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Deagles' Map Manager v3.25Beta

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Old 01-28-2012 , 21:31   Deagles' Map Manager v3.25Beta
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"Deagles NextMap Management," "Nomination_style_voting," "Deagles' Map Management," etc. The name of this plugin has had as many variations as it has authors. For those of you who are not familiar, this plugin does nomination style voting. Players can nominate maps to be placed into a vote. All players will later participate in a vote to determine which map will be next. For various reasons, I had to start a new thread. The old thread is still available.

My main priority in maintaining this plugin is to fix bugs in the code and make the multilingual translations more robust while maintaining backwards compatibility as much as possible. If I had written this plugin from scratch, I would have done a lot of things differently. I didn't write this from scratch and I don't plan to rewrite the entire thing. Over time, I have optimized some parts of the plugin and I will probably continue to do so.

I don't plan to add every feature under the sun. There are several map voting plugins out there and each one shouldn't have the exact same features as the others. Variety is a good thing. Bloat isn't.

v3.25Beta - 2012-12-28 by DynamicBits
	- Added check for enabled conflicting plugin ("Nextmap Chooser 4")
	- Added "say noms" as an alias for "say nominations"
	- Full status no longer displays when a setting is changed
	- Nomination messages no longer display when nominations are disabled
	- Sounds no longer play with dmap_quietmode set to SILENT
	- Using dmap_status no longer shows "Unknown command: dmap_status" error
	- RTV is now allowed on servers with mp_timelimit = 0
	- Relaxed dmap_nominations restrictions
	- Relaxed dmap_mapsurl restrictions
	- Relaxed dmap_messages restrictions
	- dmap_rtvwait now defaults to 5 (new installs only)
	- Consolidated/removed a number of redundant/unused translations
	- Localized a couple of strings (English only)
	- Moved lots of formatting/redundant text from dictionary file to code
	- Added support for longer strings in the translations (replaced client_print)
	- Replaced MOTD help window with better help in the console. (dmap_help)
	- Lots of various optimizations were performed
	- Added Slovak translation (Thanks to luki1412)
	- File logging level is now configurable at compile-time

v3.24 - 2012-01-28 by DynamicBits
	- Added check for enabled conflicting plugins
	    ("Nextmap Chooser", "NextMap", "Galileo", and "Crab's Map Manager")
	- Added check for incorrect/missing dictionary file
	- Added response to "say ff"
	- Added "listmaps" command override
	- Added "votemap" command override
	- Added "currentmap" command
	- Added "recentmaps" command
	- Relaxed dmap_rtvwait restrictions
	- The following commands can no longer (incorrectly) be called from config files:
	       dmap_rtvpercent, dmap_rtvplayers, dmap_rtvwait, dmap_messages, dmap_mapsnum,
	       dmap_nominations, dmap_maxcustom, dmap_quietmode, dmap_rtvtoggle, dmap_freeze,
	       dmap_cyclemode, dmap_votemode, dmap_banlastmaps, dmap_mapsurl
	- Removed "now" argument from dmap_rockthevote/amx_rockthevote/amx_rtv. (It never worked)
	- Total number of maps is now shown in console for "listmaps" command
	- Fixed display of time after successful vote to extend map
	- Fixed duplicate task IDs
	- Standardized name: "Deagles' Map Manager"
	- Minor code optimizations
	- Removed unused code
	- Updated help
	- Corrected various minor issues with all languages
	- Put quotes around all commands for all languages
	- Added Bosnian translation (Thanks to Superstar Games)
	- Added Croation translation (Thanks to tomba2k)
	- Added Czech translation (Thanks to RTG)
	- Added Hungarian translation (Thanks to kiki33hun)
	- Added Serbian translation (Thanks to JinX)

v3.23 - 2009-02-17 by DynamicBits
	- Fixed menu vote not working in some situations
	- Corrected Swedish Translation

v3.22 - 2009-01-21 by DynamicBits
	- Added live voting percentages
	- Added dmap_nominate command
	- Added Romanian translation (Thanks to dorin2oo7 and georgik57)
	- Added Russian translation (Thanks to mozart123)
	- Added Brazil-Portuguese translation (Thanks to Warden)
	- Added Swedish translation (Thanks to Trut)
	- Fixed a handful of strings not getting localized properly
	- Fixed a translation that was causing the SVC_BAD error
	- Fixed several buffer overflow issues
	- Many optimizations
	- Updated help
	- Added a bunch of comments to source code

v3.21 - 2008-09-17 by DynamicBits
	- Added support for extra tags in the vote menu (See details for dmaptags.ini)
	- Added two new localized strings (Only English and Polish versions are in the lang file so far)
	- Fixed some multilingual code
	- Fixed several mistakes in the lang file
	- Formatted a few strings to better match AMX Mod X's formatting
	- A few small code optimizations

v3.20 - 2008-08-15 by DynamicBits
	- Fixed indentation, spacing, semicolons, argument spacing, and missing
	    curly braces (these things: { }) to mostly match BSD KNF style.
	- Fixed return value in client_disconnect(). This may have affected any
	    other plugin that relied on client_disconnect().
	- Added some missing return values
	- Removed several sections of redundant code
	- New define: DEDICATED_LOG_ENABLED allows logging to be disabled by
	    commenting out one line (see source).

v3.1  - 4-05-08
	- Fixed issue with emptyserver portion giving errors and flooding console

v3.0  - 9-29-07
	- Changed txt file for German to supposedly stop the Kicking issue that so many people are having.
	- Added cvar weapon_delay to Enable/Disable "Voting for nextmap delayed to allow buying of weapons..."

v2.48 - 9-27-07
	- Added command rtv in chat for quick rock the votes (client)
	- Added cvar emptymap_allowed (1|0) To enable/disable this feature
	- Added cvar emptymap (mapname) For whatever map you want your server to switch to when nobody is on after reading the staytime cvar
	- Added cvar amx_staytime(in seconds): How long before the plugin changes the map.
	- Added cvar amx_idletime(in hours): How many hours a player can be connected to the server before being considered idle.
	- Added cvar nominations_allowed (Enable/Disable Accepting nominations)

	-Made the code look much prettier with proper indentation.
	-Removed cvar rtv_percent - Useless, when the command saves your settings

v2.47 - Changed a some code for issues occuring randomly

v2.46 - Now uses the file defined from cvar named 'mapcyclefile' and not the hardcoded mapcycle.txt, by _KaszpiR_

v2.45 - Multilingual & Cancel vote
	- Multilingual by Vlad
	- Cancel Vote command by Lt. Llama

v2.40 - JTP10181 - 3/12/2006
	- Major code cleanup
	- Added allmaps.txt generating back in and fixed it for linux
	- Added support for no nominations allowed
	- Fixed all admin commands to check using cmd_access

  1. Download the plugin below
  2. Place deagsmapmanager.amxx in your server's addons/amxmodx/plugins folder
  3. Place deagsmapmanager.txt in your server's addons/amxmodx/data/lang folder
  4. Open plugins.ini found in addons/amxmodx/configs
  5. Add the following line at the bottom of the file: deagsmapmanager.amxx
  6. Save and close plugins.ini
  7. Put the standardmaps.ini, mapstoban.ini, and mapchoice.ini files in the
    <mod>\addons\amxmodx\configs directory (where <MOD> is the path to your Half-life mod)
  8. When in-game, to see a list of commands, use command dmap_status or dmap_help in console.
  9. Restart your server or change the map
  10. Done!

Important Notes:
  • Be sure all other map chooser plugins are turned off, except for the mapmenu default plugin!
  • If you run CS 1.6, please define either these config files, or mapcycle.txt, otherwise NO VOTE WILL APPEAR
  • Also, you need to put the line: mapchangecfgfile server.cfg in your server.cfg file!
    Otherwise the timelimit might not be reset every map, if the last map was extended for a period of time.


Say Commands
  • currentmap Show name of the current map
  • ff Display friendly fire status
  • listmaps Print a list of maps to the client's console
  • nextmap Display the next map if a vote does not take place
  • nominate <map> or vote <map> or <map> Nominate a map for the next vote
  • nominations (or noms in v3.25+) Show names of maps nominated for next vote
  • recentmaps Show names of recently played maps
  • rockthevote or rtv Let the server know you wish for a vote to take place

Console Commands
Note: These commands should be typed in the console of a client with the appropriate access level. They don't belong in a config file.

  • dmap_help Show general help and instructions to get detailed help
  • listmaps List all maps on the server in your console

  • dmap_cancelvote Cancel the rocked vote
  • dmap_nominate <map> Force nomination of a map by an admin
  • dmap_rockthevote Force a map vote instantly
  • dmap_status Display current configuration of the plugin

  • dmap_banlastmaps <N> (Default: 4) (Range: 0-100) Ban the last <N> maps played from being voted
  • dmap_cyclemode Disable Voting (To restore voting use dmap_votemode)
  • dmap_default Restore settings to default
  • dmap_freeze (Default for CS: ON) Toggle on/off freeze (only available in CS)
  • dmap_mapsnum <N> (Default: 5) (Range: 2-8) How many maps will be in the next vote
  • dmap_mapsurl <URL|none> Specify what website to get custom maps from (v3.25+: Must start with http://, https://, ftp://, or www.)
  • dmap_maxcustom <N> (Default: 5) (Range: 0-8) Maximum custom maps that can be nominated by all players
  • dmap_messages <N> (Default: 3) (Range: 2-20; v3.25+: 2-60) (in minutes) Interval between display of messages
  • dmap_nominations <N> (Default: 3) (Range:0-3; v3.25+: 0-8) Maximum nominations that a user can make
  • dmap_quietmode <OFF|NOSOUND|SILENT> (Default: OFF) Configure messages: OFF=Sound/text, NOSOUND=Text, SILENT=Minimal text
  • dmap_rtvpercent <N> (Default:60) (Range: 3-100) at least this percentage of players have to "rockthevote"
  • dmap_rtvplayers <N> (Default:1) (Range: 1-32) This many players have to rockthevote for the vote to start. Note both conditions have to be met: #players, and Percent.
  • dmap_rtvtoggle (Default: ON) Enable/disable ability of players to rockthevote. Note that Admins with ADMIN_DMAP can still use dmap_rockthevote to force a vote.
  • dmap_rtvwait <N> (Default: 10; v3.25+: 5) (Range: 0-60) Minutes before rockthevote will be accepted. (This does not apply when mp_timelimit = 0.)
  • dmap_votemode Enable voting; default


  • amx_emptymap (Default: "de_dust2") The map used by by the amx_staytime CVAR (CVAR loaded when needed)
  • amx_extendmap_max (Default: 90) (in minutes) Max total time a map can be extended (CVAR loaded as needed)
  • amx_extendmap_step (Default: 15) (in minutes) Time added to extend current map (CVAR loaded as needed)
  • amx_idletime (Default: 5) (in hours) How long a player can be connected to the server before being considered idle (CVAR loaded once per map)
  • amx_show_activity (Default: 2) For certain admin actions: 0=Show nothing, 1=Show message, 2=Show message and name (CVAR loaded as needed)
  • amx_staytime (Default: 300) (in seconds) How long before changing the map to amx_emptymap if the server is empty (CVAR loaded once per map)
  • amx_vote_answers (No default set by plugin) Enable(1)/disable(0) publicly showing each user's vote (CVAR loaded as needed)
  • dmap_strict (Default: 0) Enable(1)/disable(0) restricting nominations to maps in the mapcycle (CVAR loaded as needed)
  • emptymap_allowed (Default: 0) Enable(1)/disable(0) using a specific map when the server is empty (CVAR loaded as needed)
  • enforce_timelimit (Default: 0) Change map STRICTLY on timelimit, when this is set to 1 (CVAR loaded as needed)
    (If there are less than 2 active players, the time limit will always be enforced.)
  • mp_chattime (No default set by plugin) (Range: 1-120 seconds) ...
  • mp_timelimit (No default set by plugin) (in minutes) Time between map changes (CVAR loaded as needed)
  • nominations_allowed (Default: 1) Enable(1)/disable(0) accepting nominations (CVAR loaded as needed)
  • weapon_delay <0|1> (Default: 1) Enable(1)/disable(0) "Waiting for vote to allow buying of weapons" (CVAR loaded as needed)

Config Files

These files belong in the .../addons/amxmodx/configs/ directory. You do not need to manage any of these files unless you want to.
  • allmaps.txt - This file will be created after the first successful load of the plugin if it does not exist. There is no need to touch this file unless you only want certain maps available for voting. Do not include the .bsp in the map names.
  • mapchoice.ini - Insert maps here that will show up for the vote when all 5 nominations are not made. Maps will be randomly selected from this file to fill up the unused Nomination slots. If you use this file, it needs to have a minimum of 10-15 maps in it, the more the better! If you don't use this file, mapcycle.txt will be used instead, or allmaps.txt (if it exists)
  • standardmaps.ini - Standard maps for the mod goes here, if this file is not created by the user, there will be no "custom" warnings. It needs to contain at least all of the valid maps for the mod. The purpose of this standardmaps.ini file is exactly what the purpose of the file was in BugBlatter's map plugin, the words (Custom) will be attached to all maps in the votemenu that are not listed here
  • mapstoban.ini - Insert maps that users will never be able to nominate, and will never show up for a vote.
  • dmaptags.ini - This is the file that will add tags to the maps in a vote.


    ;This is a sample comment fy_iceworld2k GunGame de_westwood WC3FT fun_matrix_revolutions No plugins de_dust WC3FT cs_assault_necro This map is totally awesome

    Will show in the votemenu

       1. fy_iceworld2k (Custom) [GunGame]
       2. de_westwood (Custom) [WC3FT]
       3. fun_matrix_revolutions (Custom) [No plugins]
       4. de_dust [WC3FT]
       5. cs_assault_necro (Custom) [This map is totally awesome]


Please see this thread to post translations or corrections. Thank-you to the following people for providing translation assistance:

Future Changes/Known Issues

Expected in v3.25
  • The language file will be simplified to make it easier on translators and make the overall file size smaller.
  • A bunch of grammatical errors will be fixed in the English translation.
  • Support for longer UTF-8 strings will finally be added. (Sorry for the wait, -=hunter=-!)
  • The help file and other documentation will be updated to be more accurate.
  • Allow votes with mp_timelimit 0. (Reported here and here)
  • nextmap will work with mp_timelimit 0.
  • Don't show nomination messages with nominations_allowed 0. (Reported here)
  • Sound won't be played with dmap_quietmode SILENT.
  • The range of allowed values for dmap_nominations will be increased.
  • The say command noms will be added as an alias for nominations.
  • LOTS more stuff I felt like doing. ;)

Expected in v3.26
(Possibly) Expected in the Future
  • Make vote results display until everyone has finished voting
  • Make listmaps command configurable
  • More languages...
  • Support for GunGame
  • Support for Natural Selection
  • (If possible) Better support for alternative input methods (CSMate/SayCn)
  • Different behavior for empty servers or no-votes (Requested here)
  • Make dmap_banlastmaps command apply to randomly selected maps in vote (Reported here)
  • Sometimes (always?) the map change is about a minute off.
  • Sometimes the winning map is not set and the nextmap is random. (Reported here, here, and here) I don't know what is causing this!
  • More code optimization, testing with sawce's AMX Mod X profiler, etc.

(A lot of this information was copied from the old thread. The next release focuses on documentation and will include updates to this post.)

DO NOT USE THE WEB COMPILER WITH THIS PLUGIN! IT DOESN'T WORK PROPERLY! is an updated dictionary file for use with the v3.25Beta release.
Attached Files
File Type: zip (28.1 KB, 2463 views)
File Type: zip (62.8 KB, 3178 views)

Last edited by DynamicBits; 12-29-2013 at 01:16. Reason: Added v3.25Beta files and other info, Updated documentation, Updated translation
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Old 01-28-2012 , 21:59   Re: Deagles' Map Manager v3.24
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Common Issues

Why does my screen/console keep saying "[DMM] INVALID DICTIONARY FILE! Current version: X. Expected version: X to X."?

You must use a compatible version of the dictionary file. A check was added in v3.24 of the plugin to detect this issue. If you use a version that is too old or too new, it can cause problems. These problems range from simple typos to client disconnects. All downloads of the plugin come with matching versions of the plugin and dictionary files.

Why does my console/log file show the following message: "[DMM] ERROR: The XX command does not belong in any config file."?

A lot of the configuration for this plugin is done via commands rather than CVARs. The settings are saved in a configuration file and read each time the plugin loads. While it used to be possible to put these commands in configuration files, it caused more problems than it solved. Starting with v3.24 of the plugin, these commands are only accepted from a client console. If I wrote the plugin from scratch, I would have not done it this way, but I don't intend to remove backward compatibility.

My log file says "Found 0 Maps in your mapcycle.txt/allmaps.txt file, 0 are available for filling slots," but I have maps in one of those files. What gives?

Make sure you don't have the extension (.bsp) in the map names. If all else fails, delete the allmaps.txt file. The plugin will regenerate the file after a map change.

Why does the plugin show the following message: "The next map will be <blank>"?

I have added lots of debugging info to the plugin (on my server) and after thousands of mapcycles, I have been unable to reproduce this issue. I know the problem exists for some people, but as far as I can tell, it is caused by other plugins. I have added checks for the plugins that I know cause issues, but there are probably more out there.

If anyone can provide any insight into this issue, please do! If your server reliably experiences this problem, I am especially interested in a copy of everything in your ../<modname>/addons/amxmodx/ directory. Just make a zip/rar/bz2/7z archive and upload it to one of the file sharing sites and send me a link. If you have any passwords (especially RCON) in the config files, please edit/remove them before sharing.

My server has over 600 maps. How can I get the plugin to support them all?

Edit the following line in the source before compiling:
#define MAX_MAPS_AMOUNT 600

How can I change/disable the logging to the dmaplogXXXX.log files?

(v3.25+) Find the following line in the source and change the value. All values are listed in the source just below this line.
To disable the logging completely, use LOGLEVEL_NONE. I recommend LOGLEVEL_WARN for most users, or LOGLEVEL_INFO if you're a curious person.

Nothing happens when I select a map in the vote menu.

Certain mods on certain operating systems do not bind all ten number keys by default. Make sure all ten of your number keys are bound to slot1, slot2 ... slot9, slot10. Note that the zero key is bound to "slot10", not "slot0".

Last edited by DynamicBits; 08-01-2013 at 17:48. Reason: Common Issues
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Old 01-29-2012 , 02:11   Re: Deagles' Map Manager v3.24
Reply With Quote #3

Why not just get this updated into the original thread?

Why don't you just pause the conflicting plugins?

Also, you should have moved plugin_init() to the top where it belongs .

Last edited by fysiks; 01-29-2012 at 02:13.
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Old 01-29-2012 , 03:35   Re: Deagles' Map Manager v3.24
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Originally Posted by fysiks View Post
Why not just get this updated into the original thread ?
Because obviously he can't update 1st post.
Was asked by bmann_420 in dev forum to know if the best was to merge new and old release, or to just take over the old thread so he can update first post.
I gave my opinion (i'm the only one) and told him that IMO he should post new version in new plugin submission forum.

Also i really think that this plugin should be rewritten from the scratch, but that one hasn't been followed.
- tired and retired -

- my plugins -
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Old 01-29-2012 , 03:59   Re: Deagles' Map Manager v3.24
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Originally Posted by ConnorMcLeod View Post
I gave my opinion (i'm the only one) and told him that IMO he should post new version in new plugin submission forum.
Ok, I was just curious.
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Old 01-29-2012 , 17:00   Re: Deagles' Map Manager v3.24
Reply With Quote #6

Says unknown command when typing dmap_status or dmap_help

Last edited by ZeeZN0ztrA; 01-29-2012 at 17:01.
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Old 01-30-2012 , 14:12  
Reply With Quote #7

If it works its because he doesnt return plugin handled to stop the game from trying to use the command. If it doesnt work check for a typo.
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Old 01-30-2012 , 19:38   Re: Deagles' Map Manager v3.24
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Yesum, ill lock the original thread once this hits the approved section ( or whoever). And yes, it would be nice to have a fully re-written version, but this is the exact same plugin just more additions and improvements. Hell dynamic has supported the original for a long time now so the only difference would be that he can update and respond.

I have kinda dropped off the map here a little bit, life is busy so this is the best route I believe.

Last edited by bmann_420; 01-30-2012 at 19:41.
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Old 01-31-2012 , 15:56   Re: Deagles' Map Manager v3.24
Reply With Quote #9

I need help ASAP!

Thank you for updating the plugin, though now I have a very annoying problem (did not have this problem b4) after adding the new update.

How can I DISABLE "- Added check for enabled conflicting plugins
("Nextmap Chooser", "NextMap", "Galileo", and "Crab's Map Manager")

I need to have Nextmap Chooser ON, in order for my server to work, to be able to changelevel, otherwize it gets stuck right after you choose the map (on rtv) so can anyone please tell me how can I disable this function!

public check_conflict() {
new sDV[8], iDV, bRepeat;
//repeat error over and over..
if (is_plugin_loaded("Nextmap Chooser") > -1) {
bRepeat = true;
if (is_plugin_loaded("NextMap") > -1) {
bRepeat = true;
if (is_plugin_loaded("Galileo") > -1) {
bRepeat = true;
if (is_plugin_loaded("Crab'sMapManager") > -1) {
bRepeat = true;

What do I write so that the plugins does NOT check if it is conflict!

Thank you for your help! - If none answer is given, I guess I have to go back to the old version - like I said I just need to disable this "conflict checker" then my server works, but I've got no clue on what do!
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Old 01-31-2012 , 16:28   Re: Deagles' Map Manager v3.24
Reply With Quote #10

Originally Posted by fysiks View Post
Why don't you just pause the conflicting plugins?

Also, you should have moved plugin_init() to the top where it belongs :).
I don't think that a map manager plugin is the place to pause other plugins. As far back as I remember, the instructions for this plugin have made it clear that other plugins need to be disabled. Think of the new messages as a friendly reminder.

If I had coded this from scratch, plugin_init() would be at the top. I agree with you 100%. Maybe I'll make this change for you in the future. :)

Originally Posted by ConnorMcLeod View Post
Also i really think that this plugin should be rewritten from the scratch, but that one hasn't been followed.
Yes, the way this was originally written is not without flaws. Galileo is probably as close to a rewrite as we'll see for now.

Originally Posted by ZeeZN0ztrA View Post
Says unknown command when typing dmap_status or dmap_help
Are you sure it does for dmap_help? As for dmap_status, you're 100% right. For some odd reason, the error message doesn't appear when you are spectating. Anyways, expect a fix in the next version. That bug appears to go as far back as at least v2.30. I can't believe no one pointed it out before now.

Originally Posted by alexan View Post
I need to have Nextmap Chooser ON, in order for my server to work, to be able to changelevel, otherwize it gets stuck right after you choose the map (on rtv) so can anyone please tell me how can I disable this function!
Change this part:
if (is_plugin_loaded("Nextmap Chooser") > -1) {
bRepeat = true;
if (is_plugin_loaded("Nextmap Chooser") > -1) {
//bRepeat = true;
I'm afraid I don't understand why you need to have it enabled, though. What mod are you using? What exactly happens with Nextmap Chooser disabled?


Last edited by DynamicBits; 01-31-2012 at 16:36. Reason: alexan decided to sneak in a post before I submitted my reply ;)
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