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Old 08-03-2004 , 01:09  

I didn't spam anyone or anybody!

By the way, about the comparison chart, it's common among open source organizations/projects too, I don't know where you've been IceMouse. I think what we did differently was just more blatant.
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Old 08-03-2004 , 01:13  

ahh well, u should of, nice to know when there is something better out there
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Old 08-03-2004 , 01:17  

Originally Posted by BAILOPAN
Actually, that system is kind of funny. Remember when Steam broke the original module API on Listen Servers?

Well, almost as a joke I suggested that people declare modules in both files (you can verify this by seeing my last 10 posts or so on Apparently the suggestion worked, so rather than fix the underlying problem like we did, they've decided to use my idea - whether they got it from me or not (I was the first to suggest it) - it is a silly workaround.
While in discussion regarding the 'Listen server' issue, your post was brought up. However it had nothing to do with the 0.9.3 method for declaring modules being used once again. 0.9.9 is not a reorganization of existing binaries and a few updates to some plugins. They are very real updates. "Silly" is a little strong don't you think?

To the AMXx users, AMXx has evolved apart AMX and comparison needs to be done carefully. AMX is about finishing a project that should have been finished (read: v1.0) a long time ago. It will not be radically different as AMXx is becoming. It's about polishing and refining. If you are happy with AMXx, then keep using it.
-- m0gely
AMXMod guru of days long forgotten...
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Old 08-03-2004 , 01:20  

Well said m0gley. I'll believe it when I see it...
BAILOPAN is offline
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Old 08-03-2004 , 01:20  

If you are happy with AMXx, then keep using it.
I think i speak for everyone when i say

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Old 08-03-2004 , 01:33  

IceMouse, like SCO, is smoking crack. Maybe he belongs to Smoking Crack Organization.

Originally Posted by IceMouse[WrG
I'll start with the comparison chart. It's common practice, yes... Against corperate competitors. To show that "you should use this because it's better," but here it wasn't nessicary. Your version is not a separate product as of yet...
AMXx is a separate product, as m0gley noted a few posts above mine. And many projects use comparison charts, not just corporate competitors, in order to show the user why they might prefer one product over another.

You seemed to have missed my ending point, which was that the communities lived in parallel, we hardly ever mentioned each other, and it was hardly ever a competition. Like you said, this never happened becuase they didn't care which you chose, as long as you were content with your server. However, you attempt to turn this into a scenario of two rival companies selling a product. You even state in the quote "Similar to posting benchmarks of competitor products." It's almost like two cancer funds battling it out for donations... In the end, if both parties are loyal to the goal/dream/whatever, then it doesn't matter what is chosen, as long as the choice contributes to the cause. AMX was merely trying to give some matenance to the users who remained loyal(Although I know you would rather call them stubborn).
AMXx is meant to be simultaneously more powerful (good for users) and more open (good for developers) than AMX. It seems as though dJeyL is only interested in feeding his ego -- thus he closed the source to AMX so he would always be needed, and he competes with AMXx in an attempt to make himself feel superior. AMX was merely trying to stay afloat by updating -- dJeyL felt his hold slipping over the community.

And as far as "Well, because some of the past tactics of AMX Mod development still annoy us," it seems to me like you're merely holding a grudge... You call them tactics, as if there was some sort of secret plot behind the whole thing... At least before AMX died(For the time), the wasn't held on a closed beta... You stated that development was kept in the dark, but I recall quite a few RCs released in close proximity, while all we do is hear from AMXx about how great 0.20 will be.
There was a secret plot behind the whole thing at AMX. Maybe I'll explain when you're older. As for AMXx, updates from developers and users have been coming in a steady stream, both for the central system and for plugins. Also, the AMXx RCs tend to actually work.

And finally the last line of what I quoted is almost unanswerable. I mean, what can I say? Yeah, you could just wipe this problem away by deleting the post, but what would that show? It would tell me that you realised the folley, but wouldn't admit to it, and would lock the thread and act like "Alright, this is a news post, not a discussion thread, and I'm sure they'll all accept it." To me, that almost shows immaturity, deleting a post which criticizes. If you can't swallow your pride answer it(Which you did answer, I'll give you that), then what can I do if nothing I say will stay on this board for more than 5 minutes... But then what kind of community does that make us?
Bailopan's entire point was that he was not deleting posts for exactly that reason. Good job, you just explained in detail why AMX is a bad community for sealing out SniperBeamer, and why AMXx is a good community for letting you speak freely. Don't you feel special?

Bailopan, whom I beleive speaks out against Bush for war and not listening to the people, now surpressing any speech made which might, for lack of a better statement, mess up how people feel about this project.
...where are you getting any of this?

And as for what they did the SB's posts has nothing to do with this... I thought the people who locked his posts were the same people you were trying to be better than...
So SB's posts have nothing to do with it, except that the AMXx community is bad for having done it. Oh wait, that was the AMX community! So why are you using this as a point repeatedly if it has nothing to do with anything?

And to spare everyone a long writing for the last two paragraphs, I answered the third block of text with "AMX was merely trying to give some matenance to the users who remained loyal"
Thanks, that was relevant!

And the fourth, it didn't have to be done, just like AMX never had to be started, and AMXx never had to spawn from it. Why couldn't you have just been the bigger people and act ignorant to what they said? And finally, it is deniable that they are in competition... None of us are DoSing them, and neither are they... It may be for you, but you developers are the only ones attempting to compete
Sooooo... first of all, nothing "has to" be done -- I'll leave this to philosophy. Secondly, there are no "bigger people" in any real sense, as they are in competition (as I proved earlier). Thirdly, since when does competition consist of DoSing?

In conclusion, you would do wonders for the image of the AMX community if you kept your ideas to yourself.
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Old 08-03-2004 , 01:33  

Originally Posted by BAILOPAN
By the way, about the comparison chart, it's common among open source organizations/projects too, I don't know where you've been IceMouse. I think what we did differently was just more blatant.
Again, you miss the point. It wasn't nessicary to make the chart... Why did you feel it was nessicary? It was a blatant attack, and basically attempt to make people feel like "Oh wow, these new AMX developers are bad people"
You even state, it's time for us to move on... You make it sound like "We're the ones who are going to be more mature and forget them," but the fact is that everyone here has basically already moved on, but you couldn't just leave it go. The AMX community would have kept to themselves(Hopefully... It would be a different story had a hundred topics come up "omqoqm amx is teh updaet lololz its betr thn amxx fo rizzle"), and we could have kept to ourselves, as I said, ignorant to the fact that it was even updated

And once more "We hope that you will (like we do) simply ignore this," sounds to me like "Don't even bother to check it out... Stick with us... Trust us..." And to top it all off, "Heres proof... A chart of everything we could think of that we have and AMX doesn't"
And thats something for you guys ignoring it... Anyhow, I'm going to bed... Each of the posts I've made has been 10x the size I intended them to be, and I'm sure, as the night has gone on, there has be an increasing lack of coherence... You need not even reply to this, I guess... As the best I'm going to get is the real-life equivalent of you covering your ears screaming "Lalalala"
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Old 08-03-2004 , 01:38  

Originally Posted by IceMouse[WrG
]Again, you miss the p*SMACK*
The AMX developers are trying to one-up the AMXx developers, so the AMXx developers are simply showing how the products compare.

The AMX and AMXx communities are largely cooperative with one another. It's people like you what cause unrest.
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Old 08-03-2004 , 01:49  

Originally Posted by Bluepeace
and more open (good for developers) than AMX. It seems as though dJeyL is only interested in feeding his ego -- thus he closed the source to AMX so he would always be needed, and he competes with AMXx in an attempt to make himself feel superior. AMX was merely trying to stay afloat by updating -- dJeyL felt his hold slipping over the community.
This is an example of dwelling on AMX's past. It's a negative mark that has had many people upset. But as I said, thats the past. AMX will be (fully) open soon once arrangments have been made.

And I cannot see any amount of dissapointment towards this release going so far as to say those things against dJeyL. I can't think of many people who have given as much time to the community in so many projects. That was below the belt. Ego and hold indeed.
-- m0gely
AMXMod guru of days long forgotten...
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Old 08-03-2004 , 01:54  

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