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[Awp+Knife] Menu Classic Plugin

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Old 09-11-2021 , 10:48   [Awp+Knife] Menu Classic Plugin
Reply With Quote #1

HeLLo EveryOne

This is My First Time I Make Post, Hope I Follow Rules

This Is Classic Plugin For (Awp Menu) + (Knife Menu)

For Open Menu
Awp Menu = say /awp
Knife Menu = say /knife
Attached Files
File Type: zip (16.33 MB, 176 views)
File Type: zip (5.97 MB, 117 views)
File Type: sma Get Plugin or Get Source (awp.sma - 215 views - 20.0 KB)
File Type: sma Get Plugin or Get Source (knife.sma - 197 views - 7.9 KB)
RevCreww is offline
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Old 09-11-2021 , 13:00   Re: [Awp+Knife] Menu Classic Plugin
Reply With Quote #2

I looked at awp.sma and this is code that fits in 170 lines.

+ARUKARI- is offline
Old 09-11-2021, 13:40
This message has been deleted by RevCreww.
AMX Mod X Plugin Approver
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Old 09-11-2021 , 13:40   Re: [Awp+Knife] Menu Classic Plugin
Reply With Quote #3

What in the world is happening inside AwpCase? That code is nightmare material. Same with CurentWeapon. One could rewrite your 900 lines of code in around 100 and have this plugin more customizable, allowing an arbitrary number of models.

I'm sorry, but this clearly shows you need to learn more before releasing plugins. Take your time, learn and post some quality work. If you would like help or details about how to improve your code please ask me or feel free to post in scripting help. Note that even if you improve the code, this will not be approved because we have other plugins wich are not hardcoded and much more customizable.

Last edited by HamletEagle; 09-11-2021 at 13:42.
HamletEagle is offline
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Old 09-11-2021 , 13:47   Re: [Awp+Knife] Menu Classic Plugin
Reply With Quote #4

Originally Posted by HamletEagle View Post
What in the world is happening inside AwpCase? That code is nightmare material. Same with CurentWeapon. One could rewrite your 900 lines of code in around 100 and have this plugin more customizable, allowing an arbitrary number of models.

I'm sorry, but this clearly shows you need to learn more before releasing plugins. Take your time, learn and post some quality work. If you would like help or details about how to improve your code please ask me or feel free to post in scripting help. Note that even if you improve the code, this will not be approved because we have other plugins wich are not hardcoded and much more customizable.
ok, i realy need help for learn
RevCreww is offline
AMX Mod X Plugin Approver
Join Date: Sep 2013
Location: Romania
Old 09-11-2021 , 14:07   Re: [Awp+Knife] Menu Classic Plugin
Reply With Quote #5

Good code should always be modular and easy to extend/change. In your case you took the same code you would have used for one AWP model and copy-pasted it 22 times. But what if you wanted to have 50 AWP models? Or 100? Would you have copy-pasted the same code 100 times? The answer is no, you can't simply keep copy-pasting the same code over and over again. You need to think of a modular approach, something that can dynamically support any number of models, without you having to copy and paste the same code.

Let's look at your AwpX arrays and observer, again, that your approach required you to create 22 of them. That's not good code, so let's figure out a way around that.
What if, instead of creating 22 individual arrays you would create just one, 2-dimensional array like so:
PHP Code:
new bool:AWP[33][22
Notice how I merged all of them in one single array. Now, if you decide you want 50 models all you have to do is replace 22 by 50, much easier than adding 28 more lines to the source code and creating an unreadable and unmaintainable mess.

But how would you use it this way? AWP[id] refers to the awp models that the player with the index "id" has. Now, if you wanted to check if this player has the first awp you would use AWP[id][0] which would be equivalent to your AWP1 array.
This is better, but still not great. Notice that at any moment the player can have only one model so only one of these booleans can be true. Therefore you don't need one for each model. Turns out you can just do:
PHP Code:
new AWP[33
Notice I removed the bool tag because now we aren't going to use bools anymore, but integers. If you set AWP[id] to 0 it means the player has the first awp, if AWP[id] is 1 it means he has the second AWP, ..., and if it is 21 it means it has the last awp model.

Now, you can rewrite AwpCase to be just:
PHP Code:
public AwpCase(idmenuitem)
item == MENU_EXIT)

AWP[id] = item;

menu_destroy (menu);

Notice how much useless code we were able to remove just by designing our approach carefully. Also, in this case, you don't need to use the whole menu_getinfo, it is enough to use the item parameter. Plus, there is no need to specify "1", "2", etc in menu_additem.

Similarly, you can reduce all this:
PHP Code:
new const Awp1Model[66] = "models/v_awp.mdl";
new const 
Awp2Model[66] = "models/RevCreww/awp1.mdl";
new const 
Awp3Model[66] = "models/RevCreww/awp2.mdl";
new const 
Awp4Model[66] = "models/RevCreww/awp3.mdl";
new const 
Awp5Model[66] = "models/RevCreww/awp4.mdl";
new const 
Awp6Model[66] = "models/RevCreww/awp5.mdl";
new const 
Awp7Model[66] = "models/RevCreww/awp6.mdl";
new const 
Awp8Model[66] = "models/RevCreww/awp7.mdl";
new const 
Awp9Model[66] = "models/RevCreww/awp8.mdl";
new const 
Awp10Model[66] = "models/RevCreww/awp9.mdl";
new const 
Awp11Model[66] = "models/RevCreww/awp10.mdl";
new const 
Awp12Model[66] = "models/RevCreww/awp11.mdl";
new const 
Awp13Model[66] = "models/RevCreww/awp12.mdl";
new const 
Awp14Model[66] = "models/RevCreww/awp13.mdl";
new const 
Awp15Model[66] = "models/RevCreww/awp14.mdl";
new const 
Awp16Model[66] = "models/RevCreww/awp15.mdl";
new const 
Awp17Model[66] = "models/RevCreww/awp16.mdl";
new const 
Awp18Model[66] = "models/RevCreww/awp17.mdl";
new const 
Awp19Model[66] = "models/RevCreww/awp18.mdl";
new const 
Awp20Model[66] = "models/RevCreww/awp19.mdl";
new const 
Awp21Model[66] = "models/RevCreww/awp20.mdl";
new const 
Awp22Model[66] = "models/RevCreww/awp21.mdl"
Into this:
PHP Code:
new const AWPModels[][] =

AWPModels[0] would be the equivalent of your Awp1Model, AWPModels[1] would be the equivalent of Awp2Model and so on.

With this change you can simply plugin_precache to just:
PHP Code:
public plugin_precache()
isizeof AWPModelsi++)

Since all your models are in the same array you can just iterate over it and precache every model in there, one by one with a for loop.

And we can keep going and also fix your CurentWeapon function.
PHP Code:
public CurentWeapon(id)
get_user_weapon(id) == CSW_AWP)

Recall that AWP[id] gives you the index of the current AWP and it turns out you can index AWPModels(where you have the awp models stored) by this value to retrieve the correct model.
For example, if in the menu a player pressed "1" then AwpCase would execute and item will be 0. Then you would also store 0 inside AWP[id](AWP[id] = 0). AWPModels[AWP[id]] will be equivalent to AWPModels[0] and this will give you "models/v_awp.mdl".

One more thing, instead of using CurWeapon please look into Ham_ItemDeploy, you can find plenty of examples around here.

Hope this is helpful for you. There are more things that can be improved and I tried to keep the modifications I made relatively simple so you can compare to what you have right now and figure out the thought process behind these changes. Future improvements could be to use a dynamic array to allow an unlimited number of models, reading the models from a file and adding them to the array so people don't need to edit the code & recompile to add more models, etc.

Last edited by HamletEagle; 09-11-2021 at 14:08.
HamletEagle is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2021
Old 09-11-2021 , 17:12   Re: [Awp+Knife] Menu Classic Plugin
Reply With Quote #6

Originally Posted by HamletEagle View Post
Good code should always be modular and easy to extend/change. In your case you took the same code you would have used for one AWP model and copy-pasted it 22 times. But what if you wanted to have 50 AWP models? Or 100? Would you have copy-pasted the same code 100 times? The answer is no, you can't simply keep copy-pasting the same code over and over again. You need to think of a modular approach, something that can dynamically support any number of models, without you having to copy and paste the same code.

Let's look at your AwpX arrays and observer, again, that your approach required you to create 22 of them. That's not good code, so let's figure out a way around that.
What if, instead of creating 22 individual arrays you would create just one, 2-dimensional array like so:
PHP Code:
new bool:AWP[33][22
Notice how I merged all of them in one single array. Now, if you decide you want 50 models all you have to do is replace 22 by 50, much easier than adding 28 more lines to the source code and creating an unreadable and unmaintainable mess.

But how would you use it this way? AWP[id] refers to the awp models that the player with the index "id" has. Now, if you wanted to check if this player has the first awp you would use AWP[id][0] which would be equivalent to your AWP1 array.
This is better, but still not great. Notice that at any moment the player can have only one model so only one of these booleans can be true. Therefore you don't need one for each model. Turns out you can just do:
PHP Code:
new AWP[33
Notice I removed the bool tag because now we aren't going to use bools anymore, but integers. If you set AWP[id] to 0 it means the player has the first awp, if AWP[id] is 1 it means he has the second AWP, ..., and if it is 21 it means it has the last awp model.

Now, you can rewrite AwpCase to be just:
PHP Code:
public AwpCase(idmenuitem)
item == MENU_EXIT)

AWP[id] = item;

menu_destroy (menu);

Notice how much useless code we were able to remove just by designing our approach carefully. Also, in this case, you don't need to use the whole menu_getinfo, it is enough to use the item parameter. Plus, there is no need to specify "1", "2", etc in menu_additem.

Similarly, you can reduce all this:
PHP Code:
new const Awp1Model[66] = "models/v_awp.mdl";
new const 
Awp2Model[66] = "models/RevCreww/awp1.mdl";
new const 
Awp3Model[66] = "models/RevCreww/awp2.mdl";
new const 
Awp4Model[66] = "models/RevCreww/awp3.mdl";
new const 
Awp5Model[66] = "models/RevCreww/awp4.mdl";
new const 
Awp6Model[66] = "models/RevCreww/awp5.mdl";
new const 
Awp7Model[66] = "models/RevCreww/awp6.mdl";
new const 
Awp8Model[66] = "models/RevCreww/awp7.mdl";
new const 
Awp9Model[66] = "models/RevCreww/awp8.mdl";
new const 
Awp10Model[66] = "models/RevCreww/awp9.mdl";
new const 
Awp11Model[66] = "models/RevCreww/awp10.mdl";
new const 
Awp12Model[66] = "models/RevCreww/awp11.mdl";
new const 
Awp13Model[66] = "models/RevCreww/awp12.mdl";
new const 
Awp14Model[66] = "models/RevCreww/awp13.mdl";
new const 
Awp15Model[66] = "models/RevCreww/awp14.mdl";
new const 
Awp16Model[66] = "models/RevCreww/awp15.mdl";
new const 
Awp17Model[66] = "models/RevCreww/awp16.mdl";
new const 
Awp18Model[66] = "models/RevCreww/awp17.mdl";
new const 
Awp19Model[66] = "models/RevCreww/awp18.mdl";
new const 
Awp20Model[66] = "models/RevCreww/awp19.mdl";
new const 
Awp21Model[66] = "models/RevCreww/awp20.mdl";
new const 
Awp22Model[66] = "models/RevCreww/awp21.mdl"
Into this:
PHP Code:
new const AWPModels[][] =

AWPModels[0] would be the equivalent of your Awp1Model, AWPModels[1] would be the equivalent of Awp2Model and so on.

With this change you can simply plugin_precache to just:
PHP Code:
public plugin_precache()
isizeof AWPModelsi++)

Since all your models are in the same array you can just iterate over it and precache every model in there, one by one with a for loop.

And we can keep going and also fix your CurentWeapon function.
PHP Code:
public CurentWeapon(id)
get_user_weapon(id) == CSW_AWP)

Recall that AWP[id] gives you the index of the current AWP and it turns out you can index AWPModels(where you have the awp models stored) by this value to retrieve the correct model.
For example, if in the menu a player pressed "1" then AwpCase would execute and item will be 0. Then you would also store 0 inside AWP[id](AWP[id] = 0). AWPModels[AWP[id]] will be equivalent to AWPModels[0] and this will give you "models/v_awp.mdl".

One more thing, instead of using CurWeapon please look into Ham_ItemDeploy, you can find plenty of examples around here.

Hope this is helpful for you. There are more things that can be improved and I tried to keep the modifications I made relatively simple so you can compare to what you have right now and figure out the thought process behind these changes. Future improvements could be to use a dynamic array to allow an unlimited number of models, reading the models from a file and adding them to the array so people don't need to edit the code & recompile to add more models, etc.
Wow Tnx bro You Help soo much i understand now
Tnx Man
RevCreww is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2021
Old 09-12-2021 , 08:10   Re: [Awp+Knife] Menu Classic Plugin
Reply With Quote #7

Originally Posted by HamletEagle View Post
Good code should always be modular and easy to extend/change. In your case you took the same code you would have used for one AWP model and copy-pasted it 22 times. But what if you wanted to have 50 AWP models? Or 100? Would you have copy-pasted the same code 100 times? The answer is no, you can't simply keep copy-pasting the same code over and over again. You need to think of a modular approach, something that can dynamically support any number of models, without you having to copy and paste the same code.

Let's look at your AwpX arrays and observer, again, that your approach required you to create 22 of them. That's not good code, so let's figure out a way around that.
What if, instead of creating 22 individual arrays you would create just one, 2-dimensional array like so:
PHP Code:
new bool:AWP[33][22
Notice how I merged all of them in one single array. Now, if you decide you want 50 models all you have to do is replace 22 by 50, much easier than adding 28 more lines to the source code and creating an unreadable and unmaintainable mess.

But how would you use it this way? AWP[id] refers to the awp models that the player with the index "id" has. Now, if you wanted to check if this player has the first awp you would use AWP[id][0] which would be equivalent to your AWP1 array.
This is better, but still not great. Notice that at any moment the player can have only one model so only one of these booleans can be true. Therefore you don't need one for each model. Turns out you can just do:
PHP Code:
new AWP[33
Notice I removed the bool tag because now we aren't going to use bools anymore, but integers. If you set AWP[id] to 0 it means the player has the first awp, if AWP[id] is 1 it means he has the second AWP, ..., and if it is 21 it means it has the last awp model.

Now, you can rewrite AwpCase to be just:
PHP Code:
public AwpCase(idmenuitem)
item == MENU_EXIT)

AWP[id] = item;

menu_destroy (menu);

Notice how much useless code we were able to remove just by designing our approach carefully. Also, in this case, you don't need to use the whole menu_getinfo, it is enough to use the item parameter. Plus, there is no need to specify "1", "2", etc in menu_additem.

Similarly, you can reduce all this:
PHP Code:
new const Awp1Model[66] = "models/v_awp.mdl";
new const 
Awp2Model[66] = "models/RevCreww/awp1.mdl";
new const 
Awp3Model[66] = "models/RevCreww/awp2.mdl";
new const 
Awp4Model[66] = "models/RevCreww/awp3.mdl";
new const 
Awp5Model[66] = "models/RevCreww/awp4.mdl";
new const 
Awp6Model[66] = "models/RevCreww/awp5.mdl";
new const 
Awp7Model[66] = "models/RevCreww/awp6.mdl";
new const 
Awp8Model[66] = "models/RevCreww/awp7.mdl";
new const 
Awp9Model[66] = "models/RevCreww/awp8.mdl";
new const 
Awp10Model[66] = "models/RevCreww/awp9.mdl";
new const 
Awp11Model[66] = "models/RevCreww/awp10.mdl";
new const 
Awp12Model[66] = "models/RevCreww/awp11.mdl";
new const 
Awp13Model[66] = "models/RevCreww/awp12.mdl";
new const 
Awp14Model[66] = "models/RevCreww/awp13.mdl";
new const 
Awp15Model[66] = "models/RevCreww/awp14.mdl";
new const 
Awp16Model[66] = "models/RevCreww/awp15.mdl";
new const 
Awp17Model[66] = "models/RevCreww/awp16.mdl";
new const 
Awp18Model[66] = "models/RevCreww/awp17.mdl";
new const 
Awp19Model[66] = "models/RevCreww/awp18.mdl";
new const 
Awp20Model[66] = "models/RevCreww/awp19.mdl";
new const 
Awp21Model[66] = "models/RevCreww/awp20.mdl";
new const 
Awp22Model[66] = "models/RevCreww/awp21.mdl"
Into this:
PHP Code:
new const AWPModels[][] =

AWPModels[0] would be the equivalent of your Awp1Model, AWPModels[1] would be the equivalent of Awp2Model and so on.

With this change you can simply plugin_precache to just:
PHP Code:
public plugin_precache()
isizeof AWPModelsi++)

Since all your models are in the same array you can just iterate over it and precache every model in there, one by one with a for loop.

And we can keep going and also fix your CurentWeapon function.
PHP Code:
public CurentWeapon(id)
get_user_weapon(id) == CSW_AWP)

Recall that AWP[id] gives you the index of the current AWP and it turns out you can index AWPModels(where you have the awp models stored) by this value to retrieve the correct model.
For example, if in the menu a player pressed "1" then AwpCase would execute and item will be 0. Then you would also store 0 inside AWP[id](AWP[id] = 0). AWPModels[AWP[id]] will be equivalent to AWPModels[0] and this will give you "models/v_awp.mdl".

One more thing, instead of using CurWeapon please look into Ham_ItemDeploy, you can find plenty of examples around here.

Hope this is helpful for you. There are more things that can be improved and I tried to keep the modifications I made relatively simple so you can compare to what you have right now and figure out the thought process behind these changes. Future improvements could be to use a dynamic array to allow an unlimited number of models, reading the models from a file and adding them to the array so people don't need to edit the code & recompile to add more models, etc.
Bro, Have Problem here
PHP Code:
public plugin_precache()
isizeof AWPModelsi++)

Models Not Precached
RevCreww is offline
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Old 09-12-2021 , 08:40   Re: [Awp+Knife] Menu Classic Plugin
Reply With Quote #8

What do you mean by models not precached? Is the server not starting up or crashing instantly? Could you attach the modified plugin with the changes you made to your next post? It would be much easier for me to help you if I see the entire code.
HamletEagle is offline
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Old 09-12-2021 , 08:57   Re: [Awp+Knife] Menu Classic Plugin
Reply With Quote #9

Originally Posted by HamletEagle View Post
What do you mean by models not precached? Is the server not starting up or crashing instantly? Could you attach the modified plugin with the changes you made to your next post? It would be much easier for me to help you if I see the entire code.
i mean game creashed whene i chouse awp, reason model not precached
Attached Files
File Type: sma Get Plugin or Get Source (awp.sma - 147 views - 3.5 KB)
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Old 09-12-2021 , 09:14   Re: [Awp+Knife] Menu Classic Plugin
Reply With Quote #10


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