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POLISH to ENGLISH help please

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Join Date: Jan 2006
Old 09-04-2009 , 15:18   POLISH to ENGLISH help please
Reply With Quote #1

Can someone help me convert this part of the plugin... I counted ~120 spots that need to be translated.. and these spots show up in the game (more so than the others) - so getting the correctly translated would be critical..

public iteminfo(id)
	new itemvalue[100]
	if (player_item_id[id] <= 10) itemvalue = "Common"
	if (player_item_id[id] <= 30) 
		itemvalue = "Uncommon"
		itemvalue = "Rare"
	if (player_item_id[id] > 42) itemvalue = "Unique"
	new itemEffect[200]
	new TempSkill[11]					//There must be a smarter way
	if (player_b_vampire[id] > 0) 
		add(itemEffect,199,"Kradnie ")
		add(itemEffect,199," hp jak uderzysz wroga<br>")
	if (player_b_damage[id] > 0) 
		add(itemEffect,199,"Zadaje ")
		add(itemEffect,199," dodatkowe obrazenia za kazdym razem jak uderzysz wroga<br>")
	if (player_b_money[id] > 0) 
		add(itemEffect,199,"Dadaje ")
		add(itemEffect,199," zlota i w kazdej rundzie na start otrzymasz 50 zlota. Mozesz takze uzyc tego przedmiotu by zredukowac normalne obrazenia o 50%<br>")
	if (player_b_gravity[id] > 0) 
		add(itemEffect,199,"Wysoki skok jest zredukowany do ")
		add(itemEffect,199,". Uzyj tego przedmiotu jak bedziesz w powietrzu. Uszkodzenia zaleza od wysokosci skoku i twojej sily<br>")
	if (player_b_inv[id] > 0) 
		add(itemEffect,199,"Twoja widocznosc jest zredukowana z 255 do ")
	if (player_b_grenade[id] > 0) 
		add(itemEffect,199,"Masz 1/")
		add(itemEffect,199," szanse do natychmiastowego zabicia HE<br>")
	if (player_b_reduceH[id] > 0) 
		add(itemEffect,199,"Twoje zdrowie jest zredukowane o ")
		add(itemEffect,199," z kazdej rundy, sila nie liczy sie tu<br>")
	if (player_b_theif[id] > 0) 
		add(itemEffect,199,"Masz 1/7 szans na okradniecie kogos z")
		add(itemEffect,199," zlota, za kazdym razem gdy uderzysz swojego wroga. Mozesz uzyc tego przedmiotu zeby zamienic 1000 zlota na 15 HP<br>")
	if (player_b_respawn[id] > 0) 
		add(itemEffect,199,"Masz 1/")
		add(itemEffect,199," szanse do odrodzenia sie po zgonie<br>")
	if (player_b_explode[id] > 0) 
		add(itemEffect,199,"Gdy umierasz wybuchniesz w promieniu ")
		add(itemEffect,199," zadaje 75 obrazen wokol ciebie - im wiecej masz inteligencji tym wiekszy zasieg wybuchu<br>")
	if (player_b_heal[id] > 0) 
		add(itemEffect,199,"Zyskasz +")
		add(itemEffect,199," HP co kazde 5 sekund. Uzyj aby polozyc leczacy totem na 7 sekund<br>")
	if (player_b_gamble[id] > 0) 
		add(itemEffect,199,"Zyskasz losowa umiejetnosc na poczatku rundy, Masz na to 1/")
		add(itemEffect,199," szans<br>")
	if (player_b_blind[id] > 0) 
		add(itemEffect,199,"Masz 1/")
		add(itemEffect,199,"szans zeby twoj przeciwnik stracil wzrok<br>")
	if (player_b_fireshield[id] > 0) 
		add(itemEffect,199,"Nie mozesz byc zabity przez chaos orb, hell orb albo firerope<br>")
		add(itemEffect,199,"Uzyj, zeby zadac obrazenia, spowolnic i oslepic kazdego wroga wokol ciebie<br>")
	if (player_b_meekstone[id] > 0) 
		add(itemEffect,199,"Mozesz polozyc falszywa bombe uzywajac klawisz E. Gdy przeciwna druzyna zblizy sie do niej, wybuchnie zadajac obrazenia<br>")
	if (player_b_teamheal[id] > 0) 
		add(itemEffect,199,"Uzyj, aby aktywowac tarcze na graczu.<br>")
		add(itemEffect,199," Cale uszkodzenia tarczy sa odzwierciedlone. Umrzesz jezeli zostaniesz trafiony")
	if (player_b_redirect[id] > 0) 
		add(itemEffect,199,"Obrazenia sa zredukowane o")
		add(itemEffect,199," hitpoints<br>")
	if (player_b_fireball[id] > 0) 
		add(itemEffect,199,"Mozesz wyczarowac ognista kule uzywajac tego przedmiotu. Zabije ona ludzi w zasiegu ")
		add(itemEffect,199,". Im wiecej masz inteligencji tym wieksze zadasz obrazenia<br>")
	if (player_b_ghost[id] > 0) 
		add(itemEffect,199,"Uzyj tego przedmiotu, aby przenikac przez sciany przez")
		add(itemEffect,199," sekund<br>")
	if (player_b_eye[id] > 0) 
		add(itemEffect,199,"Uzyj, aby polozyc magiczne oko(da sie tylko raz podlozyc) i uzyj ponownie zeby wlaczyc i wylaczyc je")
	if (player_b_blink[id] > 0) 
		add(itemEffect,199,"Mozesz teleportowac sie przez uzywanie alternatywnego ataku twoim nozem (PPM). Im wiecej masz inteligencji tym teleportujesz sie na wiekszy dystans")
	if (player_b_windwalk[id] > 0) 
		add(itemEffect,199,"Uzyj, zeby stac sie niewidzialny. W tym czasie nie bedziesz mogl atakowac, ale za to staniesz sie szybszy na ")
		add(itemEffect,199," sekund<br>")
	if (player_b_froglegs[id] > 0)
		add(itemEffect,199,"Kucnij na 3 sekundy, a zrobisz dlugi skok")
	if (player_b_dagon[id] == 1)
		add(itemEffect,199,"Uzyj, zeby udezyc wroga ognistym promieniem - mozesz ulepszyc ten przedmiot kupujac odpowiednie runy ")
		add(itemEffect,199,"Inteligencja zwiekszy zasieg przedmiotu")
	if (player_b_sniper[id] > 0) 
		add(itemEffect,199,"Masz 1/")
		add(itemEffect,199,"na natychmiastowe zabicie przeciwnika ze scouta<br>")
	if (player_b_jumpx[id] > 0)
		add(itemEffect,199,"Mozesz podskoczyc ")
		add(itemEffect,199," razy w loscie, uzywajac klawisza, ktorym skaczesz<br>")	
	if (player_b_smokehit[id] > 0)
		add(itemEffect,199,"Twoje granaty dymne zabija natychmiast wroga jezeli go dotknie")
	if (player_b_extrastats[id] > 0)
		add(itemEffect,199,"Zyskasz +")
		add(itemEffect,199," do wszystkich statystyk majac ten przedmiot<br>")
	if (player_b_firetotem[id] > 0)
		add(itemEffect,199,"Uzyj tego przedmiotu, zeby polozyc eksplodujacy totem na ziemie. Totem wybuchnie po 7 sekundach. I zapali osoby w zasiegu ")
	if (player_b_hook[id] > 0)
		add(itemEffect,199,"Uzyj, zeby wyrzucic hak na zasieg 600 jezeli kogos trafisz przyciagnie go do siebie. Im wiecej masz inteligencji tym szybszy bedzie hak")
	if (player_b_darksteel[id] > 0)
		new ddam = floatround(player_strength[id]*2*player_b_darksteel[id]/10.0)*3

		add(itemEffect,199,"Dostales 15 + 0.")
		add(itemEffect,199,"*sila: ")
		add(itemEffect,199," dodatkowych obrazen kiedy uderzysz swojego wroga od tylu ")
	if (player_b_illusionist[id] > 0)
		add(itemEffect,199,"Uzyj tego przedmiotu, zeby stac sie niewiedzialnym przez 7sekund. Kazde obrazenia jak bedziesz niewidzialny zabija cie")
	if (player_b_mine[id] > 0)
		add(itemEffect,199,"Uzyj, zeby polozyc niewidzialna mine. Kiedy mina ekspoduje zada 50hp+obrazenia magia. 3 miny mozesz polozyc w jednej rundzie")
	if (player_item_id[id]==66)
		add(itemEffect,199,"Wygladasz jak przeciwnik! Postaraj sie nie dac zdemaskowac.")
	if (player_ultra_armor[id]>0)
		add(itemEffect,199,"Masz szanse, ze pocisk odbije sie od twojego pancerza")
	new Durability[10]
	if (equal(itemEffect,"")) showitem(id,"None","None","Zabij kogos, aby dostac item albo kup (/rune)","None")
	if (!equal(itemEffect,"")) showitem(id,player_item_name[id],itemvalue,itemEffect,Durability)

/* ==================================================================================================== */

public award_item(id, itemnum)
	if (player_item_id[id] != 0)
	set_hudmessage(220, 115, 70, -1.0, 0.40, 0, 3.0, 4.0, 0.2, 0.3, 5)
	new rannum = random_num(1,68)
	new maxfind = player_agility[id]
	if (maxfind > 15) maxfind = 15
	new rf = random_num(1,25-maxfind)
	if (itemnum > 0) rannum = itemnum
	else if (itemnum < 0) return PLUGIN_HANDLED
	if (rf == 3 && itemnum == 0)						//We found a rare item			
		rannum = -1
	//Set durability, make this item dependant?
	item_durability[id] = 250
		case 1:
			player_item_name[id] = "Bronze Amplifier"
			player_item_id[id] = rannum
			player_b_damage[id] = random_num(1,3)
			show_hudmessage(id, "Znalazles przedmiot: %s :: dodaje obrazenia +%i",player_item_name[id],player_b_damage[id])
		case 2:
			player_item_name[id] = "Silver Amplifier"
			player_item_id[id] = rannum
			player_b_damage[id] = random_num(3,6)
			show_hudmessage(id, "Znalazles przedmiot: %s :: dodaje obrazenia +%i ",player_item_name[id],player_b_damage[id])
		case 3:
			player_item_name[id] = "Gold Amplifier"
			player_item_id[id] = rannum
			player_b_damage[id] = random_num(6,10)
			show_hudmessage(id, "Znalazles przedmiot: %s :: dodaje obrazenia +%i ",player_item_name[id],player_b_damage[id])	
		case 4:
			player_item_name[id] = "Vampyric Staff"
			player_item_id[id] = rannum
			player_b_vampire[id] = random_num(1,4)
			show_hudmessage(id, "Znalazles przedmiot: %s :: wysysasz %i hp przeciwnikowi",player_item_name[id],player_b_vampire[id])	
		case 5:
			player_item_name[id] = "Vampyric Amulet"
			player_item_id[id] = rannum
			player_b_vampire[id] = random_num(4,6)
			show_hudmessage(id, "Znalazles przedmiot: %s :: wysysasz %i hp przeciwnikowi",player_item_name[id],player_b_vampire[id])	
		case 6:
			player_item_name[id] = "Vampyric Scepter"
			player_item_id[id] = rannum
			player_b_vampire[id] = random_num(6,9)
			show_hudmessage(id, "Znalazles przedmiot: %s :: wysysasz %i hp przeciwnikowi",player_item_name[id],player_b_vampire[id])	
		case 7:
			player_item_name[id] = "Small bronze bag"
			player_item_id[id] = rannum
			player_b_money[id] = random_num(150,500)
			show_hudmessage(id, "Znalazles przedmiot: %s :: dostajesz %i zloto w kazdej rundzie. Uzyj, zeby chronil cie.",player_item_name[id],player_b_money[id]+player_intelligence[id]*50)	
		case 8:
			player_item_name[id] = "Medium silver bag"
			player_item_id[id] = rannum
			player_b_money[id] = random_num(500,1200)
			show_hudmessage(id, "Znalazles przedmiot: %s :: dostajesz %i zloto w kazdej rundzie. Uzyj, zeby chronil cie.",player_item_name[id],player_b_money[id]+player_intelligence[id]*50)	
		case 9:
			player_item_name[id] = "Large gold bag"
			player_item_id[id] = rannum
			player_b_money[id] = random_num(1200,3000)
			show_hudmessage(id, "Znalazles przedmiot: %s :: dostajesz %i zloto w kazdej rundzie. Uzyj, zeby chronil cie.",player_item_name[id],player_b_money[id]+player_intelligence[id]*50)	
		case 10:
			player_item_name[id] = "Small angel wings"
			player_item_id[id] = rannum
			player_b_gravity[id] = random_num(1,5)
			if (is_user_alive(id))
			show_hudmessage(id, "Znalazles przedmiot: %s :: +%i premia wyzszego skoku - Wcisnij e zeby uzyc",player_item_name[id],player_b_gravity[id])	
		case 11:
			player_item_name[id] = "Arch angel wings"
			player_item_id[id] = rannum
			player_b_gravity[id] = random_num(5,9)
			if (is_user_alive(id))
			show_hudmessage(id, "Znalazles przedmiot: %s :: +%i premia wyzszego skoku - Wcisnij e zeby uzyc",player_item_name[id],player_b_gravity[id])	
		case 12:
			player_item_name[id] = "Invisibility Rope"
			player_item_id[id] = rannum
			player_b_inv[id] = random_num(150,200)
			show_hudmessage(id, "Znalazles przedmiot: %s :: +%i premii niewidocznosci",player_item_name[id],255-player_b_inv[id])	
		case 13:
			player_item_name[id] = "Invisibility Coat"
			player_item_id[id] = rannum
			player_b_inv[id] = random_num(110,150)
			show_hudmessage(id, "Znalazles przedmiot: %s :: +%i premii niewidocznosci",player_item_name[id],255-player_b_inv[id])	
		case 14:
			player_item_name[id] = "Invisibility Armor"
			player_item_id[id] = rannum
			player_b_inv[id] = random_num(70,110)
			show_hudmessage(id, "Znalazles przedmiot: %s :: +%i premii niewidocznosci",player_item_name[id],255-player_b_inv[id])	
		case 15:
			player_item_name[id] = "Firerope"
			player_item_id[id] = rannum
			player_b_grenade[id] = random_num(3,6)
			show_hudmessage(id, "Znalazles przedmiot: %s :: +1/%i szans natychmiastowego zabicia granatem HE",player_item_name[id],player_b_grenade[id])	
		case 16:
			player_item_name[id] = "Fire Amulet"
			player_item_id[id] = rannum
			player_b_grenade[id] = random_num(2,4)
			show_hudmessage(id, "Znalazles przedmiot: %s :: +1/%i szans natychmiastowego zabicia granatem HE",player_item_name[id],player_b_grenade[id])	
		case 17:
			player_item_name[id] = "Stalkers ring"
			player_item_id[id] = rannum
			player_b_reduceH[id] = 95
			player_b_inv[id] = 8	
			item_durability[id] = 100
			if (is_user_alive(id)) set_user_health(id,5)		
			show_hudmessage(id, "Znalazles przedmiot: %s :: Masz 5 zycia i noz, jestes prawie niewidoczny",player_item_name[id])	
		case 18:
			player_item_name[id] = "Arabian Boots"
			player_item_id[id] = rannum
			player_b_theif[id] = random_num(500,1000)
			show_hudmessage(id, "Znalazles przedmiot: %s :: 1/5 szans by krasc zloto%i za kazdym razem jak uderzasz. Uzyj zeby zamienic zloto w zycia",player_item_name[id],player_b_theif[id])	
		case 19:
			player_item_name[id] = "Phoenix Ring"
			player_item_id[id] = rannum
			player_b_respawn[id] = random_num(3,6)
			show_hudmessage(id, "Znalazles przedmiot: %s :: 1/%i szans do ponownego odrodzenia sie po smierci",player_item_name[id],player_b_respawn[id])	
		case 20:
			player_item_name[id] = "Sorcerers ring"
			player_item_id[id] = rannum
			player_b_respawn[id] = random_num(2,3)
			show_hudmessage(id, "Znalazles przedmiot: %s :: 1/%i szans do ponownego odrodzenia sie po smierci",player_item_name[id],player_b_respawn[id])	
		case 21:
			player_item_name[id] = "Chaos Orb"
			player_item_id[id] = rannum
			player_b_explode[id] = random_num(150,275)
			show_hudmessage(id, "Znalazles przedmiot: %s :: Wybuchniesz zaraz po smierci w promieniu %i",player_item_name[id],player_b_explode[id])	
		case 22:
			player_item_name[id] = "Hell Orb"
			player_item_id[id] = rannum
			player_b_explode[id] = random_num(200,400)
			show_hudmessage(id, "Znalazles przedmiot: %s :: Wybuchniesz zaraz po smierci w promieniu %i",player_item_name[id],player_b_explode[id])	
		case 23:
			player_item_name[id] = "Gold statue"
			player_item_id[id] = rannum
			player_b_heal[id] = random_num(5,10)
			show_hudmessage(id, "Znalazles przedmiot: %s :: Regeneruje %i hp co kazde 5 sekund. Uzyj, zeby polozyc totem ktory bedzie leczyl wszystkich w zasiegu %i",player_item_name[id],player_b_heal[id],player_b_heal[id])	
		case 24:
			player_item_name[id] = "Daylight Diamond"
			player_item_id[id] = rannum
			player_b_heal[id] = random_num(10,20)
			show_hudmessage(id, "Znalazles przedmiot: %s :: Regeneruje %i hp co kazde 5 sekund. Uzyj, zeby polozyc totem ktory bedzie leczyl wszystkich w zasiegu %i",player_item_name[id],player_b_heal[id],player_b_heal[id])	
		case 25:
			player_item_name[id] = "Blood Diamond"
			player_item_id[id] = rannum
			player_b_heal[id] = random_num(20,35)
			show_hudmessage(id, "Znalazles przedmiot: %s :: Regeneruje %i hp co kazde 5 sekund. Uzyj, zeby polozyc totem ktory bedzie leczyl wszystkich w zasiegu %i",player_item_name[id],player_b_heal[id],player_b_heal[id])	
		case 26:
			player_item_name[id] = "Wheel of Fortune"
			player_item_id[id] = rannum
			player_b_gamble[id] = random_num(2,3)
			show_hudmessage(id, "Znalazles przedmiot: %s :: +%i daje ci dodatkowa premie w kazdej rundzie",player_item_name[id],player_b_gamble[id])	
		case 27:
			player_item_name[id] = "Four leaf Clover"
			player_item_id[id] = rannum
			player_b_gamble[id] = random_num(4,5)
			show_hudmessage(id, "Znalazles przedmiot: %s :: +%i daje ci dodatkowa premie w kazdej rundzie",player_item_name[id],player_b_gamble[id])	
		case 28:
			player_item_name[id] = "Amulet of the sun"
			player_item_id[id] = rannum
			player_b_blind[id] = random_num(6,9)
			show_hudmessage(id, "Znalazles przedmiot: %s :: 1/%i szans na utrate wzroku kiedy uszkadzasz wroga",player_item_name[id],player_b_blind[id])	
		case 29:
			player_item_name[id] = "Sword of the sun"
			player_item_id[id] = rannum
			player_b_blind[id] = random_num(2,5)
			show_hudmessage(id, "Znalazles przedmiot: %s :: 1/%i szans na utrate wzroku kiedy uszkadzasz wroga",player_item_name[id],player_b_blind[id])	
		case 30:
			player_item_name[id] = "Fireshield"
			player_item_id[id] = rannum
			player_b_fireshield[id] = 1
			show_hudmessage(id, "Znalazles przedmiot: %s :: Chroni od natychmiastowego zabicia HE i orbami. Wcisnij e zeby go uzyc",player_item_name[id],player_b_fireshield[id])	
		case 31:
			player_item_name[id] = "Stealth Shoes"
			player_item_id[id] = rannum
			player_b_silent[id] = 1
			show_hudmessage(id, "Znalazles przedmiot: %s :: Twoj bieg cichnie",player_item_name[id])	
		case 32:
			player_item_name[id] = "Meekstone"
			player_item_id[id] = rannum
			player_b_meekstone[id] = 1
			show_hudmessage(id, "Znalazles przedmiot: %s :: Uzyj, aby podlozyc sztuczna bombe",player_item_name[id])	
		case 33:
			player_item_name[id] = "Medicine Glar"
			player_item_id[id] = rannum
			player_b_teamheal[id] = random_num(10,20)
			show_hudmessage(id, "Znalazles przedmiot: %s :: Strzel do swojego, aby uleczyc %i hp - wcisnij E, zeby uzyc",player_item_name[id],player_b_teamheal[id])	
		case 34:
			player_item_name[id] = "Medicine Totem"
			player_item_id[id] = rannum
			player_b_teamheal[id] = random_num(20,30)
			show_hudmessage(id, "Znalazles przedmiot: %s :: Strzel do swojego, aby uleczyc %i hp - wcisnij E, zeby uzyc",player_item_name[id],player_b_teamheal[id])	
		case 35:
			player_item_name[id] = "Iron Armor"
			player_item_id[id] = rannum
			player_b_redirect[id] = random_num(3,6)
			show_hudmessage(id, "Znalazles przedmiot: %s :: +%i Obniza uszkodzenia zadawane graczowi",player_item_name[id],player_b_redirect[id])	
		case 36:
			player_item_name[id] = "Mitril Armor"
			player_item_id[id] = rannum
			player_b_redirect[id] = random_num(6,11)
			show_hudmessage(id, "Znalazles przedmiot: %s :: +%i Obniza uszkodzenia zadawane graczowi",player_item_name[id],player_b_redirect[id])	
		case 37:
			player_item_name[id] = "Godly Armor"
			player_item_id[id] = rannum
			player_b_redirect[id] = random_num(10,15)
			show_hudmessage(id, "Znalazles przedmiot: %s :: +%i Obniza uszkodzenia zadawane graczowi",player_item_name[id],player_b_redirect[id])	
		case 38:
			player_item_name[id] = "Fireball staff"
			player_item_id[id] = rannum
			player_b_fireball[id] = random_num(50,100)
			show_hudmessage(id, "Znalazles przedmiot: %s :: Uszkadza wszystko w promieniu %i",player_item_name[id],player_b_fireball[id])	
		case 39:
			player_item_name[id] = "Fireball scepter"
			player_item_id[id] = rannum
			player_b_fireball[id] = random_num(100,200)
			show_hudmessage(id, "Znalazles przedmiot: %s :: Uszkadza wszystko w promieniu %i",player_item_name[id],player_b_fireball[id])	
		case 40:
			player_item_name[id] = "Ghost Rope"
			player_item_id[id] = rannum
			player_b_ghost[id] = random_num(3,6)
			show_hudmessage(id, "Znalazles przedmiot: %s :: Mozesz przenikac przez sciany przez %i sekund",player_item_name[id],player_b_ghost[id])	
		case 41:
			player_item_name[id] = "Nicolas Eye"
			player_item_id[id] = rannum
			player_b_eye[id] = -1
			show_hudmessage(id, "Znalazles przedmiot: %s :: Uzyj aby polozyc kamere i uzyj ponownie zeby uzyc i zatrzymac",player_item_name[id])	
		case 42:
			player_item_name[id] = "Knife Ruby"
			player_item_id[id] = rannum
			player_b_blink[id] = floatround(halflife_time())
			show_hudmessage(id, "Znalazles przedmiot: %s :: Twoj noz pozwala ci teleportowac sie raz na 3 sekundy",player_item_name[id])	
		case 43:
			player_item_name[id] = "Lothars Edge"
			player_item_id[id] = rannum
			player_b_windwalk[id] = random_num(4,7)
			show_hudmessage(id, "Znalazles przedmiot: %s :: Uzyj a staniesz sie niewidzialny przez %i sekund i w tym czasie nie mozesz atakowac ale za to szybko biegasz",player_item_name[id],player_b_windwalk[id])	
		case 44:
			player_item_name[id] = "Sword"
			player_item_id[id] = rannum
			player_sword[id] = 1
			show_hudmessage(id, "Znalazles przedmiot: %s :: zadajesz wieksze obrazenia nozem",player_item_name[id])		
		case 45:
			player_item_name[id] = "Magic Booster"
			player_item_id[id] = rannum
			player_b_froglegs[id] = 1
			show_hudmessage(id, "Znalazles przedmiot: %s :: Kucnij na 3 sekundy, a zrobisz dlugi skok",player_item_name[id])	
		case 46:
			player_item_name[id] = "Dagon I"
			player_item_id[id] = rannum
			player_b_dagon[id] = 1
			show_hudmessage(id, "Znalazles przedmiot: %s :: Uzyj zeby uderzyc twojego przeciwnika piorunem ognia",player_item_name[id])	
		case 47:
			player_item_name[id] = "Scout Extender"
			player_item_id[id] = rannum
			player_b_sniper[id] = random_num(3,4)
			show_hudmessage(id, "Znalazles przedmiot: %s :: 1/%i szans do natychmiastowego zabicia scoutem",player_item_name[id],player_b_sniper[id])	
		case 48:
			player_item_name[id] = "Scout Amplifier"
			player_item_id[id] = rannum
			player_b_sniper[id] = random_num(2,3)
			show_hudmessage(id, "Znalazles przedmiot: %s :: 1/%i szans do natychmiastowego zabicia scoutem",player_item_name[id],player_b_sniper[id])	
		case 49:
			player_item_name[id] = "Air booster"
			player_item_id[id] = rannum
			player_b_jumpx[id] = 1
			show_hudmessage(id, "Znalazles przedmiot: %s :: Mozesz zrobic podwojny skok w powietrzu",player_item_name[id],player_b_sniper[id])	
		case 50:
			player_item_name[id] = "Iron Spikes"
			player_item_id[id] = rannum
			player_b_smokehit[id] = 1
			show_hudmessage(id, "Znalazles przedmiot: %s :: Jezeli uderzasz kogos granatami dymym, to on zginie",player_item_name[id])	
		case 51:
			player_item_name[id] = "Point Booster"
			player_item_id[id] = rannum
			player_b_extrastats[id] = random_num(1,3)
			show_hudmessage(id, "Znalazles przedmiot: %s :: Zyskasz +%i do wszystkich statystyk",player_item_name[id],player_b_extrastats[id])	
		case 52:
			player_item_name[id] = "Totem amulet"
			player_item_id[id] = rannum
			player_b_firetotem[id] = random_num(250,400)
			show_hudmessage(id, "Znalazles przedmiot: %s :: Uzyj, aby polozyc wybuchowy totem ognia",player_item_name[id])	
		case 53:
			player_item_name[id] = "Magic Hook"
			player_item_id[id] = rannum
			player_b_hook[id] = 1
			show_hudmessage(id, "Znalazles przedmiot: %s :: Uzyj, aby rzucic hakiem",player_item_name[id])	
		case 54:
			player_item_name[id] = "Darksteel Glove"
			player_item_id[id] = rannum
			player_b_darksteel[id] = random_num(1,5)
			show_hudmessage(id, "Znalazles przedmiot: %s :: Dodatkowe uszkodzenia, gdy trafisz kogos od tyłu",player_item_name[id])	
		case 55:
			player_item_name[id] = "Darksteel Gaunlet"
			player_item_id[id] = rannum
			player_b_darksteel[id] = random_num(7,9)
			show_hudmessage(id, "Znalazles przedmiot: %s :: Dodatkowe uszkodzenia, gdy trafisz kogos od tyłu",player_item_name[id])	
		case 56:
			player_item_name[id] = "Illusionists Cape"
			player_item_id[id] = rannum
			player_b_illusionist[id] = 1
			show_hudmessage(id, "Znalazles przedmiot: %s :: Uzyj, aby stac sie niewidoczny dla wszystkich",player_item_name[id])	
		case 57:
			player_item_name[id] = "Techies scepter"
			player_item_id[id] = rannum
			player_b_mine[id] = 3
			show_hudmessage(id, "Znalazles przedmiot: %s :: Uzyj, zeby polozyc niewidzialna mine",player_item_name[id])
		case 58:
			player_item_name[id] = "Ninja ring"
			player_item_id[id] = rannum
			player_b_blink[id] = floatround(halflife_time())
			player_b_froglegs[id] = 1
			show_hudmessage(id, "Znalazles przedmiot: %s :: Twoj noz pozwala ci teleportowac sie co 3 sekundy i zrobic dlugi skok jak kucniesz na 3 sekundy",player_item_name[id])
		case 59:	
			player_item_name[id] = "Mag ring"
			player_item_id[id] = rannum
			player_b_fireball[id] = random_num(50,80)
			show_hudmessage(id, "Znalazles przedmiot : %s :: Ten przedmiot dodaje ci +5 inteligencji i robi ognista kule, wcisnij E aby urzyc",player_item_name[id])
		case 60:	
			player_item_name[id] = "Nekromanta ring"
			player_item_id[id] = rannum
			player_b_respawn[id] = random_num(2,4)
			player_b_vampire[id] = random_num(3,5)	
			show_hudmessage(id, "Znalazles przedmiot : %s :: Dzieki temu itemowi masz szanse na ponowne odrodzenie sie i wysysasz zycie wrogowi",player_item_name[id])
		case 61:
			player_item_name[id] = "Barbarzynca ring"
			player_item_id[id] = rannum
			player_b_explode[id] = random_num(120,330)
			show_hudmessage(id, "Znalazles przedmiot : %s :: Ten item dodaje ci +5 sily i jak zginiesz wybuchasz",player_item_name[id])
		case 62:
			player_item_name[id] = "Paladyn ring"
			player_item_id[id] = rannum	
			player_b_redirect[id] = random_num(7,17)
			player_b_blind[id] = random_num(3,4)
			show_hudmessage(id, "Znalazles przedmiot : %s :: Redukuje normalne obrazenia i masz szanse na oslepienie wroga",player_item_name[id])		
		case 63:
			player_item_name[id] = "Mnich ring"
			player_item_id[id] = rannum	
			player_b_grenade[id] = random_num(1,4)
			player_b_heal[id] = random_num(20,35)
			show_hudmessage(id, "Znalazles przedmiot : %s :: Masz szanse na natychmiastowe zabicie z HE. Twoje hp bedzie sie regenerowac co 5 sekund oraz mozesz polozyc leczacy totem na 7 sekund",player_item_name[id])
		case 64:
			player_item_name[id] = "Zabojca ring"
			player_item_id[id] = rannum
			player_b_jumpx[id] = 1
			show_hudmessage(id, "Znalazles przedmiot : %s :: Dostajesz +5 do zwinnosci. Mozesz zrobic podwojny skok w powietrzu",player_item_name[id])	
		case 65:
			player_item_name[id] = "Flashbang necklace"	
			player_item_id[id] = rannum	
			wear_sun[id] = 1
			show_hudmessage (id, "Znalazles przedmiot : %s :: Flashbangi na ciebie nie dzialaja",player_item_name[id])
		case 66:
			player_item_name[id] = "Chameleon"	
			player_item_id[id] = 66	
			show_hudmessage (id, "Znalazles przedmiot : %s :: Wygladasz jak przeciwnik",player_item_name[id])
		case 67:
			player_item_name[id] = "Stong Armor"	
			player_item_id[id] = 67	
			show_hudmessage (id, "Znalazles przedmiot : %s :: Twoj pancerz moze odbic do %i pociskow",player_item_name[id],player_ultra_armor[id])
		case 68:
			player_item_name[id] = "Ultra Armor"	
			player_item_id[id] = 68	
			show_hudmessage (id, "Znalazles przedmiot : %s :: Twoj pancerz moze odbic do %i pociskow",player_item_name[id],player_ultra_armor[id])
Thanks Alot!!
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Location: Schweden
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