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[TF2] Player Ranks

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Old 04-10-2014 , 21:23   Re: [TF2] Player Ranks
Reply With Quote #111

I would be awesome if you could add a bonus (+0.33%) for Melee kills and Deflected rockets/arrows/stuff

Also you could add a +0.05% for every kill without dying (killstreak).

Awesome plugin, I was using TF2 Stats, but I'm starting to use this in my 3 servers, thanks!

Edit: after using it a bit, I like and I have another little request (sorry lol) a separate cvar for the new message about joining team, connect, desconnect etc. I love the connect message, but in a really big team, the chat gets spamed in asymmetric maps (where it changes team between rounds).

Last edited by ClassicGuzzi; 04-11-2014 at 01:46.
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Old 04-15-2014 , 13:14   Re: [TF2] Player Ranks
Reply With Quote #112

Some features that would be nice, and would like are:

Kill Death Ratio calculation...?

Ability to disable Round Bonuses all together

Cleaner "Rankme" text (EG: Points, Rank, Kills, Death, KDR, Time Played, Domination/ed, ignoring Assists, headshots, backstabs, feigned deaths, flags, points and round played... This may be possible using a Menu, but with the smaller amount of text, it should be fine in chat (Will most likely modify the plugin to do this myself, depending if i can find it ))

"Rankme" being changed to "Rank" (I feel like rankme is weird... (Again, will most likely modify for myself)), possibly replacing it with a "top" fashioned command?

Deaths will result in a loss of points (Meaning that it's easier to catch up!)

"Session" command, which will show stats from current session (Tracking either Map or or total play time, which is easier )

Oh and a config file for all the cvar's? --- (Maybe get the mod to generate the file w/ default values if it doesn't exist, since they already have em?)

(These are features that would interest me in running a TFDB server :>, but may come in handy within other game modes.)

Please, and thank you ;)
ğUnAUĞ UnknownAU ğUnAUĞ
A Proud Australian TFDodgeball Server!

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Old 04-15-2014 , 16:46   Re: [TF2] Player Ranks
Reply With Quote #113

Originally Posted by Nikey646 View Post
Some features that would be nice, and would like are:

Kill Death Ratio calculation...?

Ability to disable Round Bonuses all together

Cleaner "Rankme" text (EG: Points, Rank, Kills, Death, KDR, Time Played, Domination/ed, ignoring Assists, headshots, backstabs, feigned deaths, flags, points and round played... This may be possible using a Menu, but with the smaller amount of text, it should be fine in chat (Will most likely modify the plugin to do this myself, depending if i can find it ))

"Rankme" being changed to "Rank" (I feel like rankme is weird... (Again, will most likely modify for myself)), possibly replacing it with a "top" fashioned command?

Deaths will result in a loss of points (Meaning that it's easier to catch up!)

"Session" command, which will show stats from current session (Tracking either Map or or total play time, which is easier )

Oh and a config file for all the cvar's? --- (Maybe get the mod to generate the file w/ default values if it doesn't exist, since they already have em?)

(These are features that would interest me in running a TFDB server :>, but may come in handy within other game modes.)

Please, and thank you ;)
Have you used the plugin? Some of this suggestions are already implemented and functioning in the plugin.

It does shows a k/d ratio.
You can disable round bonuses; review the cfg file that was generated and make changes there.
The rankme text is clean enough; the issue with using a menu is they cannot display much of anything before there is horrible line wrapping else I would have gone this route.
You don't have to use rankme, you can do !rank and then select your name.
I personally don't feel deaths should remove points at all.... I feel this would be a horrible system; some people play just to get to insane scores. (you can modify the plugin to your liking however). I usually reset ranks monthly and might go far enough to implement this feature in the plugin at a later date.
I don't feel a session command would be very useful; it already displays points that you have earned for the current round.
A config file is created if it does not exist.

Last edited by Aderic; 04-15-2014 at 17:04. Reason: Reordered list
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Old 04-16-2014 , 04:37   Re: [TF2] Player Ranks
Reply With Quote #114

Originally Posted by Aderic View Post
Have you used the plugin? Some of this suggestions are already implemented and functioning in the plugin.

It does shows a k/d ratio.
You can disable round bonuses; review the cfg file that was generated and make changes there.
The rankme text is clean enough; the issue with using a menu is they cannot display much of anything before there is horrible line wrapping else I would have gone this route.
You don't have to use rankme, you can do !rank and then select your name.
I personally don't feel deaths should remove points at all.... I feel this would be a horrible system; some people play just to get to insane scores. (you can modify the plugin to your liking however). I usually reset ranks monthly and might go far enough to implement this feature in the plugin at a later date.
I don't feel a session command would be very useful; it already displays points that you have earned for the current round.
A config file is created if it does not exist.
I was messing around with it quickly , Sorry about suggesting feautres already implemented that i couldn't find ^_^

I couldn't find the config file, Either i was looking in the wrong location, or i'm blind ^_^ (Checked tf/cfg, and tf/addons/sourcemod/config) -- Scratch this (Didn't check tf/cfg/sourcemod ;()
While messing around i wasn't able to get it to give me a rank (May have been because i was testing on a listen server), which may have been why i was unable to find the KDR. -- KDR now shows in /rankme, When testing it, they previously weren't scratch this xD
The Rankme text fills the chat up to the brink, which is why i suggested a slimmed down version (While maintaining the Full version). I just generally dislike plugins that spam the chat to the point where it's no longer usable ;(
About that, my name wasn't appearing on it at all. I assumed that it was because i had less then 10 points, is that meant to be (Was testing w/ a bot and required players = 0) -- Scratch this x.x Further testing today has put me on the list?
That is perfectly fine, but if an option was implemented like that it could default to 0, meaning no points are lost. Insane scores are still quite possible, but because TFDB is based off of Arena, it gives the player a drive to not want to die, due to losing some of their points and having to wait for a chance to regain them (imo)
Again, With TFDB being Arena based, rounds are short, generally less then 2 minutes...which means the Round Points will be for a much shorter period (Altho, i do like that feature, gives you an easy way to see how many points you earned)
Well then...Off to find that config file! -- Scratch this

sorry for wasting some of your time! and thank you for replying (:
ğUnAUĞ UnknownAU ğUnAUĞ
A Proud Australian TFDodgeball Server!

Last edited by Nikey646; 04-16-2014 at 05:04.
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Old 04-16-2014 , 09:58   Re: [TF2] Player Ranks
Reply With Quote #115

Originally Posted by Nikey646 View Post
I was messing around with it quickly , Sorry about suggesting feautres already implemented that i couldn't find ^_^

I couldn't find the config file, Either i was looking in the wrong location, or i'm blind ^_^ (Checked tf/cfg, and tf/addons/sourcemod/config) -- Scratch this (Didn't check tf/cfg/sourcemod ;()
While messing around i wasn't able to get it to give me a rank (May have been because i was testing on a listen server), which may have been why i was unable to find the KDR. -- KDR now shows in /rankme, When testing it, they previously weren't scratch this xD
The Rankme text fills the chat up to the brink, which is why i suggested a slimmed down version (While maintaining the Full version). I just generally dislike plugins that spam the chat to the point where it's no longer usable ;(
About that, my name wasn't appearing on it at all. I assumed that it was because i had less then 10 points, is that meant to be (Was testing w/ a bot and required players = 0) -- Scratch this x.x Further testing today has put me on the list?
That is perfectly fine, but if an option was implemented like that it could default to 0, meaning no points are lost. Insane scores are still quite possible, but because TFDB is based off of Arena, it gives the player a drive to not want to die, due to losing some of their points and having to wait for a chance to regain them (imo)
Again, With TFDB being Arena based, rounds are short, generally less then 2 minutes...which means the Round Points will be for a much shorter period (Altho, i do like that feature, gives you an easy way to see how many points you earned)
Well then...Off to find that config file! -- Scratch this

sorry for wasting some of your time! and thank you for replying (:
It's cool.
My time is not wasted; but to answer some questions:

The config file will be located in tf\cfg\sourcemod\playerranks.cfg.

About the drive to not die; That's kind of what the K/D ratio is for, deaths are still recorded and tracked along with kills, a K/D ratio of less than 1.0 means you've died more than you've killed which is pretty bad... and for you to have a good K/D ratio somebody else has to have a bad or lesser one.

To kind of explain the Player Ranks saving system:
Your name will always appear in the !rank list, even if you have less than 10 points. The 10 point minimum CVAR is just to stop a thousand players getting ranked in your database for playing a tiny amount of time. It essentially only affects saving to the DB, however bots will never be saved to the database, they can optionally be hidden from the !rank listing via the CVAR.

Player Ranks should operate just fine, even on a listening server.

I hope this helps clarify a couple of things,

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Old 04-16-2014 , 13:38   Re: [TF2] Player Ranks
Reply With Quote #116

Originally Posted by Aderic View Post
It's cool.
My time is not wasted; but to answer some questions:

The config file will be located in tf\cfg\sourcemod\playerranks.cfg.

About the drive to not die; That's kind of what the K/D ratio is for, deaths are still recorded and tracked along with kills, a K/D ratio of less than 1.0 means you've died more than you've killed which is pretty bad... and for you to have a good K/D ratio somebody else has to have a bad or lesser one.

To kind of explain the Player Ranks saving system:
Your name will always appear in the !rank list, even if you have less than 10 points. The 10 point minimum CVAR is just to stop a thousand players getting ranked in your database for playing a tiny amount of time. It essentially only affects saving to the DB, however bots will never be saved to the database, they can optionally be hidden from the !rank listing via the CVAR.

Player Ranks should operate just fine, even on a listening server.

I hope this helps clarify a couple of things,

Yup, found it, just not used to configs going there.. lol

That's fair, I use KDR as more of a number, rather then the drive, because imo, there is nothing wrong with a 0.000001 KDR, as long as i'm having fun! The problem with TFDB, is that It's arena based, and there are no respawns (generally, because the maps are made in arena), which means for a newbie maintaining a positive KDR is going to be hard, since you are attempting to reflect rockets (Something not commonly done in normal servers) which get faster and faster. That's why i wanted to take away the drive to not die, from the KDR. I'll have a shot at implemented it myself tho (: (That is going to end horribly tho, because i don't code in Source Pawn xD)

With Saving/ Listen Server, it seems to have been something to do with using sm plugins load playerranks, rather then restarting the server (It also couldn't create the database correctly the first time i loaded it, for update #3, but unloading and re-loading it fixed that)

Edit: I'll just put this here

It seems, that when a players stats are loaded from the top menu, that if they are offline you return, but later on you have code handling them being offline or online (Getting it live from the player, or getting it from the database, for total play time), You also have Dominations and Total Time Played under "isTF2" check, but both of those (in theory) should be in CS:S and CS:GO, atleast...?
ğUnAUĞ UnknownAU ğUnAUĞ
A Proud Australian TFDodgeball Server!

Last edited by Nikey646; 04-21-2014 at 11:32. Reason: Adding a possible bug
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Old 04-29-2014 , 02:11   Re: [TF2] Player Ranks
Reply With Quote #117

Here is a small Migration script for converting the SQLite Database to MySQL, to save people time and trouble of trying to migrate it themselves, or having to reset your ranks because of the change.

This is a 100% process, with the only requirement is that it has a MySQL User, w/ All Permissions (Recommended to be deleted/modified afterwards to remove unrequired permissions). Assuming the sql.json provided is upto date, it can create the table's from scratch. It can also even create the database if it doesn't exist (Some shared hosting environments will have problems with that!)

This isn't a 100% full proof script, but in most cases it should work...I say should because the largest database i've tested it with was 38 players...(If someone has a larger database, and don't mind sharing it with me, so i can test and improve the script, that would be wonderful~)

The script is best run through console. I've provided an example Batch file to run it through console (You will need to change the location of php.exe in there, linux users will need to do some magical linux like things), however the script also works as a web page. The console just shows information in real time, while the html page will wait until it's finished executing before showing you.

You will need to configure the settings array inside of settings.php...Everything is fairly self explantory and it has comments! The main convert.php file also has Comments, but only people who understand php should look at that, i did make it in a rush xD



Some More Information

Uhh, i think thats all ^_^
Instant Edit: This is for a php environment and requires the PDO Extension!
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File Type: zip SQLite to MySQL Migration (4.5 KB, 153 views)

Last edited by Nikey646; 04-29-2014 at 02:11.
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Old 04-29-2014 , 09:21   Re: [TF2] Player Ranks
Reply With Quote #118

Originally Posted by Nikey646 View Post
It seems, that when a players stats are loaded from the top menu, that if they are offline you return, but later on you have code handling them being offline or online (Getting it live from the player, or getting it from the database, for total play time), You also have Dominations and Total Time Played under "isTF2" check, but both of those (in theory) should be in CS:S and CS:GO, atleast...?
I didn't get a bump from your edit but to answer your question; the isTF2 check is to ensure safety in the event that this plugin ever becomes usable for other games. I wanted the stats sent to the player in a specific order and it just so happened that these two things you mentioned fall in the isTF2 check.

I have CS:S but have only played like 20 minutes of it in my life, haven't touched CS:GO so this plugin is completely untested (and not designed) for anything that isn't TF2.

I would like to (in the future) write this plugin to be compatible with these other games but in order to do that I would have to have the games to test it on.... I don't really have an interest in CS:S or CS:GO so for the time being just look at the plugin as a TF2 plugin.
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Old 05-05-2014 , 10:47   Re: [TF2] Player Ranks
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Looks intresting, from the screenshot it shows the points as 2,505.99 is there anyway to have them as 2,505 instead?
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Old 05-05-2014 , 11:50   Re: [TF2] Player Ranks
Reply With Quote #120

Originally Posted by DrFallen View Post
Looks intresting, from the screenshot it shows the points as 2,505.99 is there anyway to have them as 2,505 instead?
This plugin does everything in decimals, which is why it shows that.

If you want to make a change like this you'd probably want to open the source code and replace all references of %.2f with %.f wouldn't be a hard edit, should literally just take pressing CTRL+R and click replace-all.
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