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AFK KiSSS (Kick/Slay/Spec-Switcher for CS) (with bombdrop)

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Plugin Info:     Modification:   Counter-Strike        Category:   Server Management       
Veteran Member
Join Date: Mar 2004
Old 06-20-2005 , 14:39   AFK KiSSS (Kick/Slay/Spec-Switcher for CS) (with bombdrop)
Reply With Quote #1

 *   Kick/Slay/Spec-Switcher for CS with bombdrop and name-changer
 *	based on AFK-Kicker by Cheesy Peteza
 *   Slay ability, Bomb drop, Specswitch and many other features added by Isobold (
 *   Code revision and some nice hints by juKay
 *	Date:		            02-Jul-2005
 *	Description:	AFK Slay/Kicker for CS. Kicks (switches to spec) after afk_kicktime and slays player
 *                                  if last surviver and afk and minimum afk_minplayers.
 *                                  Textmessage elsewhere
 *                  Drops bomb after 25 sec afk
 *                  AFK-Count-Message at roundstart
 *                  AFK-Players are renamed and get their old name back when playing again or being switched spec
 *                  (never the less their afk-name will show up during spectime)
 *                  Able to kick specs after a certain time
 *	Cvars:
 *           afk_kicktime 150	 // Kick people AFK longer than this time
 *           afk_slaytime 60     // Slay people AFK longer than this time and last survivor
 *           afk_minplayers 8	 // Only kick AFKs when there is atleast this many players on the server
 *           afk_slayplayers 1   // Shall we slay or shall we not
 *           afk_adminimmunity 1 // Admins immun from slaying?
 *                               // Will show message anyway!
 *           afk_adminkickimmunity 1 // Admins immun from kicking
 *           afk_options 1       // 1 - Kick player after kicktime, 0 - switch to spec after kicktime
 *           afk_show_counter 0  // Set to 1, it will show the AFK-Counter from time to time
 *           afk_rename 1        // Set to 1, it renames AFK players as described above
 *                           Attention: Serious problems, don't use it yet, if you don't want to help testing
 *           afk_speckick 0      // Kicks specs after a certain time if set to 1
 *           afk_speckicktime 300 // time after which specs get kicked if not admin or recording a demo
 *	Requirements:	AMXModX (cstrike and engine-module required)

Note: to keep CPU-Usage low AFK-Slay will only check in a five-seconds-frequency. It may take up to five seconds until slay so. U may lower this time by changing the following line before compile:
#define CHECK_FREQ 5        // in seconds. This is also the warning message frequency.

Note2: If you definitifly only want to kick players when afk, use:, not this one.

Note3: Some parts of this plugin are configurable easily, but you may not want to change them after install. Thats why there is no cvar for them. To change them, you will have to change the following lines before compile:
#define BOMB_DROP_TIME 25       // Time until bomb gets dropped. #define SHOW_FREQ 20            // Frequence of afk-count-messages, only if STATUS_MSG is set to 1 #define SPEC_ASK_TIME 30        // Time until demo-menu will pop up ...

Note4: I merged wc3 and normal Version. This plugin now definitifly kills the user when time has come. Compatible with all kinds of cs-mods which are reviving players like wc3 does.

Note5: afkkicker2 is a well working old version. I f you encounter problems with the new one, plz step back to this version. Anyway I encourage you to use afkkisss.sma, I do so myself.

Install instructions:
  • * Read all the notes
    * Download the amxx-file by clicking on "get Plugin" (or the sma to edit it).
    * Download the txt-file
    * Put the amxx-file into the plugins folder of amxmodx
    * Put the txt-file into the data/lang folder of amxmodx
    * add a line "afkkisss.amxx ; this plugin slays and kicks afk players" into the config/plugins.ini of your amxmodx-installation
    * change map
    * Have fun ;-)

Configuring this plugin:
  • * Download the source code by clicking on download
    * open the file with an editor (not notepad, it needs to be able to read or convert unix line feeds)
    * edit the DEFINES you want to change
    * go to, click on compiler and upload the edited file
    * install it as described above
    * edit your amxx.cfg and add the cvars you want to be set in a static way on each map change
    * to change cvars on your server type "amx_rcon [cvar] [value]" into the console (you need to be admin for this)
    * Have fun ;-)

Supported languages till now:
  • * english [en]
    * deutsch [de]
    * francais [fr]
    * swedish by juKay [sv]
    * dutch by godlike and proach [nl]
    * spanish by faluco [es]
    * danish by deagle [da]
    * turkish by deagle [tr]
    * polish by av [pl]
    * latvian by White_Eagle [lv]
    * Brazilian Portuguese by Rafeal [bp]
    * Bulgarian by CouN7eRSh!T [bg]

Attention: If you are updating from an earlier version don't forget to redownload the language files, too. There are improvments and the languagefile from version 1.5 and earlier is not compatible to pluginversion 1.6 and later...
The other way should work (new languagefile for an older version).
I do not maintain this addon any more. It is not outdated or so, and if you read the manual properly, it will work, but I simply do not have the time to read this forum since a year by now and this will most likely not change. If anyone is interested in taking it over, someone with some coding experience, I will agree to that. My profile has a valid email address, so ask a mod if you are interested. [02.08.2008]

Thx to all users of my plugin for testing and bug reporting. Without you I would already have stopped the developpment of this plugin since version 1.1.
Attached Files
File Type: sma Get Plugin or Get Source (afkkicker2.sma - 30737 views - 17.9 KB)
File Type: sma Get Plugin or Get Source (afkkisss.sma - 26251 views - 16.6 KB)
File Type: txt afkkicker.txt (4.6 KB, 12069 views)

Last edited by Isobold; 08-01-2008 at 23:29.
Isobold is offline

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