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Old 08-02-2004 , 22:26  

hmmm .... I will have to see this and see whats going onhere..
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Old 08-02-2004 , 22:27  

Actually, that system is kind of funny. Remember when Steam broke the original module API on Listen Servers?

Well, almost as a joke I suggested that people declare modules in both files (you can verify this by seeing my last 10 posts or so on Apparently the suggestion worked, so rather than fix the underlying problem like we did, they've decided to use my idea - whether they got it from me or not (I was the first to suggest it) - it is a silly workaround.

As I've said a thousand times, the real issue was discovered by XAD and PM and you can find references to it in various places (I probably posted it in the AMXx API thread in modules section).

Edit: you can see me mentioning this in more detail:
Me unnecessarily flaming m0gley after getting angry
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Old 08-02-2004 , 23:50  

It's disappointing to me that this post was even made. I mean... Half of the AMXx community could have just lived ignorant to the attempt AMX made to update itself, but this post had to be made to tell us all. You also felt the need to create a chart just to remind the people what is wrong with AMX, just so anyone who felt like straying back to AMX would know where they should stand...
Adminmod has no chart comparing it to AMX, and the opposite is also not true... AMX did not put up a chart which stated why this would suit the update as an acceptable alternative to switching here... But no, AMXx felt the need to put up a chart which highlighted the advantages which mainly their next version would have
It's almost a big slap in the face that this is even nessicary. That you feel that the people who actively choose to keep up with this project will "need assistance in choosing the mod," based on a bias comparison chart... It's no coincidence that AMX had "no"s and AMXx had "yes"s in most of the categories that they were compared

I would like to quote m0gely, "It seams you also dwell on the negative points of AMX's past without regard to it's future goals." All AMX was was some coding practice for OLO, but it grew into a community. The goal of AMX was to be an addon which allowed more control than the other alternatives. 1 1/2 years ago, we could have made a 10 page thread on the forums of why AMX is better than Admin Mod, but we didn't... Here and there it would come up, but it wasn't a contest. Then AMX was no longer developed, and some of the developer team decided to go off on their own, with no word of what was happening(
AMX Mod X publically announces all changes, all source code, and all members of the respective development teams.
Should append to post-release)
And then, to top it all off, to get popularity, you basically spent one month spamming AMXx's name every chance you got

The point I'm trying to make, is that these three mod communities were never at war, and it was never a competition... This post was made in poor taste, in an attempt to separate the two communities and finally make AMXx a "distinguished mod." But in the end, just remember, AMXx is still AMX at the core, and you would be nowhere without them
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Old 08-02-2004 , 23:58  

interesting.. i like there new site. thats all i can say.
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Old 08-03-2004 , 00:13  

Originally Posted by IceMouse[WrG
Whatever... How is not appropriate to make a comparison chart? It's common practice. Similar to posting benchmarks of competitor products.

Why didn't AM do this to AMX or vice versa? Because they don't care.
Why are we doing this? Well, because some of the past tactics of AMX Mod development still annoy us (which is the very basis of AMX Mod X's original foundation). I mean, I don't even have to be discussing this, I could have just deleted your posts and locked this, like they did to SB's posts...

Why didn't we do this to AM? Because we see AM as something entirely different - we didn't fork from it, they're an entirely different project with entirely different goals. What you fail to see comes back to AMX Mod's MAINTENANCE - we know it was originally just a community coding project by OLO, but now dJeyL and other AMX maintainers have said things which really lead me to believe otherwise.

Conclusion, while I don't think this news post was the best idea for professionality, I think it had to be done - from some of the things said by AMX maintainers we felt it necessary to take a stab back to show that we didn't just steal what they had. After all it is undeniable that the projects ARE in competition (while this is not ideal, it is inevitable).
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Old 08-03-2004 , 00:40  

Originally Posted by IceMouse[WrG
]But in the end, just remember, AMXx is still AMX at the core, and you would be nowhere without them
Technically, adminmod is amx at the core too.
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Old 08-03-2004 , 00:52  

Originally Posted by devicenull
Originally Posted by IceMouse[WrG
]But in the end, just remember, AMXx is still AMX at the core, and you would be nowhere without them
Technically, adminmod is amx at the core too.
isn't it the other way around? the core of amx was based off adminmod I though.... but what do I know.

Anyway, I totally agree with BAIL.... I mean yeah we thank OLO for his awesome contributions but after it became a huge community it kinda went downhill. The last time they updated the main page since this new update was when amx 0.9.3 came out which was like..... god knows how long ago. The forums were a mess... etc... blah.

JUST for those reasons I the main reason I like amxx better without even getting into anything else like stability or the politics. Its just a better maintained and well organized project from my standpoint.

IMO I don't know why they even bothered to try to update amx.... its like beating a dead horse to me.... just let it die.
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Old 08-03-2004 , 00:56  

Originally Posted by BAILOPAN
Whatever... How is not appropriate to make a comparison chart? It's common practice. Similar to posting benchmarks of competitor products.

Why didn't AM do this to AMX or vice versa? Because they don't care.
Why are we doing this? Well, because some of the past tactics of AMX Mod development still annoy us (which is the very basis of AMX Mod X's original foundation). I mean, I don't even have to be discussing this, I could have just deleted your posts and locked this, like they did to SB's posts...
I'll start with the comparison chart. It's common practice, yes... Against corperate competitors. To show that "you should use this because it's better," but here it wasn't nessicary. Your version is not a separate product as of yet... It's almost like making a comparison chart for AMX 0.9.6 and AMX 0.9.3... As of now AMXx is an updated version... You seemed to have missed my ending point, which was that the communities lived in parallel, we hardly ever mentioned each other, and it was hardly ever a competition. Like you said, this never happened becuase they didn't care which you chose, as long as you were content with your server. However, you attempt to turn this into a scenario of two rival companies selling a product. You even state in the quote "Similar to posting benchmarks of competitor products." It's almost like two cancer funds battling it out for donations... In the end, if both parties are loyal to the goal/dream/whatever, then it doesn't matter what is chosen, as long as the choice contributes to the cause. AMX was merely trying to give some matenance to the users who remained loyal(Although I know you would rather call them stubborn).
And as far as "Well, because some of the past tactics of AMX Mod development still annoy us," it seems to me like you're merely holding a grudge... You call them tactics, as if there was some sort of secret plot behind the whole thing... At least before AMX died(For the time), the wasn't held on a closed beta... You stated that development was kept in the dark, but I recall quite a few RCs released in close proximity, while all we do is hear from AMXx about how great 0.20 will be.
And finally the last line of what I quoted is almost unanswerable. I mean, what can I say? Yeah, you could just wipe this problem away by deleting the post, but what would that show? It would tell me that you realised the folley, but wouldn't admit to it, and would lock the thread and act like "Alright, this is a news post, not a discussion thread, and I'm sure they'll all accept it." To me, that almost shows immaturity, deleting a post which criticizes. If you can't swallow your pride answer it(Which you did answer, I'll give you that), then what can I do if nothing I say will stay on this board for more than 5 minutes... But then what kind of community does that make us? Bailopan, whom I beleive speaks out against Bush for war and not listening to the people, now surpressing any speech made which might, for lack of a better statement, mess up how people feel about this project. And as for what they did the SB's posts has nothing to do with this... I thought the people who locked his posts were the same people you were trying to be better than...

And to spare everyone a long writing for the last two paragraphs, I answered the third block of text with "AMX was merely trying to give some matenance to the users who remained loyal"
And the fourth, it didn't have to be done, just like AMX never had to be started, and AMXx never had to spawn from it. Why couldn't you have just been the bigger people and act ignorant to what they said? And finally, it is deniable that they are in competition... None of us are DoSing them, and neither are they... It may be for you, but you developers are the only ones attempting to compete

EDIT: And Adminmod was out before AMX, so no, AMX would not be at the core of Adminmod, and if I'm not mistaken, AMX was started from scratch, so Adminmod is not at the core of it, either
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Old 08-03-2004 , 01:07  

awww man too long I'll just skip reading it and imagine I have a satchel of infinite turtles
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Old 08-03-2004 , 01:07  

my turn to speak, lol (edit: i posted this without knowing about the 2nd page)

u guys are constantly complaining cause they outlined why amxx is better??? then make your own chart outlining why amx is better, and good luck with that. even if u can prove that amx is better, i'm sticking with amxx.

When i started using amx, there was no organization. They had a version on the site, 0.9.6 i think, but IT DIDN'T WORK. Then later i found out there was a newer one on the forums, gee thx a little late?? I had wasted how much time?? Next i have a problem using bots, if a player joined they wouldn't show up on the list and no one would answer a post about it. This is when i went amxx. (Did they ever fix that problem???)

You know what, i'm glad Bailopan was spamming the amxx name, people deserve to know whats better and thats what they are doing on the site. I would never go back amx, at least stuff gets done (done right too ) on amxx.

Another Edit: Why don't u guys just open your minds, its right in front of u, think AMXx
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