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CS:S gungame help no quake / gungame sounds

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Join Date: Feb 2018
Old 02-19-2018 , 22:00   CS:S gungame help no quake / gungame sounds
Reply With Quote #1

hi hope you can help me out

i have loaded all files need to have the sounds
player will download sound files and so on
just cant hear them

i have dm as well so any help would be good as i get find any eazy info on google to fix it

my .cfg files are as is


hostname "ikilled maps"
// Rcon password - FOR ADMINISTRATION
rcon_password " "

// Server join password - FOR ANYONE YOU WANT IN THE SERVER
sv_password ""

// Source TV
tv_enable "0"
tv_autorecord 0
tv_name ""
tv_title ""
tv_delaymapchange 1
tv_chattimelimit 1
tv_snapshotrate 16
tv_dispatchmode 1
tv_transmitall 1
tv_maxclients 10
tv_relayvoice 0
tv_autorecord 0
tv_delay 90
tv_debug 0

// Gameplay
mp_tkpunish "0"
mp_footsteps "1"
mp_fraglimit "0"
mp_maxrounds "0"
mp_freezetime "3"
mp_fadetoblack "0"
mp_buytime "0.25"
mp_startmoney "800"
mp_friendlyfire "1"
mp_dynamicpricing 0
mp_autoteambalance "1"
mp_spawnprotectiontime "0"
mp_hostagepenalty "0"
mp_roundtime "30.00"
mp_forcerespawn "1"
mp_forcecamera "1"
mp_falldamage "1"
mp_flashlight "1"
mp_limitteams "0"
mp_chattime "10"
mp_timelimit "0"
mp_autokick "0"
mp_winlimit "0"
mp_playerid "1"
mp_c4timer "35"
sv_timeout "65"
sv_alltalk "1"
sv_pausable 0
sv_cheats "0"
sv_voiceenable "1"
sv_pausable "0"
sv_footsteps "1"

// Physics
sv_gravity "800"
sv_friction "4"
sv_accelerate "5"
sv_airaccelerate "10"
sv_stopspeed "75"
sv_stepsize "18"
sv_maxspeed "320"
phys_timescale "1"
phys_pushscale "1"

// Server logging
log on
sv_logbans 1
sv_logecho 1
sv_logfile 1
sv_log_onefile 0

// Specatators
mp_allowspectators "1"
sv_specaccelerate "5"
sv_specnoclip "1"
sv_specspeed "3"

// Performance settings
mp_weaponstay "0"
mp_decals "200"
decalfrequency "10"
breakable_multiplayer "1"

// Rcon failure
sv_rcon_banpenalty 15
sv_rcon_maxfailures 5
sv_rcon_minfailures 5
sv_rcon_minfailuretime 30

// Fast DL FTP

sv_allowupload "1"
sv_allowdownload "1"
sv_downloadurl ""

// Rates

sv_minrate "1000000"
sv_maxrate "1000000"
sv_maxupdaterate "66"
sv_minupdaterate "66"
sv_maxcmdrate "66"
sv_mincmdrate "66"

// Contact/Geo
sv_lan 0
sv_region 5

// Bans
exec banned_user.cfg
exec banned_ip.cfg

// Other

sv_disablefreezecam "1"
sv_nonemesis "1"
sv_nomvp "0"
sv_nostats "1"
sv_client_max_interp_ratio "1"
sv_client_min_interp_ratio "1"
sv_pure "1"
sv_pure_kick_clients "1"
sv_consistency "1"
sv_voicecodec "vaudio_speex"

// Zblock

zb_active "1"
zb_matchconfig "warmod/ruleset_mr15.cfg"
zb_readyup_max "10"
zb_startmoney "800"
zb_autoupdate "1"
zb_doorfix "1"
zb_bunnyfix "1"
zb_crouchfix "1"
zb_allowcashcalling "0"
zb_authhost ""
zb_deadvoice "0"

// Warmod

alias mr15 "wm_match_config warmod/ruleset_mr15.cfg; say Set Match Config to MR15"
alias mr9 "wm_match_config warmod/ruleset_mr9.cfg; say Set Match Config to MR9"
alias lo3 "forcestart"
alias r "mp_restartgame 1"
alias d2 "changelevel de_dust2"
alias dust2 "changelevel de_dust2"
alias nuke "changelevel de_nuke"
alias train "changelevel de_train"
alias ferno "changelevel de_inferno"
alias inferno "changelevel de_inferno"
alias cbble "changelevel de_cbble"
alias prodigy "changelevel de_prodigy"
alias temple "changelevel de_losttemple_pro"
alias season "changelevel de_season"
alias contra "changelevel de_contra"
alias tuscan "changelevel de_tuscan"
alias r "mp_restartgame 1"
alias mill "changelevel de_cpl_mill"
alias cplmill "changelevel de_cpl_mill"
alias lo3 "forcestart"
alias r "mp_restartgame 1"
alias r "mp_restartgame 1"
alias r "mp_restartgame 1"
lw_enabled "1"
lw_address ""
lw_port "12012"
lw_group_name ""
lw_group_password ""
wm_save_dir "warmod"
wm_prefix_logs "0"
wm_stats_enabled "1"
wm_stats_method "2"
wm_stats_trace "0"
wm_stats_trace_delay "5"
wm_upload_results "0"
wm_table_name "wm_results"
wm_t "Terrorists"
wm_ct "Counter-Terrorists"
sm_deadtalk "0"
sm_autoupdate_binary "1"
sm_autoupdate_source "1"
sm_autoupdate_gamedata "1"
sm_autoupdate_other "1"
sm_autoupdate_backup "0"
wm_live_config "warmod/on_match_lo3.cfg"
wm_knife_config "warmod/on_match_ko3.cfg"
wm_reset_config "warmod/on_match_end.cfg"
wm_active "1"
wm_max_players "10"
wm_play_out "0"
wm_auto_knife "0"
wm_round_money "1"
wm_min_ready "10"
wm_ingame_scores "1"
wm_knife_hegrenade "0"
wm_knife_flashbang "0"
wm_knife_smokegrenade "0"
wm_lock_teams "1"
wm_auto_swap "1"
wm_auto_swap_delay "3"
wm_auto_record "1"
wm_auto_kick_team "0"
wm_auto_kick_delay "10"
wm_warmup_respawn "0"
wm_damage "1"
wm_bomb_frags "0"
wm_defuse_frags "0"
wm_remove_deathcam "1"
wm_remove_deathcam_delay "1"
wm_remove_help_hints "1"
wm_remove_grenade_sound "0"
wm_remove_ragdoll "1"
wm_remove_ragdoll_delay "2"
wm_block_nightvision "1"
wm_block_warm_up_grenades "1"
wm_modifiers "1"
wm_show_info "1"
wm_rcon_only "0"
wm_global_chat "1"
wm_require_names "0"
wm_auto_ready "1"
wm_half_auto_ready "1"
alias r "mp_restartgame 1"
mp_round_restart_delay "5"
alias russka "changelevel de_russka"

// BOT
bot_quota 0
bot_auto_vacate 0
bot_quota_mode "normal"

bot_chatter off
bot_walk 1
bot_difficulty 1
bot_prefix ""
bot_join_after_player 0


/* ===== [1. GUNGAME MAIN CONFIG] ===== */

/* ----- [1.1. main] ----- */

/* Enables/Disables GunGame Mod */
"Enabled" "1"

* Do not fast switch on level up for this weapons.
* Comma-separated list
* of weapon names from gungame.equip.txt.
* Options:
* "hegrenade" - Enabled for hegrenade
* "hegrenade,taser" - Enabled for hegrenade and taser
* "taser,hegrenade,molotov,incgrenade" - Default value
* "" - Disabled
"FastSwitchSkipWeapons" "hegrenade"

* Switch weapon without delays after level up.
* Options:
* 1 - Enabled.
* 0 - Disabled.
"FastSwitchOnLevelUp" "1"

* Switch weapon without delays when player changes weapon by himself.
* SDK Hooks (sdkhooks) is required to use this option.
* Options:
* 1 - Enabled.
* 0 - Disabled.
"FastSwitchOnChangeWeapon" "0"

* Freeze players after win.
* Options:
* 1 - Freeze players.
* 0 - Do not freeze players.
"WinnerFreezePlayers" "1"

* Winner effects.
* Options:
* 0 - Freeze players.
* 1 - Make players fly.
"WinnerEffect" "0"

* Delay before end of multiplayer game after gungame win.
* Options:
* 0 - Disabled.
* 1-N - Number of seconds.
"EndGameDelay" "10"

* Sets how to finish the game after someone has won.
* Options:
* 0 - Normal game end with scoreboard, vote next map valve menu and weapon drops.
* 1 - Silent game end.
"EndGameSilent" "0"

* Multiply sound effects volume.
* In CS:GO the volume is too low.
* You can up the volume with this multiplier.
* Options:
* 0-1 - Do not multiply
* 2-5 - Multiply by defined number of times
"MultiplySoundVolume" "0"

* Block weapon switch if killer leveled up with knife
* You need SDK Hooks (sdkhooks) if you want to set it to "1"
* Options:
* 1 - Block weapon switch
* 0 - Do not block weapon switch
"BlockWeaponSwitchIfKnife" "0"

* Block weapon switch if you get next hegrenade
* after previous hegrenade explode or after getting extra nade.
* You need SDK Hooks (sdkhooks) if you want to set it to "1"
* Options:
* 1 - Block weapon switch
* 0 - Do not block weapon switch
"BlockWeaponSwitchOnNade" "1"

* Show players level message in hint box instead of chat.
* If enabled then multikill chat messages will be shown
* in hint box too (requres "MultiKillChat" "1").
"ShowSpawnMsgInHintBox" "0"

* Show leader level info in hint box
* (requires "ShowSpawnMsgInHintBox" to be "1")
"ShowLeaderInHintBox" "0"

/* Show leader's weapon name in chat with leading message */
"ShowLeaderWeapon" "0"

* Strip dead players weapon
* Options:
* 0 - Disabled (default)
* 1 - Enabled for alive and dead players (alive players can not drop guns)
* 2 - Enabled for dead players only (alive players can drop guns)
"StripDeadPlayersWeapon" "1"

/* Show levels in scoreboard */
"LevelsInScoreboard" "1"

* When shows levels in scoreboard it will
* clear deaths (requires "LevelsInScoreboard" "1")
"ScoreboardClearDeaths" "0"

/* Restore level on player reconnect */
"RestoreLevelOnReconnect" "0"

/* Allow level up after round end */
"AllowLevelUpAfterRoundEnd" "0"

/* Show multikill hints in chat */
"MultiKillChat" "0"

/* Set sv_alltalk 1 after player win */
"AlltalkOnWin" "1"

/* Start voting if leader level is less maximum level by this value */
"VoteLevelLessWeaponCount" "4"

/* Display a join message, popup giving players instructions on how to play */
"JoinMessage" "1"

* Level down playr if they kill themself by WorldSpawn Suicide.
* 0 - Disable
* 1..N - Levels to loose
"WorldspawnSuicide" "1"

* Level down players if they use the "kill" command
* 0 - Disable
* 1..N - Levels to loose
"CommitSuicide" "1"

/* How many levels they can gain in 1 round (0 - disabled) */
"MaxLevelPerRound" "0"

/* Turbo Mode: give next level weapon on level up */
"TurboMode" "1"

/* Knife Elite force them to only have a knife after they level up.
They will get a normal weapon again next round */
"KnifeElite" "0"

* How many kills they need to with the weapon to get the next level
* Kills will count across all rounds so that you don't have to get them in one round.
"MinKillsPerLevel" "1"

* Enabled friendly fire automatically when a player reaches hegrenade level.
* When nobody on nade level, than switches friendly fire back.
* This does not affect EnableFriendlyFireLevel and EnableFriendlyFireLevel is not requered to be enabled.
* See also FriendlyFireOnOff.
* 0 - Disabled
* 1 - Enable friendly fire on nade level.
"AutoFriendlyFire" "0"

* FFA DM mode.
* If you are using CSSM with FFA mode enabled,
* then you should set this variable to "1".
* 0 - Disabled
* 1 - Enabled
"FFA" "0"

* Enable friendly fire on defined level.
* This does not affect AutoFriendlyFire and AutoFriendlyFire is not requered to be 1.
* See also FriendlyFireOnOff.
* 0 - Disabled.
* 1..N - enable friendly fire on defined level.
"EnableFriendlyFireLevel" "0"

* What to do with friendly fire when EnableFriendlyFireLevel is not 0 and leader reaches EnableFriendlyFireLevel
* or AutoFriendlyFire is 1 and someone reaches nade level.
* 1 - Enable friendy fire
* 0 - Disable friendy fire
"FriendlyFireOnOff" "1"

* Disable rtv on defined level. 0 - disabled.
"DisableRtvLevel" "0"

* If this option is enabled, than player can level up by killing with prop_physics.
* For example with fuel barrels etc.
* 1 - Enabled
* 0 - Disabled
"CanLevelUpWithPhysics" "0"

* Use "CanLevelUpWithPhysics" option when player is on grenade level.
* 1 - Enabled
* 0 - Disabled
"CanLevelUpWithPhysicsOnGrenade" "0"

* Use "CanLevelUpWithPhysics" option when player is on knife level.
* 1 - Enabled
* 0 - Disabled
"CanLevelUpWithPhysicsOnKnife" "0"

* If this option is enabled, than player can level up by killing with nade at any time.
* For example there are maps having grenades on them leaved by the author.
* 1 - Enabled
* 0 - Disabled
"CanLevelUpWithMapNades" "0"

* Use "CanLevelUpWithMapNades" option when player is on knife level.
* 1 - Enabled
* 0 - Disabled
"CanLevelUpWithNadeOnKnife" "0"

* Prevent players from using kill command.
"SelfKillProtection" "1"

* Change game description.
* Requires SDK Hooks (sdkhooks).
* "{version}" will be changed to plugin version.
* Options:
* "" = Option disabled.
"GameDesc" "GunGame:SM {version}"

/* ----- [1.2. knifepro] ----- */

/* Turn Knife Pro allow stealing a player level by killing them with a knife */
"KnifePro" "1"

/* Enables Knife Pro when a player is on hegrenade level */
"KnifeProHE" "0"

/* The minimum level that a player must be at before another player can knife steal from. Requires KnifePro on */
"KnifeProMinLevel" "0"

/* If enabled then knife kill will also affect points */
"KnifeProRecalcPoints" "0"

* Maximum level difference between players to allow steal level
* 0 - Disabled
* 1..N - Level difference between killer and victim
"KnifeProMaxDiff" "0"

* Disable level down on knifepro.
* 1 - Level down disabled
* 0 - Level down enabled
"DisableLevelDown" "0"

/* ----- [1.3. objectives] ----- */

/* Give x number of level by completing the bomb planting/defusing objectives.
* Amount giving base on the value setting.
"ObjectiveBonus" "0"

/* Enables objective bonus on last level */
"ObjectiveBonusWin" "0"

* Gives objective bonus on exploding the bomb instead of planting
* 0 - bonus on planting
* 1 - bonus on exploding
"ObjectiveBonusExplode" "0"

/* Remove objectives from map. 0 = Disabled, 1 = BOMB, 2 = HOSTAGE, 3 = BOTH*/
"RemoveObjectives" "3"

/* ----- [1.4. handicap] ----- */

* Maximum level that handicap can give.
* 0 - Disable restriction
* 1..N - Max level
"MaxHandicapLevel" "0"

/* Substract handicap level by this value */
"HandicapLevelSubstract" "1"

* Gives joining players the avg/min level of all other players when they join late.
* 0 - Disable
* 1 - Avg level
* 2 - Min level
"HandicapMode" "0"

* Allow players in the top rank to receive a handicap with the rest of the players.
* Handicap must also be turned on above for this to work.
* See also "HandicapTopRank" to set rank limit for tp rank.
* 0 - Do not give handicap to the top rank players.
* 1 - Give handicap to all players.
"TopRankHandicap" "1"

* Gives handicap level automaticaly every defined number of seconds.
* This only works for players that is on very minimum level from
* all the players.
* Handicap must also be turned on for this to work.
"HandicapUpdate" "0"

* Give handicap not more then given number of times per map.
* 0 - disabled
"HandicapTimesPerMap" "0"

* Do not give handicap to the top rank players.
* See also "TopRankHandicap" to allow all players to receive handicap.
* 0 - Give handicap to all players.
* N - Do not give handicap for the first N players.
"HandicapTopRank" "10"

* Use spectator's levels to calculate handicap level.
* 0 - Handicap does not count levels of spectators.
* 1 - Handicap counts levels of spectators.
"HandicapUseSpectators" "0"

/* ----- [1.5. equip] ----- */

/* Auto reload current level weapon on kill */
"ReloadWeapon" "1"

/* Give player armor on spawn */
"ArmorKevlar" "1"
"ArmorHelmet" "1"

/* Remove additional ammo in bonus weapon on the nade level */
"RemoveBonusWeaponAmmo" "1"

* If remove additional ammo in bonus weapon on the nade level is enabled, then give that bullets count.
* 0 - default clip size
* 1-N - number of bullets
"BonusWeaponAmmo" "50"

* This gives the player a weapon with 50 bullets on nade level.
* Example:
* "NadeBonus" "glock" - gives glock
* "NadeBonus" "deagle" - gives deagle
* "NadeBonus" "" - feature disabled
"NadeBonus" ""

/* Gives a smoke grenade on nade level */
"NadeSmoke" "0"

/* Gives a Flash grenade on nade level */
"NadeFlash" "0"

/* Gives a smoke grenade on knife level */
"KnifeSmoke" "0"

/* Gives a Flash grenade on knife level */
"KnifeFlash" "0"

* Gives an extra hegrenade to the player if they get a kill
* 0 - Disable
* 1 - Enable
* 2 - Enable only for knife kills
"ExtraNade" "0"

/* Gives unlimited hegrenades to the player if he is on nage level */
"UnlimitedNades" "1"

* Enable UnlimitedNades depending on the number of players in team.
* If UnlimitedNades is off and the number of players in one team less or
* equal to UnlimitedNadesMinPlayers then enable UnlimitedNades.
* When it will be more players on both teams, turn UnlimitedNades back to off.
* 0 - Disable
* 1 and above - Minimum number of players in each team for UnlimitedNames to be on.
"UnlimitedNadesMinPlayers" "0"

* Number of nades on the nade level.
* This option is disabled
* if less then 2.
"NumberOfNades" "0"

/* ----- [1.6. multi level] ----- */

/* Multi Level Bonus */
"MultiLevelBonus" "1"

/* Enable God Mode when multi leveled */
"MultiLevelBonusGodMode" "1"

* Custom speed and gravity value multiplier for multi level bonus.
* 0 - Disabled
"MultiLevelBonusGravity" "0.5"
"MultiLevelBonusSpeed" "1.5"

/* Miltilevel visual effect */
"MultiLevelEffect" "1"

/* How much levels is needed to get bonus */
"MultiLevelAmount" "3"

* Type of the multi level effect.
* 1 - Old effect.
* 2 - New effect (default).
"MultilevelEffectType" "2"

/* ----- [1.7. warmup] ----- */

/* Enables Warmup Round*/
"WarmupEnabled" "1"

/* Warmup time length */
"WarmupTimeLength" "35"

* Give random weapon on warmup.
* If you are using WarmupRandomWeaponMode, you can nou use WarmupNades or WarmupWeapon.
* 0 - Disable
* 1 - Random weapon every map
* 2 - Random weapon every round
* 3 - Random weapon every spawn
"WarmupRandomWeaponMode" "1"

* Gives unlimited hegrenades to the player if warmup is enabled.
* If you are using WarmupRandomWeaponMode, you can nou use WarmupNades or WarmupWeapon.
"WarmupNades" "1"

* Weapon for warmup.
* If you are using WarmupRandomWeaponMode, you can nou use WarmupNades or WarmupWeapon.
"WarmupWeapon" ""

/* ===== [2. GUNGAME TK CONFIG] ===== */

* How much levels to loose after TK
* 0 - Disable
* 1..N - Levels to loose
"TkLooseLevel" "1"

/* ===== [3. GUNGAME AFK CONFIG] ===== */

/* Enables or disables built in Afk management system */
"AfkManagement" "1"

/* Kick player on x number of afk deaths. */
"AfkDeaths" "5"

* What action to deal with the player when the maximum is reach?
* 0 = Nothing, 1 = Kick, 2 = Move to spectate,
"AfkAction" "2"

/* Reload current weapon on afk kill. */
"AfkReload" "1"

/* ===== [4. GUNGAME STATS CONFIG] ===== */

* Prune player from player win database after numbers of days if they
* havn't been in the server in awhile. This occur during map change.
* It it recommended that you set a value to this setting. Over time as
* the player win database get filled up. It can cause long map changes.
* 0 = off otherwise the value is the number of days.
"Prune" "366"

/* ===== [5. GUNGAME DISPLAY WINNER CONFIG] ===== */

/* Display winner in MOTD window. */
"DisplayWinnerMotd" "0"

/* URL to display in MOTD window. */
"DisplayWinnerUrl" ""

/* Show player rank on win in chat */
"ShowPlayerRankOnWin" "1"

* If player wins on bot, then dont add win in stats.
* 0 - Add win into stats.
* 1 - Don't add win into stats.
"DontAddWinsOnBot" "0"

/* ===== [6. GUNGAME BOTS CONFIG] ===== */

* Dont use bots levels for handicap calculation.
* Dont give handicap level to bots too.
"HandicapSkipBots" "0"

/* Can bots win the game otherwise when they reach the last weapon and nothing will happen */
"BotsCanWinGame" "1"

/* Allow level up by killing a bot with knife */
"AllowLevelUpByKnifeBot" "1"

/* Allow level up by killing a bot with hegrenade */
"AllowLevelUpByExplodeBot" "1"

/* Allow level up by killing a bot with knife if there is no other human */
"AllowLevelUpByKnifeBotIfNoHuman" "1"

/* Allow level up by killing a bot with hegrenade if there is no other human */
"AllowLevelUpByExplodeBotIfNoHuman" "1"

"IntroSound" "gungame/gungame2.mp3"
"KnifeLevel" "gungame/knife_level.mp3"
"NadeLevel" "gungame/nade_level.mp3"
"LevelSteal" "gungame/smb3_1-up.mp3"
"LevelUp" "gungame/smb3_powerup.mp3"
"LevelDown" "gungame/smb3_powerdown.mp3"
"Triple" "gungame/smb_star.mp3"
"Autoff" "gungame/smb_warning2.mp3"
"MultiKill" "gungame/multikill.mp3" // (*********) VALVE
/* Put each song filename in this list seperated by commas */
"Winner" "gungame/winner.mp3" // (*********) VALVE
"WarmupTimerSound" "gungame/timer.mp3" // (*********) VALVE


// Sets whether or not CS:S DM is enabled.
// --
// Default: "1"
cssdm_enabled "1"

// Sets whether FFA mode is enabled. FFA lets
// players kill teammates for points, without any
// damage reduction or teamkill penalties.
// --
// Default: "0"
cssdm_ffa_enabled "0"

// Sets the CS:S DM spawn method.
// "none" -- Spawn at the normal map spawn points.
// "preset" -- Spawn at a random point from a config file.
// --
// Default: "preset"
cssdm_spawn_method "preset"

// Number of seconds to wait before deleting a ragdoll.
// If 0, ragdoll will be deleted instantly.
// If >=20, ragdoll will never be deleted.
// --
// Default: "2"
cssdm_ragdoll_time "2"

// Number of seconds to wait before respawning a player.
// --
// Default: "0.75"
cssdm_respawn_wait "0.75"

// Whether or not C4 should be allowed. If not allowed,
// It will be removed from the world when dropped and
// stripped from players when they spawn.
// --
// Default: "0"
cssdm_allow_c4 "0"

// Sets whether the equipment plugin is enabled.
// --
// Requires: dm_equipment.smx
// Default: "1"
cssdm_enable_equipment "0"

// Whether or not spawn protection is enabled.
// --
// Requires: sm_spawn_protection.smx
// Default: "1"
cssdm_spawn_protection "1"

// Number of seconds a client is protected for.
// --
// Requires: sm_spawn_protection.smx
// Default: "2"
cssdm_prot_time "3"

// Sets the spawn protection color for CTs.
// Format is "r g b a" (red, green, blue, alpha)
// --
// Requires: sm_spawn_protection.smx
// Default: "0 0 255 50"
cssdm_prot_ctcolor "0 0 255 128"

// Sets the spawn protection color for Ts.
// Format is "r g b a" (red, green, blue, alpha)
// --
// Requires: sm_spawn_protection.smx
// Default: "255 0 0 50"
cssdm_prot_tcolor "255 0 0 128"

// Allow clients to use the "respawn" command.
// Note that this command does not let players respawn before the
// cssdm_respawn_wait time.
// --
// Requires: dm_basics.smx
// Default: "1"
cssdm_respawn_command "1"

// Sets whether CS:S DM should force mapchanges.
// This is useful for Stripper:Source users.
// --
// Requires: dm_basics.smx
// Default: "0"
cssdm_force_mapchanges "1"

// Sets the mapchange file CS:S DM should use.
// This is only needed for cssdm_force_mapchanges.
// --
// Requres: dm_basics.smx
// Default: "mapcycle.txt"
cssdm_mapchange_file "mapcycle.txt"

// Sets whether CS:S DM should automatically refill ammo.
// --
// Requires: dm_basics.smx
// Default: "1"
cssdm_refill_ammo "1"

// Sets how many bots CS:S DM keeps in game. Use this instead
// of bot_quota for managing bots.
// bot_quota should be "0"
// bot_quota_mode should be "normal"
// bot_auto_vacate should be "0"
// --
// Requires: dm_bot_quotas.smx
// Default: "0"
cssdm_bots_balance "6"

// This is an experimental cvar that will prevent CS:S DM from
// removing dropped items. It is recommend that you don't set
// this to 0, because a huge number of weapon entities on the
// ground will cause lag (both server and client-side).
// --
// Default: "1"
cssdm_remove_drops "1"

and if the is anythink els u coud help me with in the cgf files plz do

ikillled is offline
Squirrel of Fortune
Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: Germany
Old 02-20-2018 , 08:19   Re: CS:S gungame help no quake / gungame sounds
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You know that this is the amxmodx section of the forums, so if this request if for cs:s you need to post in the sourcemod section.
Furthermore, if you don't use code or php tags i highly doubt anyone will scroll through this unreadable code.

Mordekay is offline

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