SAY_LIGHTGREEN)
- added #define (SAY_GREEN)

- fixed wrong vfuncs offsets used on VFuncs Library
- fixed SQlite addon with missing files and updated version
- fixed Msg_MSay (Menu) dont show very text and formated argvs no works (...)
- fixed SLangLib (Languages Lib) from def lang missing and missing languages translations (NULL text)
- fixed Prevent disable sourcehook with sourcemm ON
- fixed problems with GetClassName and GetClassNameA
- fixed TempEnts not working by default
- fixed free KVs when finish read/load from spt
- fixed others small bugs

- changed SPT License, please review it
- changed class SUtilsLib to a namespace, now is used like an namespace SUtilsLib::
- changed some functions name and params on Utils Lib
- changed SLangLib (Languages Lib) now save, read data using SIniLib
- changed SigScan Loader from file to spt_sigscanlib

- removed MRecipientFilter no require anymore maxClients param to work
- removed SigScan.cpp and SigScan.h files
- removed unecessary code
- removed all externs of SUtlisLib
- removed declared spt_langlib class from default

v2.0 [21/12/2007]

- added 'AddByFilter' to 'MRecipientFilter.cpp' (Thanks to awuh0)
- added some util blocks to 'spt_blocks.h'
- added 'spt_last.h' last included file for load something for spt engine
- added more signatures
- added allow load VFuncs offsets from 'myplugin_gameinfo.dat'
- added more VFuncs
- added more sample cmds (plugin_cmds.h)
- added Mensages to '::Load', '::UnLoad', ':ause', '::UnPause'
- added more #defines to plugin
- added 'repeats' to timers
- added spt librarys
- added spt_utilslib.cpp and spt_utilslib.h (came from spt_blocks.h)
- added spt_sigscanlib.cpp and spt_sigscanlib.h (came from spt_sigscan.h)
- added spt_vfuncslib.cpp and spt_vfuncslib.h (came from spt_vfuncs.h)
- added easy way to use multi pararms (Formated String like Msg())
- added allow HOOK and UNHOOK Functions (spt_vfn_hook)
- added 'spt_langlib.cpp' and 'spt_langlib.h' allow get translations
- added spt_info command (print a full info about spt engine and usages)
- added 'spt_adminlib.cpp' and 'spt_adminlib.h' allow use admins in server using flags, groups, etc (like mani)
- added 'GamePlayer' to 'myplugin_gameinfo.dat' for allow plugin know what type of Player offsets is using eg. CSSPlayer or CDODPlayer
- added extern librarys (Addons) to spt (optional)

- change vfuncs samples to a better usage (4 lines of code only) for each func
- change signature samples to a better usage (4 lines of code only) for each func
- change all 'spt_blocks.h' file to looks better
- change some 'spt_blocks.h' funcs to work with 'multi args' and 'AddByFilter()'
- change vfuncs and sigscan to an class (.cpp)
- change file name 'myplugin_info.dat' TO 'myplugin_gameinfo.dat'
- change some files directory

- removed sigscan need 'sourcehook.cpp'
- removed 'offsets.h' file
- removed some functions from spt blocks
- removed 'maxClients' param from all 'MRecipientFilter' blocks

v1.3 [01/12/2007]

- added file 'spt_sigscan.h' (contain all SPT PreMade SigScan blocks)
- added file 'myplugin_info.dat' (contain all sigscan masks, signatures, symbols)
- added a easy way to add sigscan funcs
- added CSS player respawn sample (SigScan)
- added some Hex Utils
- added 'UTIL_GetPropertyInt' (Allow get a player property [INT])
- added 'UTIL_GetPropertyFloat' (Allow get a player property [FLOAT])

v1.2 [21/11/2007]

- added sigscanning to allow use special funcs
- added sigscan examples
- added timers allow use delays
- added timers usage
- added a new cmd example to show now SigScan works
- added 'getEntityFromUserID' -> spt_blocks.h
- added 'plugin_timers.h' to code your own delays blocks
- added 'plugin_blocks.h' to code your own util blocks
- added an EmitSound usage with SigScan slay func
- added 'Sexec' void to 'spt_blocks.h'

- change IsAlive code to work

v1.1 [09/09/2007]

- added more defines (spt_defines.h)
- fixed no compile for metamod source! (serverplugin_engine.cpp)

v1.0 [08/09/2007]

- First Release!

SPT On SourcePlugins Forums
SPT On MetaMod:Source Forums
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Last edited by sn4k3; 05-06-2008 at 12:02. Reason: new version
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Location: Germany
Old 09-08-2007 , 16:17   Re: [09/08/2007] Sn4k3 Plugin Template v1.0
Reply With Quote #2

how do can i set admin too me?

MFZB Gaming Community

[ ]

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Old 09-08-2007 , 16:25   Re: [09/08/2007] Sn4k3 Plugin Template v1.0
Reply With Quote #3

Originally Posted by Knagg0 View Post
how do can i set admin too me?
what ???
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Old 09-09-2007 , 15:14   Re: [09/09/2007] Sn4k3 Plugin Template v1.1
Reply With Quote #4

New Version v1.1!

v1.1 [09/09/2007]

- added more defines (spt_defines.h)
- fixed no compile for metamod source! (serverplugin_engine.cpp)
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Old 11-27-2007 , 08:33   Re: [09/09/2007] Sn4k3 Plugin Template v1.1
Reply With Quote #5

New Version v1.2

v1.2 [21/11/2007]

- added sigscanning to allow use special funcs
- added sigscan examples
- added timers allow use delays
- added timers usage
- added a new cmd example to show now SigScan works
- added 'getEntityFromUserID' -> spt_blocks.h
- added 'plugin_timers.h' to code your own delays blocks
- added 'plugin_blocks.h' to code your own util blocks
- added an EmitSound usage with SigScan slay func
- added 'Sexec' void to 'spt_blocks.h'

- change IsAlive code to work
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Old 12-01-2007 , 11:57   Re: [27/1/2007] Sn4k3 Plugin Template v1.2
Reply With Quote #6

new v1.3

v1.3 [01/12/2007]

- added file 'spt_sigscan.h' (contain all SPT PreMade SigScan blocks)
- added file 'myplugin_info.dat' (contain all sigscan masks, signatures, symbols)
- added a easy way to add sigscan funcs
- added CSS player respawn sample (SigScan)
- added some Hex Utils
- added 'UTIL_GetPropertyInt' (Allow get a player property [INT])
- added 'UTIL_GetPropertyFloat' (Allow get a player property [FLOAT])
sn4k3 is offline
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Old 12-21-2007 , 12:06   Re: [21/12/2007] Sn4k3 Plugin Template v2.0
Reply With Quote #7

New Version:

v2.0 [21/12/2007]

- added 'AddByFilter' to 'MRecipientFilter.cpp' (Thanks to awuh0)
- added some util blocks to 'spt_blocks.h'
- added 'spt_last.h' last included file for load something for spt engine
- added more signatures
- added allow load VFuncs offsets from 'myplugin_gameinfo.dat'
- added more VFuncs
- added more sample cmds (plugin_cmds.h)
- added Mensages to '::Load', '::UnLoad', ':ause', '::UnPause'
- added more #defines to plugin
- added 'repeats' to timers
- added spt librarys
- added spt_utilslib.cpp and spt_utilslib.h (came from spt_blocks.h)
- added spt_sigscanlib.cpp and spt_sigscanlib.h (came from spt_sigscan.h)
- added spt_vfuncslib.cpp and spt_vfuncslib.h (came from spt_vfuncs.h)
- added easy way to use multi pararms (Formated String like Msg())
- added allow HOOK and UNHOOK Functions (spt_vfn_hook)
- added 'spt_langlib.cpp' and 'spt_langlib.h' allow get translations
- added spt_info command (print a full info about spt engine and usages)
- added 'spt_adminlib.cpp' and 'spt_adminlib.h' allow use admins in server using flags, groups, etc (like mani)
- added 'GamePlayer' to 'myplugin_gameinfo.dat' for allow plugin know what type of Player offsets is using eg. CSSPlayer or CDODPlayer
- added extern librarys (Addons) to spt (optional)

- change vfuncs samples to a better usage (4 lines of code only) for each func
- change signature samples to a better usage (4 lines of code only) for each func
- change all 'spt_blocks.h' file to looks better
- change some 'spt_blocks.h' funcs to work with 'multi args' and 'AddByFilter()'
- change vfuncs and sigscan to an class (.cpp)
- change file name 'myplugin_info.dat' TO 'myplugin_gameinfo.dat'
- change some files directory

- removed sigscan need 'sourcehook.cpp'
- removed 'offsets.h' file
- removed some functions from spt blocks
- removed 'maxClients' param from all 'MRecipientFilter' blocks
sn4k3 is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2005
Old 05-06-2008 , 12:03   Re: [06/05/2008] Sn4k3 Plugin Template v3.0
Reply With Quote #8

new version:

v3.0 [06/05/2008]


This is a massive update i recomend you copy your work and start with this new Template
After go to your saved work and just do copy and paste your functions to new project


You should Copy and Replace all spt_*.* files
Find "spt_utils." and replace by "SUtilsLib::"
Change "spt_langlib." to "spt_langlib->"

If you get errors go to line and try solve, like function not find anymore its easy to solve, foundit again on SUtilLib (some have been renamed and others have changed the params)

- added performance
- added SIniLib (allow parase ini files)
- added SLangLib (Languages Lib) allow now load from a KVs or Ini File
- added 'IsSafeEntity' function to SUtilsLib (Utils Library)
- added 'StrToColor' function to SUtilsLib (Utils Library)
- added 'StrSplit' function to SUtilsLib (Utils Library)
- added 'StrToAngle' function to SUtilsLib (Utils Library)
- added 'StrNew' function to SUtilsLib (Utils Library)
- added 'SubStr' function to SUtilsLib (Utils Library)
- added 'StrEatSpaces' function to SUtilsLib (Utils Library)
- added 'StrAppendSpaces' function to SUtilsLib (Utils Library)
- added 'StrFindChar' function to SUtilsLib (Utils Library)
- added 'StrCopy' function to SUtilsLib (Utils Library)
- added 'StrStripAlpha' function to SUtilsLib (Utils Library)
- added 'FindFieldByName' function to SUtilsLib (Utils Library)
- added 'SetProperty<template>' function to SUtilsLib (Utils Library)
- added 'GetProperty<template>' function to SUtilsLib (Utils Library)
- added easy binds to use dmap offsets
- added all functions that used Filters in SUtilsLib (Utils Library) now support single pEntity player
- added AddDownload now support download from files, folders, single file
- added more 3 Types for VGUI MSG (File, URL, Index, MOTD)
- added Msg_MSay (Menu) works now with more text
- added Unlimited size to say mesages (Msg_Say)
- added more signatures
- added AddByEntity() to MRecipientFilter
- added AddByFilter (MRecipientFilter) now returns the added players count 0 = none
- added more performance on AddByFilter
- added more usefull includes from SDK
- added SPT_MultiParms2 same as SPT_MultiParms but you can choose last param
- added #define (PLUGIN_TAG)
- added #define (MAX_STR_LENGTH)
- added #define (MAX_MENU_LEN)
- added #define (SAY_YELLOW)
- added #define (SAY_LIGHTGREEN)
- added #define (SAY_GREEN)

- fixed wrong vfuncs offsets used on VFuncs Library
- fixed SQlite addon with missing files and updated version
- fixed Msg_MSay (Menu) dont show very text and formated argvs no works (...)
- fixed SLangLib (Languages Lib) from def lang missing and missing languages translations (NULL text)
- fixed Prevent disable sourcehook with sourcemm ON
- fixed problems with GetClassName and GetClassNameA
- fixed TempEnts not working by default
- fixed free KVs when finish read/load from spt
- fixed others small bugs

- changed SPT License, please review it
- changed class SUtilsLib to a namespace, now is used like an namespace SUtilsLib::
- changed some functions name and params on Utils Lib
- changed SLangLib (Languages Lib) now save, read data using SIniLib
- changed SigScan Loader from file to spt_sigscanlib

- removed MRecipientFilter no require anymore maxClients param to work
- removed SigScan.cpp and SigScan.h files
- removed unecessary code
- removed all externs of SUtlisLib
- removed declared spt_langlib class from default
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