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[Résolu] Modif CmdMenu

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Old 07-16-2008 , 20:41   [Résolu] Modif CmdMenu

Bonjour voilà un petit problème se pose à moi. D'habitude j'arrive à modif tout seul et ca marche mais la j'comprend plus rien ^^

J'ai modif mon speech.ini ou j'ai mit 73 sons. Mais mon speechmenu ne peut en acceuillir que 32. Quand je change

#define MAX_CMDS 32 à 128

J'obtien en titre du amx_speechmenu "yMenu Voix/ParolesR1/8w" au lieu de "Menu Voix/Paroles" et alors seul les mp3 sont joués.

Voilà donc dans le doute je pose la question car quelqu'un doit avoir plus l'habitude que moi ^^, pour que mon menu acceuille beaucoup plus de sons.

Merci pour tout d'avance

/* AMX Mod X
*   Commands Menu Plugin
* by the AMX Mod X Development Team
*  originally developed by OLO
* This file is part of AMX Mod X.
*  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
*  under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
*  Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
*  your option) any later version.
*  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
*  WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
*  General Public License for more details.
*  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
*  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
*  Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
*  In addition, as a special exception, the author gives permission to
*  link the code of this program with the Half-Life Game Engine ("HL
*  Engine") and Modified Game Libraries ("MODs") developed by Valve,
*  L.L.C ("Valve"). You must obey the GNU General Public License in all
*  respects for all of the code used other than the HL Engine and MODs
*  from Valve. If you modify this file, you may extend this exception
*  to your version of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If
*  you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your
*  version.
#include <amxmodx>
#include <amxmisc>
// Precache sounds from speech.ini - comment this line to disable
/* Commands Menus */
new g_cmdMenuName[MAX_CMDS_LAYERS][] =
new g_cmdMenuCmd[MAX_CMDS_LAYERS][] =
new g_cmdMenuCfg[MAX_CMDS_LAYERS][] =
new g_cmdMenuHelp[MAX_CMDS_LAYERS][] =
 "- displays commands menu",
 "- displays configs menu",
 "- displays speech menu"
/* End of Commands Menu */
#define MAX_CMDS    32
#define MAX_CVARS   64
new g_cmdName[MAX_CMDS*MAX_CMDS_LAYERS][32]
new g_cmdCmd[MAX_CMDS*MAX_CMDS_LAYERS][64]
new g_cmdMisc[MAX_CMDS*MAX_CMDS_LAYERS][2]
new g_cmdNum[MAX_CMDS_LAYERS]
new g_cvarNames[MAX_CVARS][32]
new g_cvarMisc[MAX_CVARS][3]
new g_cvarCmd[MAX_CVARS*5][32]
new g_cvarCmdNum
new g_cvarNum
new g_menuPosition[33]
new g_menuSelect[33][64]
new g_menuSelectNum[33]
new g_menuLayer[33]
new g_coloredMenus
public plugin_init()
 register_plugin("Commands Menu", AMXX_VERSION_STR, "AMXX Dev Team")
 new configsDir[64], config[64]
 get_configsdir(configsDir, 63)
 for (new a = 0; a < MAX_CMDS_LAYERS; ++a)
  new MenuName[64]
  format(MenuName, 63, "%L", "en", g_cmdMenuName[a])
  register_menucmd(register_menuid(MenuName), 1023, "actionCmdMenu")
  register_clcmd(g_cmdMenuCmd[a], "cmdCmdMenu", ADMIN_MENU, g_cmdMenuHelp[a])
  format(config, 63, "%s/%s", configsDir, g_cmdMenuCfg[a])
  loadCmdSettings(config, a)
 register_menucmd(register_menuid("Cvars Menu"), 1023, "actionCvarMenu")
 register_clcmd("amx_cvarmenu", "cmdCvarMenu", ADMIN_CVAR, "- displays cvars menu")
 new cvars_ini_file[64];
 format(cvars_ini_file, 63, "%s/%s", configsDir, "cvars.ini");
 g_coloredMenus = colored_menus()
public plugin_precache( )
 new configsDir[64], config[64];
 get_configsdir( configsDir, 63 );
 formatex( config, 63, "%s/%s", configsDir, "speech.ini" );
 new fp = fopen( config, "rt" );   // Read file as text
 if ( ! fp )     // File doesn't exists
  return 0;
 new szText[256];
 new line = 0;
 new szName[32], szSound[128], sndExt[5];
 new field1[32], field2[64], field3[64];
 new fieldNums = 0;
 while ( line < MAX_CMDS && ! feof( fp ) ) // Loop till MAX_CMDS or EOF
  fgets( fp, szText, 255 );               // Store line content
  /* Strips newline */
  new len = strlen( szText );
  if ( len != 0 && szText[len-1] == '^n' )  // len != 0 because if the last line of the file is empty, there's no newline
   szText[--len] = 0;
  if ( len == 0 || szText[0] == ';' || szText[0] == '/' )   // Line is empty or a comment
  parse( szText, szName, 31, szSound, 127 );
  fieldNums = parse( szSound, field1, 31, field2, 63, field3, 63 );
  if ( fieldNums == 2 && field1[0] == 's' )       // .wav (spk)
   copy( szSound, 127, field2 );
   copy( sndExt, 4, ".wav" );
  else if ( fieldNums == 3 && field1[0] == 'm' && ( field2[0] == 'p' || field2[0] == 'l' ) ) // .mp3 (mp3 play | mp3 loop)
   copy( szSound, 127, field3 );
   copy( sndExt, 4, ".mp3" );
  else            // WTH is this sound, drop it.
  replace_all( szSound, 127, "\'", "" );        // Strips all ugly (and sometimes useless) \'
  if ( szSound[0] == '/' )
    replace( szSound, 127, "/", "" );      // Strip leading slash
  if ( sndExt[1] == 'm' || ( ! equali( szSound, "vox", 3 ) && ! equali( szSound, "fvox", 4 ) && ! equali( szSound, "barney", 6 ) && ! equali( szSound, "hgrunt", 6 ) ) )
   // SzSound is a mp3, or a custom wav (not a vox, fvox, or default sound from HL pak)
   if ( !equali( szSound[strlen(szSound)-4], sndExt ) )
    add( szSound, 127, sndExt );   // Add filetype extension if it isn't already specified
   if ( sndExt[1] == 'w' )
    format( szSound, 127, "sound/%s", szSound ); // spk basedir is $moddir/sound, but mp3 play is $moddir, fix this for the file_exists check
   if ( file_exists( szSound ) )
    if ( sndExt[1] == 'm')
     precache_generic( szSound );  // mp3
     replace( szSound, 127, "sound/", "" ); // wav, strip the leading sound/ we added for our file_exists check
     precache_sound( szSound );
 fclose( fp );        // Close file
 return line;
/* Commands menu */
public actionCmdMenu(id, key)
 switch (key)
  case 8: displayCmdMenu(id, ++g_menuPosition[id])
  case 9: displayCmdMenu(id, --g_menuPosition[id])
   new option = g_menuSelect[id][g_menuPosition[id] * 8 + key]
   new flags = g_cmdMisc[option][1]
   if (flags & 1)
    server_cmd("%s", g_cmdCmd[option])
   else if (flags & 2)
    client_cmd(id, "%s", g_cmdCmd[option])
   else if (flags & 4)
    client_cmd(0, "%s", g_cmdCmd[option])
   if (flags & 8)
    displayCmdMenu(id, g_menuPosition[id])
displayCmdMenu(id, pos)
 if (pos < 0)
 new menuBody[512]
 new b = 0
 new start = pos * 8
 if (start >= g_menuSelectNum[id])
  start = pos = g_menuPosition[id] = 0
 new limit = (g_menuSelectNum[id] / 8 + ((g_menuSelectNum[id] % 8)))
 new len = format(menuBody, 511, g_coloredMenus ? "\y%L\R%d/%d^n\w^n" : "%L %d/%d^n^n", id, g_cmdMenuName[g_menuLayer[id]], pos + 1, (limit == 0) ? 1 : limit)
 new end = start + 8
 new keys = MENU_KEY_0
 if (end > g_menuSelectNum[id])
  end = g_menuSelectNum[id]
 for (new a = start; a < end; ++a)
  if (g_cmdCmd[g_menuSelect[id][a]][0] == '-')
   if (g_coloredMenus)
    len += format(menuBody[len], 511-len, "\d%s^n\w", g_cmdName[g_menuSelect[id][a]])
    len += format(menuBody[len], 511-len, "%s^n", g_cmdName[g_menuSelect[id][a]])
  } else {
   keys |= (1<<b)
   len += format(menuBody[len], 511-len, "%d. %s^n", ++b, g_cmdName[g_menuSelect[id][a]])
 if (end != g_menuSelectNum[id])
  format(menuBody[len], 511-len, "^n9. %L...^n0. %L", id, "MORE", id, pos ? "BACK" : "EXIT")
  keys |= MENU_KEY_9
  format(menuBody[len], 511-len, "^n0. %L", id, pos ? "BACK" : "EXIT")
 new MenuName[64]
 format(MenuName, 63, "%L", "en", g_cmdMenuName[g_menuLayer[id]])
 show_menu(id, keys, menuBody, -1, MenuName)
public cmdCmdMenu(id, level, cid)
 if (!cmd_access(id, level, cid, 1))
 new szCmd[32]
 read_argv(0, szCmd, 31)
 new lvl = 0
 while (lvl < MAX_CMDS_LAYERS)
  if (equal(g_cmdMenuCmd[lvl], szCmd))
 g_menuLayer[id] = lvl
 g_menuSelectNum[id] = 0
 new a = lvl * MAX_CMDS
 new d, c = 0
 while (c < g_cmdNum[lvl])
  d = a + c
  if (access(id, g_cmdMisc[d][0]))
   g_menuSelect[id][g_menuSelectNum[id]++] = d
 displayCmdMenu(id, g_menuPosition[id] = 0)
loadCmdSettings(szFilename[], level)
 if (!file_exists(szFilename)) 
  return 0
 new text[256], szFlags[32], szAccess[32]
 new a, pos = 0, c, d = level * MAX_CMDS
 while (g_cmdNum[level] < MAX_CMDS && read_file(szFilename, pos++, text, 255, a))
  if (text[0] == ';') continue
  c = d + g_cmdNum[level]
  if (parse(text, g_cmdName[c], 31, g_cmdCmd[c], 63, szFlags, 31, szAccess, 31) > 3)
   while (replace(g_cmdCmd[c], 63, "\'", "^""))
    // do nothing
   g_cmdMisc[c][1] = read_flags(szFlags)
   g_cmdMisc[c][0] = read_flags(szAccess)
 return 1
/* Cvars menu */
public actionCvarMenu(id, key)
 switch (key)
  case 8: displayCvarMenu(id, ++g_menuPosition[id])
  case 9: displayCvarMenu(id, --g_menuPosition[id])
   new option = g_menuSelect[id][g_menuPosition[id] * 8 + key]
   new szValue[32]
   get_cvar_string(g_cvarNames[option], szValue, 31)
   new end = g_cvarMisc[option][2]
   new start = g_cvarMisc[option][1]
   for (new i = start; ; ++i)
    if (i < end)
     if (equal(szValue, g_cvarCmd[i]))
      if (++i >= end)
       i = start
      set_cvar_string(g_cvarNames[option], g_cvarCmd[i])
    } else {
     set_cvar_string(g_cvarNames[option], g_cvarCmd[start])
   displayCvarMenu(id, g_menuPosition[id])
displayCvarMenu(id, pos)
 if (pos < 0)
 new menuBody[512]
 new b = 0
 new start = pos * 8
 if (start >= g_menuSelectNum[id])
  start = pos = g_menuPosition[id] = 0
 new len = format(menuBody, 511, g_coloredMenus ? "\yCvars Menu\R%d/%d^n\w^n" : "Cvars Menu %d/%d^n^n", pos + 1, (g_menuSelectNum[id] / 8 + ((g_menuSelectNum[id] % 8) ? 1 : 0)))
 new end = start + 8
 new keys = MENU_KEY_0
 new szValue[64]
 if (end > g_menuSelectNum[id])
  end = g_menuSelectNum[id]
 for (new a = start; a < end; ++a)
  get_cvar_string(g_cvarNames[g_menuSelect[id][a]], szValue, 31)
  keys |= (1<<b)
  if (g_coloredMenus)
   len += format(menuBody[len], 511-len, "%d. %s\R%s^n\w", b, g_cvarNames[g_menuSelect[id][a]], szValue)
   len += format(menuBody[len], 511-len, "%d. %s    %s^n", b, g_cvarNames[g_menuSelect[id][a]], szValue)
 if (end != g_menuSelectNum[id])
  format(menuBody[len], 511-len, "^n9. %L...^n0. %L", id, "MORE", id, pos ? "BACK" : "EXIT")
  keys |= MENU_KEY_9
  format(menuBody[len], 511-len, "^n0. %L", id, pos ? "BACK" : "EXIT")
 show_menu(id, keys, menuBody)
public cmdCvarMenu(id, level, cid)
 if (!cmd_access(id, level, cid, 1))
 g_menuSelectNum[id] = 0
 for (new a = 0; a < g_cvarNum; ++a)
  if (access(id, g_cvarMisc[a][0]))
   g_menuSelect[id][g_menuSelectNum[id]++] = a
 displayCvarMenu(id, g_menuPosition[id] = 0)
 if (!file_exists(szFilename)) 
  return 0
 new text[256], szValues[12][32]
 new inum, a, pos = 0
 new cvar_values = MAX_CVARS * 5
 // a b c d
 while (g_cvarNum < MAX_CVARS && read_file(szFilename, pos++, text, 255, a))
  if (text[0] == ';') continue
  inum = parse(text, g_cvarNames[g_cvarNum], 31, 
  szValues[0], 31, szValues[1], 31, szValues[2], 31, 
  szValues[3], 31, szValues[4], 31, szValues[5], 31, 
  szValues[6], 31, szValues[7], 31, szValues[8], 31, 
  szValues[9], 31, szValues[10], 31, szValues[11], 31)
  inum -= 2
  if (inum < 2) continue
  g_cvarMisc[g_cvarNum][1] = g_cvarCmdNum
  for (a = 0; a < inum && g_cvarCmdNum < cvar_values; ++a)
   while (replace(szValues[a], 31, "\'", "^""))
    // do nothing
   copy(g_cvarCmd[g_cvarCmdNum], 31, szValues[a])
  g_cvarMisc[g_cvarNum][2] = g_cvarCmdNum
  g_cvarMisc[g_cvarNum][0] = read_flags(szValues[inum])
 return 1

Last edited by die-demoneye; 05-15-2009 at 09:18.
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Old 07-19-2008 , 10:21   Re: Modif CmdMenu

Installe amxx1.8.1, y'a plus de limite du nombre de sons, du nombre de commandes, du nombre de maps, du nombre d'admins etc...
- tired and retired -

- my plugins -
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Old 07-22-2008 , 06:40   Re: Modif CmdMenu

Aurais tu un lien s'il te plait pour le télécharger ? Merci
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Old 07-22-2008 , 07:23   Re: Modif CmdMenu
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Old 11-27-2010 , 09:36   Re: [Résolu] Modif CmdMenu

En fait tu dis qu'il n'y pas de limitation cependant dans le cmdmenu on trouve:

ligne 43 : #define MAX_CMDS_LAYERS 3


ligne 75 : #define MAX_CMDS 32
ligne 76 : #define MAX_CVARS 48

Du coup que faut il changer afin de ne pas être limité dans le menu des sons (je precise que c'est le cmdmenu de la version 1.8.2 dev) ?
Je penche pour le nombre maximum de commandes. Mais n'y aurait il pas autre chose aussi ?
KiKoo et Bisous

Last edited by Tiny; 11-30-2010 at 09:32.
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Old 11-30-2010 , 09:17   Re: [Résolu] Modif CmdMenu

Possibilité que quelqu'un jette un coup d'œil au sma ?
KiKoo et Bisous
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