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FAQ: Sourcemod Newbies Guide

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Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: Gainesville, FL
Old 03-28-2008 , 07:30   FAQ: Sourcemod Newbies Guide
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I have recieved an immense amount of help since I joined up at this community and I know theres a ton of things I have learned, and still a massive amount I haven't. I am going to start a large collection of Questions/Answers that we can hopefully point new comers to in hopes of not repeating the same things over and over again. I would love for any newcomers to post their questions here, as well as any SM Veteran to contribute question/answers that they have seen around a lot.

Sourcemod Installation & Configuration

Q: I am new to Sourcemod, can anyone give me some information on how to install it and set it up for my Server?

A: Sourcemod is a plugin for Metamod which is also needed to do your install. You will need to install Metamod and Sourcemod for it to properly load. You can use the following links for instructions in installing both of these to your server. Use Metamod 1.4 for non OrangeBox games such as Counter-Strike Source, and Metamod 1.6 for games such as TF2.

Metamod Source Installation:

Sourcemod Installation:

Q: I have everything setup correctly, but now I need to know how to do all of the customization and settings for my server!

A: There are a few main files and directories you can use for most of your settings involving sourcemod. You can use the following list to find specific locations of files. All of these are going to assume you are in your games directory on the server.

1) /cfg/sourcemod/sourcemod.cfg - All of your general Sourcemod Settings.
2) /addons/sourcemod/configs/
->admins_simple.ini -Set your admins and their immunities/flags here.
->maplists.cfg - Specify the file location to use as a map list.
3) /addons/sourcemod/plugins/ - All of your active server plugins. You can move others such as RTV and MapChooser into this folder from the "disabled" directory, and it will automatically create default configs for them when they are loaded.

Q: I installed Sourcemod a while back, and haven't really messed with it since then. I noticed I am running a very old build, how often should we update it?

A: It is recommended you upgrade every 100 builds and definitely every stable release.

Q: I am looking into installing Sourcemod on my server, but I am worried about keeping my server secured. Are there anyways a hacker could use my admin in Sourcemod?

A: It is actually safer to run Sourcemod and disable your RCON as Sourcemod loads admins based on Steam IDs (other options available) from a file. This eliminates the threat of a hacker figuring out your RCON and destroying your server. You can use sm_rcon in console as an admin to do your usual rcon commands if you prefer that.

Last edited by CrimsonGT; 03-28-2008 at 08:26.
CrimsonGT is offline

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