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shconfig.cfg help

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Old 11-14-2004 , 17:50  

if you edit the shconfig, changes will not take effect till you change map or restart server

make sure the shconfig is in your amx folder and is a shconfig.cfg

also what saving method do you use, cause it may be different with mysql
Chivas2973 is offline
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Old 11-14-2004 , 18:06  

I edit then click close and then it says save before closing i click yes, then drag it back into the amx folder
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Old 11-14-2004 , 18:20  

also what saving method do you use, cause it may be different with mysql
what I meant was do you save with vault, but if you didn't understand that it is probably vault(default)

just know changes will not take affect till map change or server restart(if you had it running while you changed it)
Chivas2973 is offline
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Old 11-14-2004 , 23:21  

ok, cuz my server is hosted by a compeny, so i edit it then go in and rcon exit, that is how i load up heros so i figured it would do the same with the shconfig
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Old 11-14-2004 , 23:37  

I try editing it and then type rcon restart and it still doesn't load im a lvl 3 and can still get superman that is supposed to be at lvl 4.
This is what my shconfig looks like

echo "[SH] Successfully Loaded Superhero Config File"

//********************** GENERAL MOD CVARS **********************
//enables/disables the mod 0=disable, 1=enable
sv_superheros 1

//flag to determine who can access the important server commands
sh_adminaccess m

//if optional C/D is on a server - don't let people without C/D have
sh_cdrequired 0

//Debug Message Level
//ONLY enable this if you are trying to fix something, it prints A LOT of messages
// 0 = Disabled, 1 = Server Print, 2 = Server Log, 3+ = More Messages, Server Log
sh_debug_messages 0

//# of heros allowed with bind characters - after that you must pick non-bind heros only
sh_maxbinds 3

//Max number of powers players can pick from, this is also limited by the number of levels you have.
sh_maxpowers 20

//What level to start newcomers at.
sh_minlevel 0

//Save XP or restart from 0 each map
sh_savexp 1

//How many days to save xp for?
sh_xpsavedays 14

//Save XP at end of every round
//Very Useful for servers that crash a lot
sh_endroundsave 1

//Give XP for Hostage/Bomb Events
//This cvar sets the level of XP given/taken from players for these events.
//Hostage rescues only get 1/4th the XP because there is usually 4 of them.
//Set to -1 to disable this feature.
sh_bombhostxp 0

//1 = on | 0 = off - Give people entering late an average level of players already playing
sh_autobalance 0

//Load XP right when a player joins (may cause lag with large user database)
sh_loadimmediate 0

// MercyXP gives players XP if they did not gain any during a round
// 0 = MercyXP system Disabled
// 1 = Give any player a set amount of XP which is set with sh_mercyxp
// 2 = Give only players up to a certian level MercyXP, max level is set with sh_mercyxp
// XP given will be the inverse of the amount they would get for killing
// someone at thier level, then this is diveded by 2 to keep it low.
// So as a players level increases they will get less MercyXP with mode 2
sh_mercyxpmode 0

//Mode 1: How much Mercy XP to give players
//Mode 2: Max level to give MercyXP to players
sh_mercyxp 0

//1 = on | 0 = off - Command Projector, displays help info to players in a HUD messages non-stop
sh_cmdprojector 1

//1 = on | 0 = off - Should alive players also see the Command Projector?
sh_cpalive 0

//How many highest level heros can a person pick
//If this is set to 2 and a client is at level 9, they can only pick 2 level 9 heroes.
//There is a bunch of complicated math that goes into this system and it limits more than
//just the highest level avliable to that person, try it and see what I mean.
//Set to 0 to disable this limiting of choices
sh_lvllimit 1

// 1 = New style menu, shows disabled heros grayed out
// 0 = Old style menu, hides disabled heros from showing on the menu
sh_menumode 1

//Headshot Multiplyer - if you kill someone with a headshot the XP given
//will be multiplied by the value. Setting this to "1.0" will effectivly
//disable it because x * 1 = x. If you set it to "0" then players would
//get NO XP for headshot kills.
sh_hsmult 1.0

//Can clients drop heroes while alive?
//This is OFF by default because many people expliot the server by picking a hero
//like batman, get the weapons, then drop him. This will prevent that kind of activity
sh_alivedrop 0

// *** MySQL Settings, Only Needed if using the mysql saving method ***
// Uncomment the cvar lines to enable these settings

//sh_mysql_host "localhost"
//sh_mysql_user "SuperHeroModUser"
//sh_mysql_pass ""
//sh_mysql_db "sherodb"

// *************** END STANDARD SUPERHERO CVARS ***************

// ***************** START HERO SPECIFIC CVARS ****************

anubis_level 0
anibus_showdamage 1 //(0|1) - hide|show bullet damage..
anibus_showchat 1 //(0|1) - hide|show ghostchat messages..

aquaman_level 0
aquaman_armorcost 0 //How much armor each bubble thrower blast uses
aquaman_numbubbles 7 //How many giant killer bubbles
aquaman_bubbledamage 10 //How much damage each bubble does

batman_level 0
batman_health 125 //Starting Health
batman_armor 125 //Starting Armor

bomberman_level 0
bomberman_xpbased 0 //Does he get more bombs each level (def=0)
bomberman_bombs 1 //How Many Bombs does he start with (def=1)
bomberman_bpl 1 //How Many More Bombs Does he get each level (def=1)
bomberman_radius 400 //Radius of damage (def=400)
bomberman_maxdamage 100 //Maximum Damage to deal (def=100)

//Captain America
captaina_level 0
captaina_pctperlev 0.02 //Percentage that factors into godmode randomness
captaina_godsecs 1 //# of seconds of god mode

cyclops_level 5
cyclops_laser_ammo 20 //total # of shots given each round
cyclops_laser_burndecals 1 //Show the burn decals on the walls
cyclops_cooldown 0.20 //Cooldown timer between shots
cyclops_mulishot 0.20 //Delay for multishots on holding key down

daredevil_level 0
daredevil_radius 600 //Radius of the rings
daredevil_bright 192 //How bright to make the rings

dazzler_level 0
dazzler_radius 3000 //radius of people affected
dazzler_cooldown 15 //# of seconds before Dazzler can flash

dracula_level 0
dracula_pctperlev 0.03 //What percent of damage to give back per level of player

flash_level 0
flash_speed 450 //the speed flash can run

//Hob Goblin
goblin_level 0
goblin_grenademult 1.5 //Damage multiplyer from orginal damage amount
goblin_grenadetimer 10 //How many second delay for new grenade

hulk_level 0
hulk_radius 1800 //Radius of people affected
hulk_cooldown 7 //# of seconds before Hulk can ReStun
hulk_stuntime 3 //# of seconds Hulk Stuns Everybody
hulk_stunspeed 70 //Speed of stunned players

//Human Torch
htorch_level 0
htorch_armorcost 15 //How much amour each flame uses
htorch_numburns 5 //How many time to burn the victim
htorch_burndamage 10 //How much damage each burn does

//Iron Man
ironman_level 0
ironman_timer 0.1 //How often (seconds) to run the loop
ironman_thrust 125 //The upward boost every loop
ironman_maxspeed 400 //Max x and y speeds (while in air)
ironman_xymult 1.05 //Multiplies the current x,y vector when moving
ironman_armorfuel 1 //Uses armor as fuel
ironman_fuelcost 1 //How much armor does it cost per firing
ironman_armor 100 //How much armor does ironman start with?

kamikaze_level 0
kamikaze_radius 300 //Radius of people affected by blast
kamikaze_fuse 15 //# of seconds before kamikaze blows Up
kamikaze_maxdamage 125 //Maximum damage to deal to a player

magneto_level 10
magneto_cooldown 45 //Time delay bewtween automatic uses
magneto_boost 125 //How much of an upward throw to give weapons
magneto_giveglock 1 //Give the poor victim a glock?

mystique_level 0
mystique_cooldown 0 //Cooldown time between morphs
mystique_maxtime 0 //Max time you can be morphed
mystique_toggle 1 //Should the key be a toggle or do they need to hold it down

//Night Crawler
nightc_level 0
nightc_cooldown 30 //# of seconds before NightCrawler can NoClip Again
nightc_cliptime 6 //# of seconds NightCrawler has in noclip mode.

punisher_level 0
punisher_dropwpn 0 //Should clinet be forced to drop thier weapon?

skeletor_level 0
skeletor_cooldown 20 // # of seconds for skeletor cooldown
skeletor_camptime 10 // # of seconds player considered camping w/o x/y movement
skeletor_movedist 10 // minimum amount of dist player has to move b4 considered not camping

spiderman_level 0
spiderman_moveacc 140 //How quickly he can move while on the hook
spiderman_reelspeed 400 //How fast hook line reels in
spiderman_hookstyle 2 //1=spacedude, 2=spacedude auto reel (spiderman), 3=cheap kids real (batgirl)
spiderman_teamcolored 1 //1=teamcolored web lines 0=white web lines
spiderman_maxhooks 60 //Max ammout of hooks allowed (-1 is an unlimited ammount)

superman_level 4
superman_gravity 0.35 //Gravity
superman_health 150 //Starting health
superman_armor 150 //STarting armor

vash_level 7
vash_gravity //Gravity

windwalker_level 2

wolv_level 0
wolv_healpoints 3 //The # of HP healed per second
wolv_knifespeed 290 //Speed of wolveine in knife mode
wolv_knifemult 1.35 //Multiplier for knife damage

xavier_level 7
xavier_traillength 25 //Length of trail behind players
xavier_showteam 0 //Show trails on your team
xavier_showenemy 1 //Show trails on enemies
xavier_refreshtimer 5.0 //How often do the trails refresh

zeus_level 9
zeus_cooldown 600 // # of seconds for zeus cooldown

is there anything wrong with it?
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Old 11-15-2004 , 00:09  

you might have to change maps twice for it to take effect, this issue is totally resolved in the next version coming out.
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Old 11-15-2004 , 00:12  

ok I will go try that
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Old 11-15-2004 , 00:26  

I changed map 3 times and still nothing i am still able to get superman
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Old 11-15-2004 , 06:49  

dunno then, it works fine for everyone else. You can try checking the cvar by typing it into the server console.

then the server should return the value of it.
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Old 11-15-2004 , 18:02  

I enter superman_level in console and it said "Unknown command: superman_level" and i just cant get it to work, so if anyone wants to take time and help me with my server i will pay u through paypal, 5 at the start and 5 at the end, unless u trust me and i will send u the full 10 at the end. anytakers?
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