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GasRun! - Translationrequest

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Old 02-14-2012 , 13:19   GasRun! - Translationrequest
Reply With Quote #1

Hello everyone,
After we have finished our plugin "GasRun!" for CS 1.6, we are looking for translation.
I know its very much, but i would be happy if someone translate it please

Following Languages are (partially) completed: **** More languages wanted! ****

DIE = Die!
YOU_RESPAWNED = You got respawned!
KEY_PICKUP_ACTIVATED = You can't pickup the key, because the enemy team activated their gas tank!
GAS_ENEMY_KEY = You can't activate the gas tank, because the enemy team have stolen your key!
RESTOCK_AMMO = You restocked your ammo!
YOU_KEY = You have the enemy key! Bring it back to your gas tank!
YOUR_TEAM_KEY = Your team has the enemy key! Protect the key carrier!
ENEMY_TEAM_KEY = The enemy team has your key! Kill the key carrier and bring it back!
YOUR_TEAM_SCORE = Your team scores - Nerve gas release. Secure protective suit immediately!
ENEMY_TEAM_SCORE = The enemy team scores - Nerve gas release. Secure protective suit immediately!
SUITE_IMMUNE_TO_GAS = You got a protective suit. You are now immune to the nerve gas!
NOW_IMMUNE_TO_GAS = You are now immune to nerve gas!
PROTECT_OR_DIE = Change to your knife and press USE! Be fast or you will die..
YOU_DROP_KEY = You dropped the enemy key!
YOUR_TEAM_DROP_KEY = Your team dropped the enemy key. Bring it to your gas tank!
ENEMY_TEAM_DROP_KEY = The enemy team dropped your key. Return it to your base!
YOU_RETURN_KEY = You returned your key!
YOUR_TEAM_KEY_RETURN = Your key has returned!
ENEMY_TEAM_KEY_RETURN = The enemy key has returned!
CHOOSE_NEXT_ROUND = %s You can choose a new weapon after next respawn.
NO_BUYING = Buying not allowed in this mod.
BASE = Base
DROPPED = Dropped (Translation-Note: Somebody dropped something on the ground.)
SCORED = Scored!
NOT_SPAWNED = Not spawned
RED_TEAM = Red Team
BLUE_TEAM = Blue Team
KEY_LOCATION = Key location
ADMIN_RESET_SCORE = %s ADMIN %s reseted the teamscores.
MENU_WELCOME = \rGasRun! (v%s)^n\dBy Grinf4ce & Kitty the Cat^n\wWelcome to GasRun! Steal the ^nenemy key from their base and ^nactivate your gastank to score!\d\y^n^nCommands:^n\y/weapon \w= Shows up the gun menu^n\y/respawn \w= Respawn on death^n^n[ Press 3 to continue.. ]^n
MENU_WEAPON = \rGasRun! (v%s)^n\dBy Grinf4ce & Kitty the Cat^n^n\yPlease choose a gun:^n1. \wM4A1^n\y2. \wAK47^n\y3. \wMP5^n
MENU_WEAPONSAVE = \rGasRun! (v%s)^n\dBy Grinf4ce & Kitty the Cat^n^n\ySave weapon settings?^n1. \wYes, save it.^n\y2. \wNo, ask every spawn again.^n^n\dNOTE:^nAfter saving the settings, you can ^nchange the weapon by typing ^n/weapon.^n
TRANSLATION = %s INSERT_LANGUAGE translation done by INSERT_YOUR_NICKNAME_HERE - Thank you! (Please leave this sentence in english)
Thanks in advance,

Last edited by Grinf4ce; 03-15-2012 at 16:28. Reason: Updated RU translation..
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Old 02-14-2012 , 16:07   Re: GasRun! - Translationrequest
Reply With Quote #2

DIE = Muere!
YOU_RESPAWNED = Has sido revivido!
KEY_PICKUP_ACTIVATED = No puedes levantar la llave porque el equipo enemigo ha activado su camara de gas!
GAS_ENEMY_KEY = No puedes activar la camabra de gas porque el equipo enemigo ha robado tu llave!
RESTOCK_AMMO = Te has reabastesido de municiones!
YOU_KEY = Tienes la llave enemiga, llevala a tu camara de gas!
YOUR_TEAM_KEY = Tu equipo tiene la llave enemiga! Protege al portador!
ENEMY_TEAM_KEY = El equipo enemigo tiene tu llave! Mata al portador!
YOUR_TEAM_SCORE = Tu equipo ha ganado - Gas Nerve liberado!. Ponte el traje protector inmediatamente!
ENEMY_TEAM_SCORE = El equipo enemigo ha ganado - Gas Nerve liberado!. Ponte el traje protector inmediatamente!
SUITE_IMMUNE_TO_GAS =  Tienes un traje protector. Eres inmune al gas Nerve!
NOW_IMMUNE_TO_GAS = Eres inmune al gas!
PROTECT_OR_DIE = Cambia a cuchillo y presiona "+use"! Hazlo rapido o muere...
YOU_DROP_KEY = Has soltado la llave enemiga!
YOUR_TEAM_DROP_KEY = Tu equipo Ha soltado la llave enemiga. Llevala a tu camara de gas!
ENEMY_TEAM_DROP_KEY = El equipo enemigo Ha soltado la llave. Devuelvela a tu base!
YOU_RETURN_KEY = Has devuelto la llave!
YOUR_TEAM_KEY_RETURN = Tu llave ha sido devuelta!
ENEMY_TEAM_KEY_RETURN = La llave enemiga ha sido devuelta!
CHOOSE_NEXT_ROUND = %s Puedes elegir un arma nueva al revivir.
MENU_WELCOME = \rGasRun! (v%s)^n\dBy Grinf4ce & Kitty the Cat^n\wBienvenido a GasRun! Roba la ^nllave enemiga de su base y^nactiva tu camara de gas para ganar!\d\y^n^nComandos:^n\y/weapon \w= Muestra el menu de armas^n\y/respawn \w= Revive cuando mueres^n^n[ Presiona 3 para continuar... ]^n
MENU_WEAPON = \rGasRun! (v%s)^n\dBy Grinf4ce & Kitty the Cat^n^n\yElige un arma:^n1. \wM4A1^n\y2. \wAK47^n\y3. \wMP5^n
MENU_WEAPONSAVE = \rGasRun! (v%s)^n\dBy Grinf4ce & Kitty the Cat^n^n\yGuardar tu configuracion de armas?^n1. \w Si, guardalo.^n\y2. \wNo, preguntame cada vez que revivo.^n^n\dNOTA:^nSi guardas la configuracion, puedes^ncambiar el arma escribiendo^n/weapon.^n
TRANSLATION = %s English translation done by Tallulah - Thank you! [i]
I didn´t translate "Nerve" because to make it fit in the sentence it wold be "Gas neuro-toxico" and you didn’t put neurotoxic gas. If you want I change the Nerve Gas -> Gas Neuro-Toxico.

Last edited by Tallulah; 02-14-2012 at 16:08.
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Old 02-14-2012 , 16:26   Re: GasRun! - Translationrequest
Reply With Quote #3

Heyho Tallulah,
Thank you very much.
I will add it in the Lang-File of GasRun!

Grinf4ce is offline
blue zebra
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Old 02-15-2012 , 01:46   Re: GasRun! - Translationrequest
Reply With Quote #4

Hungarian translation if you want:
Warning! Hungarian characters (é,á,ű,ú,ő,ó,í) perhaps need to use UTF-8 or "UTF-8 without boom" coded txt file!
Not google translate. I am Hungarian.
If you like my work, then please translate my phrase file too, to your language. (I think, you are German) You can find that here:
Thanks in advance.
DIE = Meghaltál!
YOU_RESPAWNED = Újraszülettél!
KEY_PICKUP_ACTIVATED = Nem tudod felvenni a kulcsot, mert az ellenséges csapat már aktiválta a saját gázkamráját!
GAS_ENEMY_KEY = Nem tudod aktiválni a gázkamrát, mert az ellenséges csapat ellopta a kulcsodat!
RESTOCK_AMMO = Feltöltötted a lőszerkészleted!
YOU_KEY = Nálad van az ellenség kulcsa! Hozd vissza a saját gázkamrádhoz!
YOUR_TEAM_KEY = A csapatodnál van az ellenség kulcsa! Védjétek meg bármi áron!
ENEMY_TEAM_KEY = Az ellenséges csapatnál van a kulcsotok! Öljétek meg a tolvajt és hozzátok vissza!
YOUR_TEAM_SCORE = Csapatod pontszáma - Ideggáz támadás. Használj védőruhát azonnal!
ENEMY_TEAM_SCORE = Ellenségeid pontszáma - Ideggáz támadás. Használj védőruhát azonnal!
SUITE_IMMUNE_TO_GAS = Védőruhát kaptál. Most védett vagy az ideggáz ellen!
NOW_IMMUNE_TO_GAS = Védett vagy az ideggáz ellen!
PROTECT_OR_DIE = Válts késre és nyomd meg a 'használ' gombot (E)! Legyél gyors, vagy meghalsz ..
YOU_DROP_KEY = Eldobtad az ellenség kulcsát!
YOUR_TEAM_DROP_KEY = A csapatod eldobta az ellenség kulcsát. Szerezd meg és hozd vissza a gázkamrába!
ENEMY_TEAM_DROP_KEY = Az ellenséges csapat eldobta a kulcsotokat. Szerezd meg és vidd vissza a bázisotokra!
YOU_RETURN_KEY = Visszaszerezted a csapatod kulcsát!
YOUR_TEAM_KEY_RETURN = Visszaszereztétek a kulcsotokat!
ENEMY_TEAM_KEY_RETURN = Az ellenség kulcsa megszerezve!
CHOOSE_NEXT_ROUND = %s Az újraszületés után tudsz új fegyvert választani.
MENU_WELCOME = \rGasRun! (v%s)^n\dKészítette Grinf4ce & Kitty the Cat^n\wÜdvözöl a GasRun plugin! Lopd el az ^nellenség kulcsát a bázisukról és ^naktiváld vele a gázkamrátokat pontokért!\d\y^n^nParancsok:^n\y/Fegyver \w= Fegyver menü mutatása^n\y/Újraszületés \w= Halál utáni újraszületés^n^n[ Nyomd ezt a folytatáshoz: 3 ]^n
MENU_WEAPON = \rGasRun! (v%s)^n\dKészítette Grinf4ce & Kitty the Cat^n^n\yKérlek válassz egy fegyvert:^n1. \wM4A1^n\y2. \wAK47^n\y3. \wMP5^n
MENU_WEAPONSAVE = \rGasRun! (v%s)^n\dKészítette Grinf4ce & Kitty the Cat^n^n\yElmented a fegyverbeállításokat?^n1. \wIgen, elmentem.^n\y2. \wNem, kérdezz rá minden újraszületésnél.^n^n\dEMLÉKEZTETŐ:^nA beállítások elmentése után is tudod majd ^nváltani a fegyvered ezzel a paranccsal: ^n/weapon.^n
TRANSLATION = %s Hungarian translation done by blue_zebra - Thank you! (Please leave this sentence in english)

Last edited by blue zebra; 02-15-2012 at 03:10. Reason: Translate complete
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Old 02-15-2012 , 05:44   Re: GasRun! - Translationrequest
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Heyho blue_zebra,
Thank you very much for your hungarian translation.
I will add it to the language file.

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Old 02-16-2012 , 05:01   Re: GasRun! - Translationrequest
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Save in UTF-8 without BOM :
DIE = Meurs!
YOU_RESPAWNED = Vous avez ressuscité!
KEY_PICKUP_ACTIVATED = Vous ne pouvez pas prendre la clef, car l'équipe adverse a activé sa chambre ŕ gaz!
GAS_ENEMY_KEY = Vous ne pouvez pas activer la chambre ŕ gaz, car l'équipe adverse a volé votre clef!
RESTOCK_AMMO = Vous avez fait le plein de munitions!
YOU_KEY = Vous avez la clef des ennemis! Rapportez-la ŕ votre chambre ŕ gaz!
YOUR_TEAM_KEY = Votre équipe possčde la clef des ennemis! Protégez le porteur de la clef!
ENEMY_TEAM_KEY = L'équipe adversaire a votre clef! Tuez le voleur et ramenez la clef!
YOUR_TEAM_SCORE = Votre équipe marque un point - Du gaz neuroplégique est lâché. Enfilez votre combinaison de protection!
ENEMY_TEAM_SCORE = L'équipe adverse marque un point - Du gaz neuroplégique est lâché. Enfilez votre combinaison de protection!
SUITE_IMMUNE_TO_GAS = Vous avez une combinaison de protection. Vous ętes désormais immunisé contre le gaz neuroplégique!
NOW_IMMUNE_TO_GAS = Vous ętes désormais immunisé contre le gaz neuroplégique!
PROTECT_OR_DIE = Prenez votre couteau et appuyez sur UTILISER! Soyez rapide, ou vous mourrez..
YOU_DROP_KEY = Vous avez lâché la clef de l'équipe adverse!
YOUR_TEAM_DROP_KEY = Votre équipe a fait tomber la clef adverse. Rapportez-la ŕvotre chambre ŕ gaz!
ENEMY_TEAM_DROP_KEY = L'équipe adverse a fait tombé votre clef. Rapportez-la ŕ votre base!
YOU_RETURN_KEY = Vous avez réstitué la clef!
YOUR_TEAM_KEY_RETURN = Votre clef a été restituée!
ENEMY_TEAM_KEY_RETURN = La clef ennemie a été restituée!
CHOOSE_NEXT_ROUND = %s Vous pourrez choisir une nouvelle arme ŕ votre prochaine réapparition.
MENU_WELCOME = \rGasRun! (v%s)^n\dPar Grinf4ce et Kitty the Cat^n\wBienvenue sur GasRun! Volez ^nla clef ennemie de leur base et ^nactivez votre chambre ŕ gaz pour marquer!\d\y^n^nCommandes:^n\y/weapon \w= Ouvre le menu d'armes^n\y/respawn \w= Revivre^n^n[ Appuyez sur 3 pour continuer... ]^n
MENU_WEAPON = \rGasRun! (v%s)^n\dPar Grinf4ce et Kitty the Cat^n^n\yChoisissez une arme:^n1. \wM4A1^n\y2. \wAK47^n\y3. \wMP5^n
MENU_WEAPONSAVE = \rGasRun! (v%s)^n\dPar Grinf4ce et Kitty the Cat^n^n\yEnregistrer les paramčtres des armes?^n1. \wOui, enregistrer.^n\y2. \wNon, demander ŕ chaque fois.^n^n\dNOTE:^nAprčs avoir changé les paramčtres, vous pourrez ^nchangez l'arme en tapant ^n/weapon.^n
TRANSLATION = %s French translation done by TeoL - Thank you!
Tell me if you don't want special chars.

Last edited by teol; 02-16-2012 at 05:01.
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Old 02-16-2012 , 06:52   Re: GasRun! - Translationrequest
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hello teol,
Thank you very much for your fr-translation!
Good Job!

I will add fr to our language file.

Grinf4ce is offline
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Old 03-03-2012 , 20:57   Re: GasRun! - Translationrequest
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Slovak !

DIE = Zomrite!
YOU_RESPAWNED = Bol si respawnovany!
KEY_PICKUP_ACTIVATED = Nemozes vziat kluc, pretoze nepriatel aktivoval Plynovu Nadrz!
GAS_ENEMY_KEY = Nemozes aktivovat Plynovu Nadrz, pretoze nepriatel ukradol vas kluc!
RESTOCK_AMMO = Doplnil si si naboje!
YOU_KEY = Mas nepriatelov Kluc! Prines ho spat k vasej Nadrzi!
YOUR_TEAM_KEY = Tvoj team ma kluc nepriatela! Ochran prepravcu kluca!
ENEMY_TEAM_KEY = Nepriatel ma vas kluc! Zabite prepravcu a prineste kluc spat!
YOUR_TEAM_SCORE = Skore pre tvoj team - Nervovy Plyn bol vypusteny. Zaistite si ihned ochranny oblek!
ENEMY_TEAM_SCORE = Skore pre nepriatela - Nervovy Plyn bol vypusteny. Zaistite si ihned ochranny oblek!
SUITE_IMMUNE_TO_GAS = Mas ochranny oblek. Teraz si imunitny proti Nervovemu Plynu!
NOW_IMMUNE_TO_GAS = Teraz si imunitny proti Nervovemu Plynu!
PROTECT_OR_DIE = Vyber si noz a stlac USE! Bud rychli lebo zomries ..
YOU_DROP_KEY = Stratil si nepriatelov Kluc!
YOUR_TEAM_DROP_KEY = Tvoj team stratil nepriatelov Kluc. Prineste ho do Nadrze!
ENEMY_TEAM_DROP_KEY = Nepriatel stratil vas Kluc. Prineste ho na vasu zakladnu!
YOU_RETURN_KEY = Vratil si vas Kluc!
YOUR_TEAM_KEY_RETURN = Vas kluc bol vrateny!
ENEMY_TEAM_KEY_RETURN = Nepriatelov kluc bol vrateny!
CHOOSE_NEXT_ROUND = %s Mozes si zvolit novu zbran po respawne!
MENU_WELCOME = \rGasRun! (v%s)^n\dBy Grinf4ce & Kitty the Cat^n\wVitajte v mode GasRun! Ukradnite^nnepriatelov kluc z ich zakladne a ^naktivujte vasu Plynovu Nadrz aby ste vyhrali\d\y^n^nPrikazy:^n\y/weapon \w= Zobrazi menu zbrani^n\y/respawn \w= Respawn^n^n[ Stlac 3 pre pokracovanie.. ]^n
MENU_WEAPON = \rGasRun! (v%s)^n\dBy Grinf4ce & Kitty the Cat^n^n\yProsim zvol si zbran:^n1. \wM4A1^n\y2. \wAK47^n\y3. \wMP5^n
MENU_WEAPONSAVE = \rGasRun! (v%s)^n\dBy Grinf4ce & Kitty the Cat^n^n\yUlozit vybranu zbran?^n1. \wAno, ulozit.^n\y2. \wNie, zobrazit po kazdom respawne.^n^n\dVAROVANIE:^nPo ulozeni vasej zbrane si ju mozete ^nzmenit v menu napisanim ^n/weapon.^n
TRANSLATION = %s Slovak translation done by Sula - Thank you!
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Old 03-04-2012 , 01:54   Re: GasRun! - Translationrequest
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Hello sulinek,
Thank you for your translation! - GJ!

I will add sk to our language file

Grinf4ce is offline
Join Date: May 2009
Old 03-04-2012 , 07:49   Re: GasRun! - Translationrequest
Reply With Quote #10

Romanian translation

DIE = Mori!
YOU_RESPAWNED = Ai fost respawnat!
KEY_PICKUP_ACTIVATED = Nu poti lua cheia, deoarece echipa inamica si-a activat butelia lor de gaz!
GAS_ENEMY_KEY = Nu poti activa butelia de gaz, deoarece echipa inamica ti-a furat cheia!
RESTOCK_AMMO = Ti-ai reincarcat munitia!
YOU_KEY = Ai cheia inamicului! Adu-o inapoi la butelia voastra de gaz!
YOUR_TEAM_KEY = Echipa ta are cheia inamicului! Protejati-l pe cel cu cheia!
ENEMY_TEAM_KEY = Echipa inamica are cheia voastra! Ucideti-l pe cel cu cheia si aduceti-o inapoi!
YOUR_TEAM_SCORE = Echipa ta inscrie - s-au eliberat gaze nervoase. Protejati-va prin costumul de protectie imediat!
ENEMY_TEAM_SCORE = Echipa inamica inscrie - s-au eliberat gaze nervoase. Protejati-va prin costumul de protectie imediat!
SUITE_IMMUNE_TO_GAS = Ai primit un costum de protectie. Acum esti imun gazelor nervoase!
NOW_IMMUNE_TO_GAS = Acum esti imun gazelor nervoase!
PROTECT_OR_DIE = Schimba cutitul si apasa USE! Misca-te rapid sau vei muri...
YOU_DROP_KEY = Ai pierdut cheia inamicului!
YOUR_TEAM_DROP_KEY = Echipa ta a pierdut cheia inamicului. Adu-o la butelia voastra de gaz!
ENEMY_TEAM_DROP_KEY = Echipa inamica a pierdut cheia voastra. Readu-o inapoi in baza!
YOU_RETURN_KEY = Ai readus cheia!
YOUR_TEAM_KEY_RETURN = Cheia a fost readusa!
ENEMY_TEAM_KEY_RETURN = Cheia inamicului a fost readusa!
CHOOSE_NEXT_ROUND = %s Poti alege o noua arma dupa urmatoarea respawnare.
MENU_WELCOME = \rGasRun! (v%s)^n\dBy Grinf4ce & Kitty the Cat^n\wBun venit la GasRun! Fura ^ncheia inamicului din baza lor si ^nactiveaza butelia voastra pentru a inscrie!\d\y^n^nComenzi:^n\y/weapon \w=Apare meniul de arme^n\y/respawn \w= Respawneaza jucatorul mort^n^n[ Apasa 3 pentru a continua.. ]^n
MENU_WEAPON = \rGasRun! (v%s)^n\dBy Grinf4ce & Kitty the Cat^n^n\yAlege o arma:^n1. \wM4A1^n\y2. \wAK47^n\y3. \wMP5^n
MENU_WEAPONSAVE = \rGasRun! (v%s)^n\dBy Grinf4ce & Kitty the Cat^n^n\ySalvezi setarile pentru arme?^n1. \wDa, salveaza-le.^n\y2. \wNu, intreaba-ma la fiecare runda.^n^n\dNOTE:^nDupa salvarea setarilor, poti ^nschimba arma prin tastarea in chat: ^n/weapon.^n
TRANSLATION = %s Romanian translation done by SnOw - Thank you!

Last edited by stelistcristi; 03-04-2012 at 07:50.
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